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An ANE OR/TA Project qualitative study conducted in 1995 probed into women’s perceptions of abortion in Egypt, and the stress that postabortion patients experience during recovery. That study drew attention to the important role husbands can play in their wives’ recovery and subsequent use of contraception. This study was designed to test the effects of involving husbands in the postabortion medical-care process. Overall, the study indicates that providing counseling to husbands of postabortion patients is feasible, as the majority of husbands either accompanied their wife on admission or at discharge from the hospital. However, administrative changes are needed to enhance the effects of counseling and encourage greater husband involvement. Family planning services should be offered on the postabortion ward. Moreover, the physical setup at the ob/gyn ward may need to be changed to allow for the presence of husbands without causing inconvenience to other women. As this report states, counseling of husbands is acceptable to both postabortion patients and their husbands. With due consideration to procedures that ensure the patient’s right to privacy, counseling husbands of postabortion patients should be considered as an element of other postabortion-care services.






Asia & Near East Operations Research and Technical Assistance Project
