"Education during humanitarian emergencies: The situation of displaced " by Safaa El-Kogali

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More than 39 million children and youth who live in conflict-affected fragile states do not have access to education. With an increase in the average duration of refugee displacement from 9 years in the early 1990s to 17 years today, whole generations of children have little chance to recoup the potential educational investment lost during their years living in the midst of a humanitarian emergency. The Population Council and the Women’s Refugee Commission launched a research project to identify the link between education and children’s protection and well-being in Darfur, Sudan. The objective was to document the educational environment in a range of internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in Darfur, describe the circumstances of primary-school-age children within and across diverse settings, and assess how these circumstances relate to educational conditions observed. The research also assessed the extent to which children in IDP communities experienced the protective benefits of educational programs. This project, described in Promoting Healthy, Safe, and Productive Transitions to Adulthood Brief No. 32, has made a significant contribution to the dialogue on education and the protection of children in conflict.






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