The Population Council's Reproductive Health program strives to improve sexual and reproductive health, especially for vulnerable people in developing countries. We help individuals to achieve their family planning and reproductive health goals through improvements in technologies and services. We work to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity and to improve equity and quality in the delivery of care.
Submissions from 2002
Using men as community-based distributors of condoms, Cynthia P. Green, Stephanie Joyce, and James R. Foreit
Using operations research to strengthen programmes for encouraging abandonment of female genital cutting. Report of a consultative meeting on methodological issues for FGC Research, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Zimbabwe: CBD roles modified to address Zimbabwe's HIV/AIDS crisis, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Submissions from 2001
A case study of Nairobi City Council's decentralised syphilis screening programme in antenatal clinics, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, Ian Askew, Elizabeth Mugwe, Bilhah Hagembe, and Rick Homan
An assessment of selected sub-systems of the Egyptian Norplant® program, Fatma El-Zanaty, Laila Nawar, and Ramadan Hamed
An assessment of the alternative rites approach for encouraging abandonment of female genital mutilation in Kenya, Jane Chege, Ian Askew, and Jennifer Liku
An assessment of the Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council's community based distribution programme, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, Ian Askew, Caroline S. Marangwanda, Ronika Nyakauru, and Barbara Janowitz
An assessment of youth centres in South Africa, Annabel Erulkar, Mags Beksinska, and Queen Cebekhulu
Benin: Diríjase a los hombres para aumentar el uso de los servicios de salud, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Bénin: Target men to increase use of health services, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Burkina Faso: L'amélioration des soins après avortement est bénéfique aux patients et aux prestataires, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Cisjordania y Gaza: Subraye la importancia de la atención postparto y su cost-efectividad, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Comment promouvoir l'utilisation des résultats d'une analyse situationnelle à l'échelle nationale: Expérience du Sénégal, Adama Ndoye, Bineta M'bow, Cheikh Bamba Diop, Mady Cisse, Macoumba Thiam, Diouratie Sanogo, and Mbacke Niang
Cómo satisfacer las necesidades de salud de la mujer después de un aborto, Dale Huntington
Diverse realities: Understanding sexually transmitted infections and HIV in India, Sarah Hawkes and K.G. Santhya
Ecuador: Use commercial marketing to increase sustainability, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Ecuador: Utilice la mercadotecnia comercial para aumentar la sustentabilidad, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egipto: Expansión del acceso a la atención postaborto, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egipto: Motivemos a los periodistas a cubrir tenmas de salud reproductiva, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Expansion of postpartum/postabortion contraception in Honduras, Ruth Medina, Ricardo Vernon, Irma Mendoza, and Claudia Aguilar
Extending operations research to social marketing programs, Teresa de Vargas
Ghana: Community workers can communicate STI and HIV/AIDS messages effectively, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Honduras: Marketing new reproductive health services is cost-effective, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Honduras: Posparto y post-aborto, momentos para hablar de planificación familiar, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Honduras: Postpartum and postabortion patients want family planning, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Honduras: Promover nuevos servicios de salud reproductiva es costo-efectivo, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Increasing coverage of reproductive health issues in the Indonesian print media, Wanda Firmansyah, Sahar Hegazi, Siti Rokhmawati Darwisyah, and Lila Amaliah
Indonesia: Capacite a periodistas para que escriban sobre salud reproductiva, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Indonesia: Train journalists to write about reproductive health, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Influencing reproductive health policy and programs in the Philippines: Implementing an advocacy model for utilization of operations research, Saniata Masulit, Marilou P. Costello, and Sahar Hegazi
Integrating adolescent livelihood activities within a reproductive health program for urban slum dwellers in India, Dale Huntington, Mary Philip Sebastian, Nirmala Sevlam, Barbara Mensch, and Sahar Hegazi
Introducing emergency contraception in Bangladesh: A feasibility study, M.E. Khan and Sharif M.I. Hossain
Kenia: Detectar la sifilis durante la consulta prenatal resulta costo-efectivo, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya: Mise á disposition de services de planification familiale dans les pavillons hospitaliers, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya: On-site antenatal syphilis services are cost-effective, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya update: FRONTIERS adolescent reproductive health project, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Operations research in reproductive health and family planning at the Cairo Demographic Center, Magdi A. Ibrahim, James R. Foreit, and M.E. Khan
Perú: Diga a las usuarias cómo usar el método escogido, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Pilot health project baseline survey West Bank and Gaza [Arabic], Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Power in sexual relationships: An opening dialogue among reproductive health professionals, Population Council and Interagency Gender Working Group (IGWG)
Promoting reproductive health services in rural communities in Honduras, Irma Mendoza and Ricardo Vernon
Reproductive tract infections: A guide for programme managers, Sarah Hawkes, Anjali Nayyar, Johannes van Dam, Kevin R. O'Reilly, Bidia Deperthes, and Dinesh Agarwal
Satisfacer las necesidades de salud de las mujeres mediante servicios postaborto, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Setting prices for reproductive health services in a public hospital in Guatemala, John H. Bratt, Adrian Valdez, Roberto Molina, Mario Alfaro, Marco Antonio Barrientos, Carlos Brambila, and Werner Figueroa
South Africa: Providers should encourage sexually active youth to use condoms, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
South Africa: Who uses youth centers and why?, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Special studies program of the Pilot Health Project: West Bank and Gaza, Mahmoud Shaheen, Laila Nawar, Dale Huntington, and Sahar Hegazi
Strengthening social science research on women's health: Lessons learned from a capacity building programme, M.E. Khan, Bella C. Patel, and John Townsend
