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Since 1987, the Family Planning Association of Kenya (FPAK) has operated two youth centers, one in Nairobi and the other in Mombasa. The centers target unmarried youth aged 10–24 and their primary objective is reduction in incidence of sexual and reproductive-health-related problems. These centers offer recreational and sports facilities, counseling services, including reproductive health (RH) information, limited RH services, and referrals. In 1996, FPAK undertook a systematic evaluation of its youth-center program including a situation analysis of the centers, a survey in their catchment areas, and an analysis of program costs. The main strength of the program was found to be its network of youth promoters and coordinators, who reached large numbers of youth through educational activities. A negative attitude toward adolescent sexual activity was found to be pervasive among youth center staff, however if retrained they could be an inexpensive and effective means of delivering nonprescriptive contraceptives. Investing in staff would reduce high rates of attrition among volunteers and cost of recruitment and training. As noted in this report, there is need for improvement in the youth centers, however FPAK has shown considerable commitment to meeting RH needs of adolescents in Kenya.




