
Submissions from 2021


The role of unintended pregnancy in internalized stigma among women living with HIV in Kenya, Sara Chace Dwyer, Aparna Jain, Wilson Liambila, and Charlotte E. Warren


Not all women who experience side effects discontinue their contraceptive method: Insights from a longitudinal study in India, Aparna Jain, Sara Chace Dwyer, Arupendra Mozumdar, and Elizabeth Tobey

Submissions from 2020


Fertility preferences and behaviors among younger cohorts in Egypt: Recent trends, correlates, and prospects for change, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Shadia Attia, Nourhan Bader, Rania Roushdy, Shatha El-Nakib, and Doaa Oraby


Policy brief: Fertility preferences and behaviors among younger cohorts in Egypt: Recent trends, correlates, and prospects for change [Arabic], Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Shadia Attia, Nourhan Bader, Rania Roushdy, Shatha El-Nakib, and Doaa Oraby


Two implementation models of workers' health education programs in Egypt: What works? What doesn't work?, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Norhan Bader, Elizabeth Tobey, and Aparna Jain


Contraceptive use and its effect on Indian women's empowerment: Evidence from the National Family Health Survey-4, Biplab Dhak, Niranjan Saggurti, and Faujdar Ram


Increasing role of abstinence and infecundity in non-use of contraceptive methods in India, Preeti Dhillon, Govind Singh, Faujdar Ram, Pradeep Kumar, and Niranjan Saggurti


Health workers' outreach and intention to use contraceptives among married women in India, Abhishek Kumar, Anrudh K. Jain, Faujdar Ram, Rajib Acharya, Ankita Shukla, Arupendra Mozumdar, and Niranjan Saggurti


Implementation process brief: Integrated family planning and HIV services at the community level in Kenya, Wilson Liambila, Sara Chace Dwyer, Charlotte E. Warren, Aparna Jain, Melsa Lutomia, Jane Loech, and Elizabeth Washika


Contraceptive use dynamics in India: A prospective cohort study of modern reversible contraceptive users, Arupendra Mozumdar, Elizabeth Tobey, Kumudha Aruldas, Rajib Acharya, and Aparna Jain


Introduction of DMPA-SC self-injection in Ghana: A feasibility and acceptability study using Sayana® Press, Dela Nai, Patrick Aboagye, Kamil Fuseini, Elizabeth Tobey, Aparna Jain, Nora Maresh, and Rebecca Fertziger


Do Indian women receive adequate information about contraception?, Md. Juel Rana and Anrudh K. Jain


Intrahousehold influence on contraceptive use among married Indian women: Evidence from the National Family Health Survey 2015–16, Mukesh Ranjan, Arupendra Mozumdar, Rajib Acharya, Subrato Mondal, and Niranjan Saggurti


Share of current unmet need for modern contraceptive methods attributed to past users of these methods in India, Ankita Shukla, Anrudh K. Jain, Rajib Acharya, Faujdar Ram, Arupendra Mozumdar, Abhishek Kumar, Subrato Mondal, and Niranjan Saggurti


The relationship between attitudes towards pregnancy and contraceptive continuation: Results from a longitudinal study of married women in India, Elizabeth Tobey, Aparna Jain, and Arupendra Mozumdar

Submissions from 2019


Patterns of hysterectomy in India: A national and state‐level analysis of the Fourth National Family Health Survey (2015–2016), Sapna Desai, Ankita Shukla, Devaki Nambiar, and Rajani Ved


The effect of job aids on knowledge retention among Patent and Proprietary Medicine Vendors trained to administer injectable contraceptives: Longitudinal results from implementation science in Nigeria, Sara Chace Dwyer, Aparna Jain, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Faizah Okunade, Chiamaka Uzomba, Adedamola Adebayo, and Elizabeth Tobey


Validation of two quality of care measures: Results from a longitudinal study of reversible contraceptive users in India, Aparna Jain, Kumudha Aruldas, Arupendra Mozumdar, Elizabeth Tobey, and Rajib Acharya


Adding a question about method switching to the Method Information Index is a better predictor of contraceptive continuation, Aparna Jain, Kumudha Aruldas, Elizabeth Tobey, Arupendra Mozumdar, and Rajib Acharya


Stigma as a barrier to family planning use among married youth in Ethiopia, Aparna Jain, Hussein Ismail, Elizabeth Tobey, and Annabel Erulkar


Is economic inequality in family planning in India associated with the private sector?, Abhishek Kumar, Anrudh K. Jain, Kumudha Aruldas, Arupendra Mozumdar, Ankita Shukla, Rajib Acharya, Faujdar Ram, and Niranjan Saggurti


