Submissions from 2004
Integrating adolescent livelihood activities within a reproductive health programme for urban slum dwellers in India, Mary Philip Sebastian, Monica J. Grant, and Barbara Mensch
Transitions to adulthood in the context of AIDS in South Africa: The impact of exposure to life skills education on adolescent knowledge, skills, and behavior, The Transitions to Adulthood Study Team
Improving the reproductive health of youth in Mexico, Ricardo Vernon and Maricela Dura
How indicators of socioeconomic status relate to physical functioning of older adults in three Asian societies, Zachary Zimmer, Napaporn Chayovan, Hui-Sheng Lin, and Josefina N. Natividad
Socioeconomic status and health among older adults in rural and urban China, Zachary Zimmer and Julia Kwong
Submissions from 2003
Completing the fertility transition in the developing world: The role of educational differences and fertility preferences, John Bongaarts
Completing the fertility transition in the developing world: The role of educational differences and fertility preferences, John Bongaarts
Completing the fertility transition in the developing world: The role of educational differences and fertility preferences [Arabic], John Bongaarts
« Mon père pensait autrement » : des garçons nigérians réfléchissent à l'égalité entre les sexes, Françoise Girard
My father didn't think this way': Nigerian boys contemplate gender equality, Françoise Girard
The Colors of Change: Participation in School Upgrading in Egypt [Arabic], Linda Herrera
The impact of educational quality on school exit in Egypt, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Sahar El Tawila, Wesley H. Clark, and Barbara Mensch
Primary schooling in sub-Saharan Africa: Recent trends and current challenges, Cynthia B. Lloyd and Paul C. Hewett
Gender-role attitudes among Egyptian adolescents, Barbara Mensch, Barbara L. Ibrahim, Susan M. Lee, and Omaima El-Gibaly
Marriage in transition: Evidence on age, education, and assets from six developing countries, Agnes R. Quisumbing and Kelly Hallman
Marriage in transition: Evidence on age, education, and assets from six developing countries [Arabic], Agnes R. Quisumbing and Kelly Hallman
Sexual and reproductive health needs of married adolescent girls, K.G. Santhya and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy
Schooling opportunities for girls as a stimulus for fertility change in rural Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Cem Mete, and Minhaj ul Haque
Adolescents and Youth in Pakistan 2001-2002: A Nationally Representative Survey, Zeba Sathar, Minhaj ul Haque, Azeema Faizunnissa, Munawar Sultana, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Judith A. Diers, and Monica J. Grant
Education, income, and functional limitation transitions among American adults: Contrasting onset and progression, Zachary Zimmer and James S. House
Submissions from 2002
Universal sexuality education in Mongolia: Educating today to protect tomorrow, Delia Barcelona, Laura Laski, and Caitlin Gerdts
Kenia: Sensibilizar a comunidades para que realicen ritos alternativos de iniciación con las niños, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya: Community sensitization must precede alternative coming-of-age rite, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Microfinance and households coping with HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe: An exploratory study, Horizons Program
The effect of gender differences in primary school access, type, and quality on the decision to enroll in rural Pakistan, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Cem Mete, and Zeba Sathar
Capacitación y apoyo de científicos en población de países en desarrollo: Un informe de panel—Resumen y recomendaciones, Jane Menken, Ann K. Blanc, and Cynthia B. Lloyd
Formation et soutien pour les scientifiques démographiques des pays en développement: Rapport du groupe d'experts—Sommaire et recommandations, Jane Menken, Ann K. Blanc, and Cynthia B. Lloyd
Training and support of developing-country population scientists: A panel report—Summary and recommendations, Jane Menken, Ann K. Blanc, and Cynthia B. Lloyd
Submissions from 2001
South Africa: Providers should encourage sexually active youth to use condoms, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
South Africa: Who uses youth centers and why?, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Zambia: Los educadores juveniles pueden promover comportamientos sexuales más seguros, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Zambia: Peer educators can promote safer sex behaviors, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Determinants of educational attainment among adolescents in Egypt: Does school quality make a difference?, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Sahar El Tawila, Wesley H. Clark, and Barbara Mensch
Determinants of educational attainment among adolescents in Egypt: Does school quality make a difference? [Arabic], Cynthia B. Lloyd, Sahar El Tawila, Wesley H. Clark, and Barbara Mensch
Transitions to adulthood in the context of AIDS in South Africa: Report of Wave I, Naomi Rutenberg, Cathrien Kehus-Alons, Lisanne Brown, Kate Macintyre, Anthea Dallimore, and Carol E. Kaufman
