
Submissions from 2013


Toward a research agenda on gendered violence in sub-Saharan Africa, Chi-Chi Undie


Feasibility of routine screening for intimate partner violence in public health care settings in Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie, Catherine Maternowska, Margaret Mak'anyengo, and Ian Askew


Mitigating the consequences of sexual violence in Zambia by decentralizing emergency medical responses to police victim support units: Report on the feasibility of police provision of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV (PEP) in Zambia, Mary Zama, Mardieh Dennis, Jessica Price, Stephanie M. Topp, Jonathan Kaunda Mwansa, and Jill Keesbury

Submissions from 2012


La violence faite aux adolescentes : un défi fondamental à la vraie égalité, Judith Bruce


Violence against adolescent girls: A fundamental challenge to meaningful equality, Judith Bruce


Addis Birhan Wendoch ('New Light Boys'): Working with boys and young men to create healthier futures, Woldemariam Girma, Diane Rubino, Annabel Erulkar, Worku Ambelu, and Ayenechew Kerie


A review and evaluation of multi-sectoral response services ('one-stop centers') for gender-based violence in Kenya and Zambia, Jill Keesbury, Washington Onyango-Ouma, Chi-Chi Undie, Catherine Maternowska, Frederick Mugisha, Emmy Kageha, and Ian Askew


A lifetime of violence: Results from an exploratory survey of Mexican women with HIV, Tamil Kendall, Marieke G. van Dijk, Katherine Wilson, Nizarindandi Picasso, Diana K. Lara, and Sandra G. Garcia


Testing the feasibility of police provision of emergency contraception in Malawi, Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre, Malawi Police Service, and Ministry of Health


Exploring the effectiveness of the output-based aid voucher program to increase uptake of gender-based violence recovery services in Kenya: A qualitative evaluation, Rebecca Njuki, Jerry Okal, Charlotte E. Warren, Francis Obare, Timothy Abuya, Lucy Kanya, Chi-Chi Undie, Benjamin Bellows, and Ian Askew


The Africa Regional Sexual and Gender-based Violence Network Annual Partners Meeting: June 26-27 2012, Mombasa, Kenya—meeting report, Population Council


Relationship between mobility, violence and HIV/STI among female sex workers in Andhra Pradesh, India, Sowmya Ramesh, Deepika Ganju, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Ram Manohar Mishra, and Niranjan Saggurti


The sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in India: A review of the situation, K.G. Santhya and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy


Rape sentencing study: A review of statutory sentencing provisions for rape, defilement, and sexual assault in East, Central, and Southern Africa, Jill Thompson and Felly Nkweto Simmonds


Routine screening for intimate partner violence in public health care settings in Kenya: An assessment of acceptability, Chi-Chi Undie, Catherine Maternowska, Margaret Mak'anyengo, Harriet Birungi, Jill Keesbury, and Ian Askew

Submissions from 2011


Abordar la violencia sexual basada en el género (SGBV) contra niñas adolescentes, Sajeda Amin and Althea D. Anderson


Addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against adolescent girls, Sajeda Amin and Althea D. Anderson


National efforts toward FGM-free villages in Egypt: The evidence of impact, Ghada Barsoum, Nadia Rifaat, Omaima El-Gibaly, Nihal Elwan, and Natalie Forcier


La atención y prevención de la violencia en contra de la mujer en Guatemala: Directorio de servicios, Diana Del Castillo and Elvia Raquec


Addis Birhan project: Working with boys and men to address young girls' social vulnerability, Annabel Erulkar, Louis Apicella, and Abebaw Ferede


Un seul programme : Activités pour une approche pédagogique unifiée de la sexualité, du genre, du VIH et des droits humains, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Un seul programme : Guide pour une approche pédagogique unifiée de la sexualité, du genre, du VIH et des droits humains, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Un sólo currículo: Actividades para un enfoque integrado hacia la educación en sexualidad, género, VIH y derechoshumanos, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Un sólo currículo: Pautas para un enfoque integrado hacia la educación en sexualidad, género, VIH y derechoshumanos, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Protecting young people from sex without consent, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy


Comprehensive responses to sexual violence in East and Southern Africa: Lessons learned from implementation, Jill Keesbury, Ian Askew, Monica Wanjiru, Grace Chiyaba, Kate Wilson, and Felly Nkweto Simmonds


Sexual and physical violence against female sex workers in Kenya: A qualitative enquiry, Jerry Okal, Matthew F. Chersich, Sharon Tsui, Elizabeth Sutherland, Marleen Temmerman, and Stanley Luchters


Female genital mutilation practices in Kenya: The role of alternative rites of passage. A case study of Kisii and Kuria districts, Habil Oloo, Monica Wanjiru, and Katy Newell-Jones


The prevention and management of HIV and sexual and gender-based violence: Responding to the needs of survivors and those-at-risk, Sarah Raifman, Ian Askew, Sajeda Amin, Jill Keesbury, Saiqa Mullick, Judith A. Diers, Meiwita P. Budiharsana, Chi-Chi Undie, Mary Zama, Mantshi Menziwa, Sherry Hutchinson, and Naomi Rutenberg


Abuse from in-laws during pregnancy and post-partum: Qualitative and quantitative findings from low-income mothers of infants in Mumbai, India, Anita Raj, Shagun Sabarwal, Michele R. Decker, Saritha Nair, Meghna Jethva, Suneeta Krishnan, Balaiah Donta, Niranjan Saggurti, and Jay G. Silverman


Early marriage and sexual and reproductive health vulnerabilities of young women: A synthesis of recent evidence from developing countries, K.G. Santhya


Gender-based disparities in infant and child mortality based on maternal exposure to spousal violence: The heavy burden borne by Indian girls, Jay G. Silverman, Michele R. Decker, Debbie M. Cheng, Kathleen Wirth, Niranjan Saggurti, Heather L. McCauley, Kathryn L. Falb, Balaiah Donta, and Anita Raj


Sex trafficking and initiation-related violence, alcohol use, and HIV risk among HIV-infected female sex workers in Mumbai, India, Jay G. Silverman, Anita Raj, Debbie M. Cheng, Michele R. Decker, Sharon Coleman, Carly Bridden, Manoj Pardeshi, Niranjan Saggurti, and Jeffrey H. Samet


Experience of violence and adverse reproductive health outcomes, HIV risks among mobile female sex workers in India, Suvakanta N. Swain, Niranjan Saggurti, Madhusudana Battala, Ravi K. Verma, and Anrudh K. Jain


Addressing sexual violence and HIV risk among married adolescent girls in rural Nyanza, Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie


Survey of domestic and work life experience and reproductive health of women workers of selected industrial compounds in Ha Noi, Nguyen Thi Van Anh and Nguyen Hong Phuong


Attitudinal and behavioral factors associated with extramarital sex among Nigerian men: Findings from a national survey, Lung Vu, Waimar Tun, Andrew Karlyn, Sylvia Adebajo, and Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi

Submissions from 2010


Improving the health care response to gender-based violence: Project evaluation report, Meiwita P. Budiharsana and Mai Quoc Tung


PEPFAR special initiative on sexual and gender-based violence: Baseline report, Lynne Elson and Jill Keesbury


Ethiopia gender survey: A study in seven regions, Annabel Erulkar, Abebaw Ferede, Worku Ambelu, Woldemariam Girma, Helen Amdemikael, Behailu GebreMedhin, Berhanu Legesse, Ayehualem Tameru, and Messay Teferi


Ethiopia young adult survey: A study in seven regions, Annabel Erulkar, Abebaw Ferede, Worku Ambelu, Woldemariam Girma, Helen Amdemikael, Behailu GebreMedhin, Berhanu Legesse, Ayehualem Tameru, and Messay Teferi


Meserete Hiwot ("Base of Life"): Supporting married adolescents with HIV prevention and reproductive health in rural Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar, Aragaw Lamesgin, and Eunice N. Muthengi