Les pharmacies privées dans l’offre de services de planification familiale au Sénégal : Une étude pilote, Fatou Mbow, Dela Nai, Sara Chace Dwyer, Aparna Jain, and Babacar Mane


India's family planning market and opportunities for the private sector: An analysis using the total market approach, Arupendra Mozumdar, Rajib Acharya, Subrato Mondal, Amit Arun Shah, and Niranjan Saggurti

Submissions from 2018


Closing the gap between people and programs: Lessons from implementation of social accountability for family planning and reproductive health in Uganda, Victoria Boydell, Stella Neema, Kelsey Wright, and Karen Hardee


Feasibility of patent and proprietary medicine vendor provision of injectable contraceptives: Preliminary results from implementation science research in Oyo and Nasarawa, Nigeria, Sara Chace Dwyer, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku, Faizah Okunade, Laura Reichenbach, and Aparna Jain


Family planning and resilience: Associations found in a Population, Health, and Environment (PHE) project in Western Tanzania, Karen Hardee, Kristen P. Patterson, Anika Schenck-Fontaine, Sebastiaan Hess, Craig Leisher, Clive Mutunga, Cheryl Margoluis, and Cara Honzak


Condom use at last sex by young men in Ethiopia: The effect of descriptive and injunctive norms, Aparna Jain, Elizabeth Tobey, Hussein Ismail, and Annabel Erulkar


Strengthening the integration of family planning and HIV services at the community level in Kenya, Wilson Liambila, Sara Chace Dwyer, Brian Mdawida, Charlotte E. Warren, Melsa Lutomia, Jane Koech, Elizabeth Washika, and Aparna Jain


Gender, power, and violence: A systematic review of measures and their association with male perpetration of IPV, Katharine McCarthy, Ruchi Mehta, and Nicole Haberland


Understanding the use of India's National Health Insurance Scheme for family planning and reproductive health services in Uttar Pradesh, Arupendra Mozumdar, Kumudha Aruldas, Aparna Jain, and Laura Reichenbach


Changes in household well being and resilience: The role of population, family planning and reproductive health in the Tuungane Project, Kristen P. Patterson


Dynamics of injectable contraceptive use in India, The Evidence Project


Dynamics of interval IUD use in India, The Evidence Project


Dynamics of oral contraceptive pill use in India, The Evidence Project


Dynamics of postpartum IUD use in India, The Evidence Project

Submissions from 2017


Adolescents in Bangladesh: A situation analysis of programmatic approaches to sexual and reproductive health education and services, Sigma Ainul, Ashish Bajracharya, Laura Reichenbach, and Kate Gilles


Adolescent Friendly Health Corners (AFHCs) in selected government health facilities in Bangladesh: An early qualitative assessment, Sigma Ainul, Iqbal Ehsan, Tasmiah Tanjeen, and Laura Reichenbach


Creating a culture of evidence use: Using an innovative knowledge translation platform to inform HIV/AIDS programming for women and girls, Jill Gay, Melanie Croce-Galis, Karen Hardee, and Amelia Peltz


Are men well served by family planning programs?, Karen Hardee, Melanie Croce-Galis, and Jill Gay


Garment sector health interventions in Cambodia: A comprehensive review, Molyaneth Heng and Ashish Bajracharya


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the HERhealth model for improving sexual and reproductive health and rights knowledge and access of female garment factory workers in Bangladesh, Md. Irfan Hossain, Abdullah Al Mahmud Shohag, Ashish Bajracharya, Ubaidur Rob, and Laura Reichenbach


Evaluation of the HERhealth Intervention in Bangladesh: Baseline findings from an implementation research study, Md. Irfan Hossain, Abdullah Al Mahmud Shohag, Ashish Bajracharya, Ubaidur Rob, and Laura Reichenbach


Strengthening the role of patent and proprietary medicine vendors in the provision of injectable contraception in Nigeria, Salisu Mohammed Ishaku


Understanding adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive health-seeking behaviors in Ethiopia: Implications for youth friendly service programming, Aparna Jain, Hussein Ismail, Elizabeth Tobey, and Annabel Erulkar


Married young women and girls' family planning and maternal heath preferences and use in Ethiopia, Aparna Jain, Elizabeth Tobey, Hussein Ismail, and Annabel Erulkar


Assessment of the implementation and the achievements of the 3D approach within Senegal’s National Family Planning Action Plan (NFPAP), Fatou Mbow and Nafissatou Diop