Testing alternative channels for providing emergency contraception to young women, John P. Skibiak, Mangala Chambeshi-Moyo, and Yusuf Ahmed
West Bank and Gaza: Stress the importance and cost-effectiveness of postpartum care, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Zambia: Los educadores juveniles pueden promover comportamientos sexuales más seguros, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Zambia: Peer educators can promote safer sex behaviors, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Submissions from 2000
Adolescents and reproductive health in Pakistan: A literature review, Ayesha Khan
An assessment of the community based distribution programs in Ghana, Jane Chege, Diouratie Sanogo, Ian Askew, Angela Bannerman, Steve Grey, Evam Kofi Glover, Francis Yankey, and Joana Nerquaye-Tetteh
Burkina Faso and Mali: Female genital cutting harms women's health, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Burkina Faso et Mali: L'excision compromet la santé des femmes, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Burkina Faso: Mejorar la atención postaborto beneficia a pacientes y proveedores, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Burkina Faso: Upgrading postabortion care benefits patients and providers, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Critical analysis of interventions against FGC in Egypt, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab and Sahar Hegazi
Egipto: Los proveedores de servicios de planificación deben motivar a sus clientas a hablar de sus problemas de sexualidad, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypte: Développer l'accès aux soins après avortement, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypte: Encourager les journalistes à couvrir les questions relatives à la santé de la reproduction, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypte: Les ONG doivent unir leurs forces pour éradiquer l'excision, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypte: Les prestataires de service de planification familiale doivent encourage les discussions sur les problèmes sexuels, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypt: Encourage journalists to cover reproductive health, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypt: Expand access to postabortion care, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypt: Family planning providers should encourage clients to discuss sexual problems, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Egypt: NGOs need to join forces to end FGC, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Enhancing the use of emergency contraception in a refugee setting: Findings from a baseline survey in Kakuma refugee camps, Kenya, Esther G. Muia and Joyce Olenja
From the home to the clinic: The next chapter in Bangladesh's family planning success story rural sites, Linda Bates, Md. Khairul Islam, Sidney Ruth Schuler, and Md. Alauddinn
Increasing the coverage of reproductive health issues in the Egyptian press, Sahar Hegazi and Mona Khalifa
Indonesia: Coordinated studies are needed to access trends, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Indonésie: Des études coordonnées sont nécessaires á l'évaluation des tendances, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Integrating a reproductive health framework within primary care services: The experience of the Reproductive Health Intervention Study, Karima Khalil, Abdel Moneim Farag, Assem Anwar, Dina Galal, Olfia Kamal, Karraze Shorbagi, Miral Breebaart, Hind Khattab, Nabil Younis, and Huda Zurayk
Integrating a reproductive health framework within primary care services: The experience of the Reproductive Health Intervention Study [Arabic], Karima Khalil, Abdel Moneim Farag, Assem Anwar, Dina Galal, Olfia Kamal, Karraze Shorbagi, Miral Breebaart, Hind Khattab, Nabil Younis, and Huda Zurayk
Integrating issues of sexuality into Egyptian family planning counseling, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Laila Nawar, Hala Youssef, and Dale Huntington
Integrating issues of sexuality into Egyptian family planning counseling [Arabic], Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Integrating men into the reproductive health equation: Acceptability and feasibility in Kenya, Esther G. Muia, Violet Kimani, and Ann Leonard
Intra-household decision-making on health and resource allocation in Borgou, Bénin, Pierre Ngom, Salome Wawire, Timothee Gandaho, Pierre Klissou, Toussaint Adjimon, Mbaye Seye, Emile Akouanou, and Laurie Winter
Kenia: La identificación de las ITR sigue siendo un problema: la prevención es esencial, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenia: Ofrezca servicios de planificación familiar en salas hospitalarias, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya: Identifying RTIs remain problematic: Prevention is essential, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya: L'identification des IAR demeure hasardeuse: la prévention est primordiale, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya: Offer family planning on hospital wards, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Mali: Empower health workers to advocate against female genital cutting, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Mali: FGC excisors persist despite entreaties, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Mali: Les exciseuses persistent malgré les supplications, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Mali: Pour une plus grande responsabilisation des agents de santé dans le plaidoyer contre l'excision, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Meeting women's health care needs after abortion, Dale Huntington
Meet women's health needs with postabortion care, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Men as Supportive Partners in Reproductive Health: Moving from Rhetoric to Reality, Saraswati Raju and Ann Leonard
Pérou: Informer les clients sur le mode d'utilisation de leur méthode de choix, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Pérou: Les gestionnaires doivent régulièrement veiller á la qualité des soins, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Perú: La consejería balanceada aumenta la calidad de atención y el conocimiento de las mujeres sobre anticonceptivos, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Perú: Los administradores deben supervisar rutinariamente la calidad de la atención, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Peru: Managers must monitor quality of care regularly, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Peru: Tell clients how to use their chosen method, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Report on the International Symposium on Quality of Care in China, Population Council
Rights, technology, and services in reproductive health: A report from a meeting, Marion Carter and C. Elizabeth McGrory
Salud Sexual y Reproductiva Reforma del Sector Salud en América Latin y el Caribe: Desafíos y oportunidades, Ana Langer and Gustavo Nigenda