"Scaling up family planning in Zambia—Part 2: The cost of scaling up fa" by David Collins and Colin Gilmartin

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This costing study is Part 2 of a broader implementation research study designed to establish the feasibility of integrating successful interventions and lessons from the Scaling Up Family Planning (SUFP) project into Zambia’s health system at the conclusion of the project, and to contribute to the global learning on scaling up family planning services. The main contribution of the costing study was to examine the cost implications in determining the scope and pace of scale up. Challenges experienced during the project reportedly included lack of equipment and limited space in some facilities, government staff shortages, and irregular access to supplies of oral contraceptives and condoms at the community level. Sustainability of interventions after the end of the project was a major concern, with doubts over the ability of the government to cover the costs of outreach, supply chain, and community-based distribution (CBD) support costs that have been covered by the project. Finally, finding solutions to high CBD attrition rates was identified as a key challenge. The report details lessons learned from this project and makes recommendations, including further research that would be beneficial both for the country and globally.






The Evidence Project
