
Submissions from 2012


Using data to see and select the most vulnerable adolescent girls, Sarah Engebretsen


Filles Eveillées ('Girls awakened'): A pilot program for migrant adolescent girls in domestic service in urban Burkina Faso, Sarah Engebretsen, Gisele Kaboré, and Leah Jarvis


Filles Eveillées : Programme pilote pour adolescentes migrantes employées de maison au Burkina Faso urbain, Sarah Engebretsen, Gisele Kaboré, and Leah Jarvis


De la recherche à la conception programmatique et à la mise en oeuvre : Programmation à l'intention des filles des milieux ruraux d'Éthiopie—Boîte à outils du praticien, Annabel Erulkar


Berhane Hewan ('Light for Eve'): Increasing opportunities to delay marriage and promote schooling, Annabel Erulkar and Eunice N. Muthengi


Évaluation de processus : Programme Filles eveillées pour adolescentes migrantes employées de maison au Burkina Faso urbain 2012, Leah Jarvis and Gisele Kaboré


Process evaluation: The Filles Eveillées ('Girls awakened') program for migrant adolescent girls in domestic service in urban Burkina Faso, Leah Jarvis and Gisele Kaboré


Belize coverage exercise study: Assessing the status to build a portfolio of targeted interventions for vulnerable girls, Joint UN Programme of Adolescent Girls


Réseaux sociaux et les capacités financières des filles employées de maison à Bobo-Dioulasso, Gisele Kaboré


Priorités pour l'éducation des adolescentes, Cynthia B. Lloyd


Priorities for adolescent girls' education, Cynthia B. Lloyd


Increasing opportunities to delay marriage and promote schooling: Results from a baseline survey in rural Tanzania, Eunice N. Muthengi and Annabel Erulkar


Improving education, Population Council


Relationship between mobility, violence and HIV/STI among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India, Sowmya Ramesh, Deepika Ganju, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Ram Manohar Mishra, and Niranjan Saggurti


The cost of reaching the most disadvantaged girls: Programmatic evidence from Egypt, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda, Jessica Sewall-Menon, Judith Bruce, Karen Austrian, Raven Brown, Jennifer Catino, Alejandra Colom, Angel del Valle, Habtamu Demele, Annabel Erulkar, Kelly Hallman, Eva Roca, and Nadia Zibani


Community norms about youth condom use in Western Kenya: Is transition occurring?, Paula Tavrow, Eunice N. Muthengi, Albert Obbuyi, and Vidalyne Omollo


The power of girls' schooling for young women's empowerment and reproductive health, Batool Zaidi, Zeba Sathar, Minhaj ul Haque, and Fareeha Zafar

Submissions from 2011


Empowering adolescent girls in rural Bangladesh: Kishori Abhijan, Sajeda Amin


Enhancing the benefits of girls' livelihood initiatives, Sajeda Amin


Les programmes de lutte contre le mariage des enfants : cerner le problème, Sajeda Amin


Programs to address child marriage: Framing the problem, Sajeda Amin


Abordar la violencia sexual basada en el género (SGBV) contra niñas adolescentes, Sajeda Amin and Althea D. Anderson


Addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against adolescent girls, Sajeda Amin and Althea D. Anderson


Costos del matrimonio—Negociaciones maritales en países en vías de desarrollo, Sajeda Amin and Ashish Bajracharya


Costs of marriage—Marriage transactions in the developing world, Sajeda Amin and Ashish Bajracharya


Les coûts du mariage—les transactions matrimoniales dans le monde en développement, Sajeda Amin and Ashish Bajracharya


When girls' lives matter: Ending forced and early marriage in Cameroon, Sajeda Amin and Andrea Lynch


Élargir l'accès des adolescentes aux espaces sécurisés, à l'éducation financière et aux produits d'épargne au Kenya, Karen Austrian


Expanding safe spaces, financial education, and savings for adolescent girls in Kenya, Karen Austrian


Safe and smart savings products for vulnerable adolescent girls in Kenya and Uganda: Results from the Uganda pilot evaluation, Karen Austrian


Conception d'un programme centré sur les filles : Boîte à outils pour l'elaboration, le renforcement et l'expansion de programmes destinés aux adolescentes, Karen Austrian and Dennitah Ghati


Diseño de un Programa Centrado en las Niñas: Un juego de herramientas para desarrollar, fortalecer y expandir programas para niñas adolescentes, Karen Austrian and Dennitah Ghati


