Submissions from 2000
The effects of schooling incentive programs on household resource allocation in Bangladesh, Mary Arends-Kuenning and Sajeda Amin
Women street vendors: The road to recognition, Monique Cohen
Greater investments in children through women's empowerment: A key to demographic change in Pakistan?, Valerie L. Durrant and Zeba Sathar
The School Environment in Egypt: A Situation Analysis of Public Preparatory Schools, Sahar El Tawila, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Barbara Mensch, Hind Wassef, Zeinab Gamal, Wesley H. Clark, and Rania Sakr
The School Environment in Egypt: A Situation Analysis of Public Preparatory Schools [Arabic], Sahar El Tawila, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Barbara Mensch, Hind Wassef, Zeinab Gamal, Wesley H. Clark, and Rania Sakr
Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood in South Africa, Carol E. Kaufman, Thea de Wet, and Jonathan Stadler
Adolescents and reproductive health in Pakistan: A literature review, Ayesha Khan
Socialization to gender roles and marriage among Egyptian adolescents, Barbara Mensch, Barbara L. Ibrahim, Susan M. Lee, and Omaima El-Gibaly
Adolescent Girls' Livelihoods. Essential Questions, Essential Tools: A Report on a Workshop, Carey Meyers
Adolescent Girls' Livelihoods. Essential Questions, Essential Tools: A Report on a Workshop [Arabic], Carey Meyers
Schooling opportunities for girls as a stimulus for fertility change in rural Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Cem Mete, and Minhaj ul Haque
A participatory evaluation of the life-skills training programme in Myanmar, UNICEF and Population Council
Submissions from 1999
The spread of primary schooling in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for fertility change, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Carol E. Kaufman, and Paul C. Hewett
Premarital sex and school dropout in Kenya: Can schools make a difference?, Barbara Mensch, Wesley H. Clark, Cynthia B. Lloyd, and Annabel Erulkar
The quantity-quality transition in Asia, Mark R. Montgomery, Mary Arends-Kuenning, and Cem Mete
Submissions from 1998
Incentive schemes for school attendance in rural Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin and Gilda Sedgh
The effects of primary school quality on the educational participation and attainment of Kenyan girls and boys, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Barbara Mensch, and Wesley H. Clark
The Uncharted Passage: Girls' Adolescence in the Developing World, Barbara Mensch, Judith Bruce, and Margaret E. Greene
The impact of an integrated micro-credit programme on women's empowerment and fertility behavior in rural Bangladesh, Fiona Steele, Sajeda Amin, and Ruchira Tabassum Naved
Submissions from 1997
Schooling and the experience of adolescents in Kenya, Ayorinde Ajayi, Wesley H. Clark, Annabel Erulkar, Karin Hyde, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Barbara Mensch, Cecilia Ndeti, Barry Ravitch, Elisabeth Masiga, and Shiprah Gichaga
Transition to adulthood of female factory workers: Some evidence from Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin, Ian Diamond, Ruchira Tabassum Naved, and Margaret Newby
Empowering the next generation: Girls of the Maqattam garbage settlement, Marie Assaad and Judith Bruce
Empowering the next generation: Girls of the Maqattam garbage settlement [Arabic], Marie Assaad and Judith Bruce
Gender differences in the schooling experiences of adolescents in low-income countries: The case of Kenya, Barbara Mensch and Cynthia B. Lloyd
Submissions from 1996
Out of the shadows: Homebased workers organize for international recognition, Renana Jhabvala and Jane Tate
Gente Joven: Un diálogo sobre la sexualidad con adolescentes mexicanos, Magaly Marques, John M. Paxman, and Judith Bruce
Submissions from 1995
Supporting women farmers in the green zones of Mozambique, Ruth Ansah Ayisi
Submissions from 1993
Gente Joven/Young People: A dialogue on sexuality with adolescents in Mexico, Magaly Marques, John M. Paxman, and Judith Bruce
Self-employment as a means to women's economic self-sufficiency: Women Venture's business development program, Katharine McKee, Sara Gould, and Ann Leonard
Aménagement des Terres Incultes et Émancipation des Femmes L'Expérience de SARTHI, Madhu Sarin
Wasteland development and the empowerment of women: The SARTHI experience, Madhu Sarin
Submissions from 1992
El cuidado infantil: Respuestas a las necesidades de madres que trabajan y sus hijos, Caroline Arnold, Jorge Mejia, Aster Haregot, Ann Leonard, and Cassie Landers
Abriendo nuevos zurcos: Apoyando a las agricultoras en el oeste de Zambia, Janice Jiggins, Paul Maimbo, and Mary Masona
Breaking new ground: Reaching out to women farmers in western Zambia, Janice Jiggins, Paul Maimbo, and Mary Masona
Faire oeuvre de pionnier: Atteindre les femmes agriculteurs en Zambie occidentale, Janice Jiggins, Paul Maimbo, and Mary Masona
Submissions from 1991
Child care: Meeting the needs of working mothers and their children, Caroline Arnold, Jorge Mejia, Aster Haregot, Ann Leonard, and Cassie Landers
El papel de las mujeres en la conservación de los bosques del Nepal, Augusta Molnar
Submissions from 1990
La Construcción Colectiva para las Mujeres (The Women's Construction Collective): Edificando para el futuro, Ruth McLeod
La conservation des forêts au Népal: Encourager la participation des femmes, Augusta Molnar
The Muek-lek Women's Dairy Project in Thailand, Aruna Rao
Submissions from 1988
The Port Sudan Small Scale Enterprise Program, Eve Hall
Submissions from 1987
Forest conservation in Nepal: Encouraging women's participation, Augusta Molnar
Submissions from 1986
The Women's Construction Collective: Building for the future, Ruth McLeod
Submissions from 1984
Les coopératives des vendeuses de marché: Accorder crédit aux femmes, Judith Bruce
Creación de Empleos Distintos de las Artesanías para las Mujeres de Bangladesh, Marty Chen
Developing non-craft employment for women in Bangladesh, Marty Chen
Administración comunitaria del reciclamiento de desechos: El SIRDO, Marianne Schmink
Community management of waste recycling: The SIRDO, Marianne Schmink
Submissions from 1983
Hanover Street: Un experimento de capacitacion femenina en soladadura y carpinteria, Peggy Antrobus and Barbara Rogers
Le Forum pour les Femmes Actives: Lutte pour le crédit et le changement, Marty Chen
The Working Women's Forum: Organizing for credit and change, Marty Chen
La Coopérative de Markala: Une nouvelle approche des rôles economiques traditionnaux, Susan Daughman and Mariam N'Diaye Thiam
Les femmes et l'Artisanat: Mythe et réalité, Jasleen Dhamija
Mujeres y artesanías: Mito y realidad, Jasleen Dhamija
Submissions from 1982
Cooperativas de vendedoras de los mercados: Dan préstamos a las mujeres, Judith Bruce
The Markala Cooperative: A new approach to traditional economic roles, Susan Daughman and Mariam N'Diaye Thiam
Submissions from 1981
Women and handicrafts: Myth and reality, Jasleen Dhamija
Submissions from 1980
Hanover Street: An experiment to train women in welding and carpentry, Peggy Antrobus and Barbara Rogers
Market women's cooperatives: Giving women credit, Judith Bruce
Village women organize: The Mraru Bus Service, Jill Kneerim