"Scaling up family planning in Zambia—Part 1: Assessment and feasibilit" by Benjamin Bellows, Mary Nambao et al.

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To support the Government of Zambia in addressing its reproductive health challenges and in meeting its goals for 2020, the United Kingdom Department for International Development funded a four-year effort to support public sector contraceptive expansion under the Scaling Up Family Planning (SUFP) Project, led by Abt Associates. Launched in 2012, and with a focus on hard-to-reach areas and youth and expanding access to long-acting reversible contraceptives, SUFP was a technical assistance program designed to strengthen the ability of the public sector to provide services to meet the country’s FP2020 goals. SUFP focused on capacity building, infrastructure strengthening, behavior change communication, contraceptive security, policy and advocacy in support of an enabling environment for reproductive health and family planning (FP), supply chain management, and strengthening management information systems. The findings from Part I—a qualitative assessment—show that respondents had a positive view of the contribution of SUFP and its engagement with the health system in Zambia. Nevertheless, respondents noted barriers to FP service delivery that generalize beyond SUFP and remain features of the health system that policymakers, researchers, and service providers need to be aware of when working to scale up family planning services.






The Evidence Project