Creación de 'espacios seguros' para niñas adolescentes, Wendy Baldwin


Creating 'safe spaces' for adolescent girls, Wendy Baldwin


HIV infection and schooling experiences of adolescents in Uganda, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare Onyango, Anne Katahoire, and David Kibenge


Le travail des femmes dans le secteur agricole: Entre précarité et empowerment—Cas de trois régions en Egypte, au Maroc et en Tunisie, Zhour Bouzidi, Saker El Nour, and Wided Moumen


Ampliación de programas para adolescentes vulnerables: Experiencias, entendimientos y evidencia, Martha Brady


Calling attention to young adolescents: Building the evidence base to inform policies and programs, Martha Brady


Leveling the playing field: Building girls' sports programs and creating new opportunities, Martha Brady


Taking programs for vulnerable adolescents to scale: Experiences, insights, and evidence, Martha Brady


Scaling for change: Strategic investment in the poorest girls in the poorest communities, Judith Bruce


Equipping Mayan girls to improve their lives, Jennifer Catino, Alejandra Colom, and Marta Julia Ruiz


Preparación de las niñas mayas para mejorar su calidad de vida, Jennifer Catino, Alejandra Colom, and Marta Julia Ruiz


Female wages in the Egyptian textiles and clothing industry: Low pay or discrimination?, Amirah El-Haddad


Education during humanitarian emergencies: The situation of displaced children and youth in Darfur, Sudan, Safaa El-Kogali


Pilotage d'un programme visant à sécuriser l'espace et à renforcer les ressources des adolescentes vivant dans les zones urbaines du Ghana, Sarah Engebretsen and Selina F. Esantsi


Piloting a safe spaces, asset-building program for adolescent girls in urban Ghana, Sarah Engebretsen and Selina F. Esantsi


Addressing the needs of girls at risk of early marriage and married adolescent girls in Burkina Faso, Sarah Engebretsen and Gisele Kaboré


Répondre aux besoins des jeunes filles à risque de mariage précoce et des adolescentes mariées au Burkina Faso, Sarah Engebretsen and Gisele Kaboré


From research, to program design, to implementation: Programming for rural girls in Ethiopia—A toolkit for practitioners, Annabel Erulkar


Addis Birhan project: Working with boys and men to address young girls' social vulnerability, Annabel Erulkar, Louis Apicella, and Abebaw Ferede


Biruh Tesfa ('Bright Future') program provides domestic workers, orphans and migrants in urban Ethiopia with social support, HIV education and skills, Annabel Erulkar, Herma Gebru, and Gebeyehu Mekonnen


Biruh Tesfa procure aux employées domestiques, aux orphelines et aux immigrantes des zones urbaines éthiopiennes une assistance sociale, une formation sur le VIH ainsi qu'un programme de développement des compétences, Annabel Erulkar, Belaynesh Semunegus, and Gebeyehu Mekonnen


Biruh Tesfa provides domestic workers, orphans, and migrants in urban Ethiopia with social support, HIV education, and skills, Annabel Erulkar, Belaynesh Semunegus, and Gebeyehu Mekonnen


Ten years of the Kenya Adolescent Reproductive Health Project: What has happened?, Humphres Evelia, Monica Wanjiru, Francis Obare, and Harriet Birungi


Factors of career mobility in Egypt by gender, May Gadallah


Introducing adolescent livelihoods training in the slums of Allahabad, India, Monica J. Grant, Barbara Mensch, and Mary Philip Sebastian


Siyakha Nentsha: Building economic, health, and social capabilities among highly vulnerable adolescents in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Kelly Hallman and Eva Roca


It's All One Curriculum: Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Arabic], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


It's All One Curriculum: Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Bangla], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


It's All One Curriculum: Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Chinese], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


It's All One Curriculum: Guidelines for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Arabic], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


It's All One Curriculum: Guidelines for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Chinese], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Un seul programme : Activités pour une approche pédagogique unifiée de la sexualité, du genre, du VIH et des droits humains, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Un seul programme : Guide pour une approche pédagogique unifiée de la sexualité, du genre, du VIH et des droits humains, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Un sólo currículo: Actividades para un enfoque integrado hacia la educación en sexualidad, género, VIH y derechoshumanos, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Un sólo currículo: Pautas para un enfoque integrado hacia la educación en sexualidad, género, VIH y derechoshumanos, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Protecting young people from sex without consent, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy


Investigating school quality and learning outcomes among adolescents in Malawi, Christine A. Kelly


Girls' schooling in developing countries: Highlights from Population Council research, Cynthia B. Lloyd


La educación de las niñas en países en desarrollo: aspectos destacados de la investigación del Population Council, Cynthia B. Lloyd


Summary of New Lessons: The Power of Educating Adolescent Girls, Cynthia B. Lloyd


Delaying early marriage among disadvantaged rural girls in Amhara, Ethiopia, through social support, education, and community awareness, Eunice N. Muthengi and Annabel Erulkar


Retarder le mariage précoce chez les filles défavorisées en milieu rural dans la région Amhara, en Éthiopie, grâce au soutien social, à l'éducation et à la sensibilisation des communautés, Eunice N. Muthengi and Annabel Erulkar


Dataset: Siyakha Nentsha: Enhancing the Health, Economic and Social Capabilities of Highly Vulnerable Young People, 2008-2011, Population Council


Filles éveillées: Programme pour les adolescentes employées de maison—Guide du mentor, Population Council


La démarche du Population Council: Promouvoir la santé, la sécurité et la productivité transitions vers l'âge adulte, Population Council


La estrategia del Population Council: Promoción de transiciones a la vida adulta sanas, seguras y productivas, Population Council


The Population Council's approach: Promoting healthy, safe, and productive transitions to adulthood, Population Council


Young Women: Your Future, Your Money—Workbook for Girls Ages 10–14 in Kenya, Population Council and Microfinance Opportunities


Young Women: Your Future, Your Money—Workbook for Girls Ages 10–14 in Uganda, Population Council and Microfinance Opportunities


Young Women: Your Future, Your Money—Workbook for Girls Ages 15–19 in Kenya, Population Council and Microfinance Opportunities


Young Women: Your Future, Your Money—Workbook for Girls Ages 15–19 in Uganda, Population Council and Microfinance Opportunities


'Health regains but livelihoods lag': Findings from a study with people on ART in Zambia and Kenya, Fiona Samuels and Naomi Rutenberg


Supporting married girls: Calling attention to a neglected group, K.G. Santhya and Annabel Erulkar


Informe años dos Evaluación de la línea final resumen de hallazgos principales, Annik Sorhaindo, Xipatl Contreras, Kate S. Wilson, and Sandra G. Garcia


Addressing sexual violence and HIV risk among married adolescent girls in rural Nyanza, Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie


Assessing equity of access in programs for young people, Adam Weiner


Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people, Adam Weiner


Scaling up asset-building programs for marginalized adolescent girls in socially conservative settings: The Ishraq program in rural Upper Egypt, Nadia Zibani and Martha Brady


La dynamique de la discrimination salariale et de l'équité gendorielle sur le marché du travail au Maroc, Sami Zouari

Submissions from 2010


Kishor-kishorider jonno ortho sikkha: Dishari shohayika [Financial education for adolescents: Mentor's manual], Sigma Ainul, Marzina Khatun, and Najneen Mahbooba


Kishor-kishorider jonno ortho sikkha [Financial education for adolescents], Sigma Ainul, Marzina Khatun, and Najneen Mahbooba


Kishor-kishorider jonno ortho sikkha: Shikkhok shahayika [Financial education for adolescents: Teacher's manual], Sigma Ainul, Marzina Khatun, and Najneen Mahbooba


White paper: Enhancing adolescent financial capabilities through financial education in Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin, Laila Rahman, Sigma Ainul, Ubaidur Rob, Bushra Zaman, and Rinat Akter


The effect of domestic work on girls' schooling: Evidence from Egypt, Ragui Assaad, Deborah Levison, and Nadia Zibani


Girl-Centered Program Design: A Toolkit to Develop, Strengthen and Expand Adolescent Girls Programs, Karen Austrian and Dennitah Ghati


The nature of mothers' work and children's schooling in Nepal: The influence of income and time effects, Ashish Bajracharya


Poverty, marriage timing, and transitions to adulthood in Nepal: A longitudinal analysis using the Nepal Living Standards Survey, Ashish Bajracharya and Sajeda Amin


L'adolescence des filles au Burkina Faso: Une clé de voûte pour le changement social, Martha Brady, Lydia Saloucou, and Erica Chong