Reducing HIV infection among youth: What can schools do? Key baseline findings from Mexico, South Africa, and Thailand, Holley Stewart, Ann P. McCauley, Simon Baker, Martha Givaudan, Shegs James, Iwin Leenen, Susan Pick, Priscilla Reddy, Usasinee Rewthong, Patchara Rumakom, and Dilys Walker
Whose education counts? The impact of grown children's education on the physical functioning of their parents in Taiwan, Zachary Zimmer, Albert I. Hermalin, and Hui-Sheng Lin
Submissions from 2000
The effects of schooling incentive programs on household resource allocation in Bangladesh, Mary Arends-Kuenning and Sajeda Amin
Greater investments in children through women's empowerment: A key to demographic change in Pakistan?, Valerie L. Durrant and Zeba Sathar
The School Environment in Egypt: A Situation Analysis of Public Preparatory Schools, Sahar El Tawila, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Barbara Mensch, Hind Wassef, Zeinab Gamal, Wesley H. Clark, and Rania Sakr
The School Environment in Egypt: A Situation Analysis of Public Preparatory Schools [Arabic], Sahar El Tawila, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Barbara Mensch, Hind Wassef, Zeinab Gamal, Wesley H. Clark, and Rania Sakr
Egipto: Los proveedores de servicios de planificación deben motivar a sus clientas a hablar de sus problemas de sexualidad, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypte: Développer l'accès aux soins après avortement, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypte: Les prestataires de service de planification familiale doivent encourage les discussions sur les problèmes sexuels, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypt: Expand access to postabortion care, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypt: Family planning providers should encourage clients to discuss sexual problems, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Mali: Empower health workers to advocate against female genital cutting, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Mali: FGC excisors persist despite entreaties, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Mali: Les exciseuses persistent malgré les supplications, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Mali: Pour une plus grande responsabilisation des agents de santé dans le plaidoyer contre l'excision, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood in South Africa, Carol E. Kaufman, Thea de Wet, and Jonathan Stadler
Peer education and HIV/AIDS: Past experience, future directions, Deanna Kerrigan and Ellen Weiss
Adolescents and reproductive health in Pakistan: A literature review, Ayesha Khan
Schooling opportunities for girls as a stimulus for fertility change in rural Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Cem Mete, and Minhaj ul Haque
Submissions from 1999
The spread of primary schooling in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for fertility change, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Carol E. Kaufman, and Paul C. Hewett
Premarital sex and school dropout in Kenya: Can schools make a difference?, Barbara Mensch, Wesley H. Clark, Cynthia B. Lloyd, and Annabel Erulkar
The quantity-quality transition in Asia, Mark R. Montgomery, Mary Arends-Kuenning, and Cem Mete
Implementing A Reproductive Health Agenda in India: The Beginning, Saroj Pachauri
Submissions from 1998
Incentive schemes for school attendance in rural Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin and Gilda Sedgh
The effects of primary school quality on the educational participation and attainment of Kenyan girls and boys, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Barbara Mensch, and Wesley H. Clark
The Uncharted Passage: Girls' Adolescence in the Developing World, Barbara Mensch, Judith Bruce, and Margaret E. Greene
Workshop on youth across Asia, John Townsend, Ann P. McCauley, and Kokila Agarwal
Submissions from 1997
Schooling and the experience of adolescents in Kenya, Ayorinde Ajayi, Wesley H. Clark, Annabel Erulkar, Karin Hyde, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Barbara Mensch, Cecilia Ndeti, Barry Ravitch, Elisabeth Masiga, and Shiprah Gichaga
Gender differences in the schooling experiences of adolescents in low-income countries: The case of Kenya, Barbara Mensch and Cynthia B. Lloyd
The Youth Empowerment Project: Strengthening NGO Management, Research and Service Delivery Capabilities in Botswana, Mercy Rapelesega and Naomi Rutenberg
Submissions from 1996
Adolescent family life education: Review of curriculum, Ladly Faiz, Hasina Banu, and Devi Sharma
Gente Joven: Un diálogo sobre la sexualidad con adolescentes mexicanos, Magaly Marques, John M. Paxman, and Judith Bruce
Submissions from 1995
Lessons learned from a community-based distribution programme in rural Bihar, S. Parveen, M.E. Khan, John Townsend, and Bella C. Patel
Submissions from 1993
Gente Joven/Young People: A dialogue on sexuality with adolescents in Mexico, Magaly Marques, John M. Paxman, and Judith Bruce
Submissions from 1986
Socioeconomic Indicators of Women's Status in Developing Countries, 1970–1980, Constantina Safilios-Rothschild