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The Population Council convened an annual partners meeting of its Africa Regional Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) Network. Over 30 participants attended the meeting whose objectives were: 1) to facilitate South-South technical exchange and information-sharing on the changing landscape of violence among partners, donors, and other experts; and 2) to reflect on the ways in which research is translating into policy and practice. This report highlights the myriad ways in which activities conducted under this Network have influenced policy, practice, and funding considerations in the region, while detailing the progress of Network partners on their projects, built around several key themes. Through plenary discussions and group work, participants identified a list of action points for entrenching the gains achieved and widely affirmed the value of the Network as an efficient, nonduplicative means of generating a coherent body of multisectoral evidence on SGBV in the region within a similar time frame.
Recommended Citation
Population Council. 2012. "The Africa Regional Sexual and Gender-based Violence Network Annual Partners Meeting: June 26-27 2012, Mombasa, Kenya," meeting report. Nairobi: Population Council.
Expanding the Evidence Base on Comprehensive Care for Survivors of Sexual Violence in East and Southern Africa
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