"Early marriage and HIV/AIDS: Risk factors among young women in India" by K.G. Santhya and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy

Early marriage and HIV/AIDS: Risk factors among young women in India

Document Type

Article (peer-reviewed)

Publication Date



Available programmatic sexual and reproductive health initiatives have focused disproportionately on the unmarried and on premarital sexual activity. Married young people have received little attention as a vulnerable group with distinct needs because marriage is assumed to be safe and because married adolescents and young people are assumed to face none of the stigma that their unmarried counterparts experience in accessing sexual and reproductive health services. Emerging evidence highlights that neither of these assumptions are tenable. Within the sub-population of young people, married young women constitute a group with distinct risks of human immunodeficiency virus and face a host of obstacles in making informed sexual and reproductive health decisions.


