"Marie Stopes International's SIFPO Project—Strengthening international" by Population Council

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The Population Council was a partner in the Strengthening International Family Planning Organizations (SIFPO) project implemented by Marie Stopes International. SIFPO’s mandate was to increase use of voluntary family planning (FP) services globally by strengthening selected international FP organizations with global reach and an extensive, multicountry network of FP clinics for achieving maximum program impact and synergies. This report outlines the Council’s role within the project: evaluate effectiveness of MSI’s FP programs to identify successful best practices and approaches; assist MSI to disseminate the findings of some or all evaluations; strengthen MSI’s internal research and metrics capacity with thematic workshops on research methodologies for MSI research staff based regionally and in MSI country programs; co-host, with MSI, a “community of practice” event or events on FP metrics convening other FP community stakeholders to agree on a common set of metrics for program effectiveness and impact; provide advice, and potentially research, along with other MSI SIFPO partners and consultants, for designing, supporting, and enhancing integration efforts in MSI service delivery; provide links with relevant Council research and forums by leveraging resources from similar activities.