Assessment of the implementation and achievements of the 3D Approach in Senegal’s National Family Planning Action Plan—Part 2: Summary Report, Fatou Mbow, Leslie Dubent, Nafissatou Diop, Fatou Ndiaye Turpin, Bocar Mamadou Daff, and Babacar Mane


Advocating corporate policy change on women's health and family planning: Lessons from the environmental movement, Matthew McFall, Carolyn Rodehau, and David Wofford


Resilience and community response to climate-related events: Case studies from four countries, Aviva Klein Meyers and Karen Hardee


Health needs, health seeking pathways, and drivers of health seeking behaviors of female garment factory workers in Cambodia: Findings from a qualitative study in Phnom Penh and Kandal provinces, Population Council and The Evidence Project


Use of male methods of contraception worldwide, John Ross and Karen Hardee


Uganda retail audit: Analysis and report, The Evidence Project


Using data to target and scale-up girls' support programs and child marriage prevention, The Evidence Project


Workplace health and the garment sector in Cambodia, Bunmey Yat, Carolyn Rodehau, David Wofford, and Ashish Bajracharya

Submissions from 2016


Situational analysis of the private sector in the delivery of family planning services in Egypt: Current status and potential for increased involvement, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Doaa Oraby, and Benjamin Bellows


The private sector as a provider of family planning services in Egypt: Challenges and opportunities, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Doaa Oraby, and Benjamin Bellows


Adolescents in Bangladesh: Programmatic approaches to sexual and reproductive health education and services, Sigma Ainul, Ashish Bajracharya, and Laura Reichenbach


Family planning vouchers in low and middle income countries: A systematic review, Benjamin Bellows, Carol Bulaya, Sophie Inambwae, Craig L. Lissner, Moazzam Ali, and Ashish Bajracharya


Scaling up family planning in Zambia—Part 1: Assessment and feasibility of maintaining an innovative program, Benjamin Bellows, Mary Nambao, Luigi Jaramillo, Roz Fanaiayan, Mardieh Dennis, and Karen Hardee


Analyzing the building blocks of resilience: Findings from a baseline survey of the Tuungane Population, Health, and Environment Project in western Tanzania, Kristin Bietsch, Reshma Naik, Kristen P. Patterson, Cara Honzak, Mustafa Kudrati, Hellen Magige, Cheryl Margoluis, Laura Subramanian, Christopher Hale, Carolyn Lamere, Sebastiaan Hess, and Craig Leisher


Scaling up family planning in Zambia—Part 2: The cost of scaling up family planning services, David Collins and Colin Gilmartin


Men as contraceptive users: Programs, outcomes and recommendations, Karen Hardee, Melanie Croce-Galis, and Jill Gay


Conditional and unconditional cash transfers to improve use of contraception in low and middle income countries: A systematic review, M.E. Khan, Avishek Hazra, Aastha Kant, and Moazzam Ali


Addressing supply side factors to improve family planning and reproductive health services in the Indian National Health Insurance Scheme in Uttar Pradesh, Arupendra Mozumdar, Kumudha Aruldas, Aparna Jain, Laura Reichenbach, Robin Keeley, and M.E. Khan


Understanding demand for family planning and reproductive health services through the Indian National Health Insurance Scheme in Uttar Pradesh, Arupendra Mozumdar, Kumudha Aruldas, Aparna Jain, Laura Reichenbach, Robin Keeley, and M.E. Khan


Contraceptive use dynamics in India: Cohort study of modern spacing contraceptive users, Population Council


Evaluation de la mise en oeuvre et des réalisations de l’Approche 3D au sein du Plan d’Action National de Planification Familiale (PANPF) au Sénégal—Technical Brief, Population Council


Strengthening factory health systems under Levi Strauss & Co.'s worker well-being initiative in Egypt, Population Council and The Evidence Project


Implementation science approaches to family planning and reproductive health: Experiential learning and sharing for implementers, policy-makers, researchers, and advocates, Laura Reichenbach, Carolyn Rodehau, Emily Peca, and John Stanback


Adapting a health systems strengthening model to improve access to health services in a factory: A pilot project in Haiti, Carolyn Rodehau, David Wofford, and Suzanne Brockman


The consumer perspective: A consultation with senior health officials from developing countries on standards of evidence for reproductive and maternal health care, The Evidence Project and STEP UP Research Programme Consortium

Submissions from 2015


Engaging the missing link: Evidence from FALAH for involving men in family planning in Pakistan—Meeting report, Seemin Ashfaq and Farooq Ahmed


Engaging the missing link: Evidence from FALAH for involving men in family planning in Pakistan—Case study, Seemin Ashfaq and Maqsood Sadiq


Family planning vouchers to improve delivery and uptake of contraception in low and middle income countries: A systematic review, Benjamin Bellows, Ashish Bajracharya, Carol Bulaya, and Sophie Inambwae


Prospects for economic growth in Balochistan under alternative demographic scenarios: The case for a rapid fertility decline, David E. Bloom, Zeba Sathar, and Maqsood Sadiq


Prospects for economic growth in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa under alternative demographic scenarios: The case for a rapid fertility decline, David E. Bloom, Zeba Sathar, and Maqsood Sadiq


Prospects for economic growth in Punjab under alternative demographic scenarios: The case for a rapid fertility decline, David E. Bloom, Zeba Sathar, and Maqsood Sadiq


Prospects for economic growth in Sindh under alternative demographic scenarios: The case for a rapid fertility decline, David E. Bloom, Zeba Sathar, and Maqsood Sadiq


Evaluation de la mise en oeuvre et des réalisations de l’Approche 3D au sein du Plan d’Action National de Planification Familiale (PANPF) au Sénégal—Partie 1: Revue Documentaire, Leslie Dubent, Fatou Mbow, Nafissatou Diop, Fatou Ndiaye Turpin, Bocar Mamadou Daff, and Babacar Mane


Expanding the role of research evidence in family planning policy, program, and practice decisionmaking, Karen Hardee and Kelsey Wright


Family planning policy, program, and practice decisionmaking: The role of research evidence and other factors, Karen Hardee, Kelsey Wright, and Joanne Spicehandler


Family planning through the lens of men: Readiness, preferences, and challenges, Iram Kamran, Zeba Tasneem, Tahira Parveen, and Rehan M. Niazi


Evaluation de la mise en oeuvre et des réalisations de l’Approche 3D au sein du Plan d’Action National de Planification Familiale (PANPF) au Sénégal—Partie 2: Rapport de Synthese, Fatou Mbow, Leslie Dubent, Nafissatou Diop, Fatou Ndiaye Turpin, Bocar Mamadou Daff, and Babacar Mane


The Balanced Counseling Strategy Plus: A Toolkit for Family Planning Service Providers Working in High HIV/STI Prevalence Settings, Population Council


Trends in the contraceptive method mix in low- and middle-income countries: Analysis using a new "average deviation" measure, John A. Ross, Jill Keesbury, and Karen Hardee


Reducing maternal and child mortality in Balochistan: The untapped potential of family planning, Zeba Sathar, Maqsood Sadiq, and Seemin Ashfaq


Reducing maternal and child mortality in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: The untapped potential of family planning, Zeba Sathar, Maqsood Sadiq, and Seemin Ashfaq


Reducing maternal and child mortality in Punjab: The untapped potential of family planning, Zeba Sathar, Maqsood Sadiq, and Seemin Ashfaq


Reducing maternal and child mortality in Sindh: The untapped potential of family planning, Zeba Sathar, Maqsood Sadiq, and Seemin Ashfaq


Expanding access to rights-based family planning: Activity brief, The Evidence Project


Social accountability for family planning: A case study of the Healthy Action Project in Uganda, The Evidence Project


The RAISE Health initiative for workers, companies, and communities, The Evidence Project


Utilization of national health insurance for family planning and reproductive health services by the urban poor in Uttar Pradesh, India, The Evidence Project


Health facility guidelines and management benchmarks: Improving workplace health services and health management in factories, farms and other workplaces in low- and middle-income countries, David Wofford, Marat Yu, Lauren Shields, and Maria Pontes


Proposed indicators to measure adherence to and effects of rights-based family planning: Resource guide, Kelsey Wright and Karen Hardee


Standard Days Method of contraception: Evidence on use, implementation, and scale up, Kelsey Wright, Hiba Iqteit, and Karen Hardee


The impact of population, health, and environment projects: A synthesis of evidence, Rachel Winnik Yavinsky, Carolyn Lamere, Kristen P. Patterson, and Jason Bremner

Submissions from 2014


Social accountability: What are the lessons for improving family planning and reproductive health programs?, Victoria Boydell and Jill Keesbury


Strengthening the evidence base on social accountability for improving family planning and reproductive health programs, Victoria Boydell, Jill Keesbury, and Kelsey Wright


Voluntary, human rights-based family planning: A conceptual framework, Karen Hardee, Jan Kumar, Karen Newman, Lynn Bakamjian, Shannon Harris, Mariela Rodriguez, and Win Brown