Health and social consequences of marital violence: A synthesis of evidence from India, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, K.G. Santhya, and Rajib Acharya


Health consequences of violence within marriage: Need for strengthening the health sector response, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, K.G. Santhya, and Rajib Acharya


Comprehensive responses to gender-based violence in low-resource settings: Lessons learned from implementation, Jill Keesbury and Ian Askew


A step-by-step guide to strengthening sexual violence services in public health facilities: Lessons and tools from sexual violence services in Africa, Jill Keesbury and Jill Thompson


Executive summary: A step-by-step guide to strengthening sexual violence services in public health facilities, Jill Keesbury and Jill Thompson


Domestic violence and early childhood mortality in rural India: Evidence from prospective data, Michael A. Koenig, Rob Stephenson, Rajib Acharya, Lindsay Barrick, Saifuddin Ahmed, and Michelle J. Hindin


Treatment seeking, vaginal discharge and psychosocial distress among women in urban Mumbai, Kristin M. Kostick, Stephen L. Schensul, Kalpita Jadhav, Rajendra Singh, Amruta Bavadekar, and Niranjan Saggurti


Proceedings and presentations from the Free State Child Abuse Indaba, Population Council


Looking back, moving forward: Promoting gender equity to fight HIV, Horizons studies 1999 to 2007, Julie Pulerwitz, Annie P. Michaelis, and Ellen Weiss


Association between adolescent marriage and marital violence among young adult women in India, Anita Raj, Niranjan Saggurti, Danielle Lawrence, Donta Balaiah, and Jay G. Silverman


Associations between early marriage and young women's marital and reproductive health outcomes: Evidence from India, K.G. Santhya, Usha Ram, Rajib Acharya, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Faujdar Ram, and Abhishek Singh


The role of traditional leaders in preventing and addressing sexual and gender-based violence: Findings from KwaZulu-Natal, Northwest and Limpopo provinces in South Africa, Mantshi Teffo-Menziwa, Saiqa Mullick, and Prince Cedza Dlamini


Improving quality of health care for gender-based violence victims at health facilities in Viet Nam, Mai Quoc Tung, Meiwita P. Budiharsana, Nguyen Thi Phuong Lan, and Jane H. Patten

Submissions from 2009


A religious oriented approach to addressing female genital mutilation/cutting among the Somali community of Wajir, Kenya, Maryam Sheikh Abdi and Ian Askew


Standards required in maintaining the chain of evidence in the context of post rape care services: Findings of a study conducted in Kenya, Carol Ajema, Emily Rogena, Hadley Muchela, Buluma Bwire, and Nduku Kilonzo


Toward FGM-free villages in Egypt: A mid-term evaluation and documentation of the FGM-free village project, Ghada Barsoum, Nadia Rifaat, Omaima El-Gibaly, Nihal Elwan, and Natalie Forcier


Improving the health care response to gender-based violence: Phase II, Meiwita P. Budiharsana and Mai Quoc Tung


Intimate partner violence functions as both a risk marker and risk factor for women's HIV infection: Findings from Indian husband-wife dyads, Michele R. Decker, George R. Seage, David Hemenway, Anita Raj, Niranjan Saggurti, Balaiah Donta, and Jay G. Silverman


The co-occurrence of intimate partner violence and syphilis among pregnant women in Bolivia, Claudia Díaz-Olavarrieta, Kate S. Wilson, Sandra G. García, Rita Revollo, Kara Richmond, Francisco Paz, and Lorena Chavez


Addis Birhan ('New Light'): Fostering husbands' involvement and support in Amhara Region, Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Awraris Alemayehu


Social exclusion and early or unwanted sexual initiation among poor urban females in Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Abebaw Ferede


Female genital mutilation/cutting: Change is possible, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Violence within marriage among young people in Tamil Nadu, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


The Copperbelt model of integrated care for survivors of rape and defilement: Testing the feasibility of police provision of emergency contraceptive pills, Jill Keesbury, Mary Zama, and Sudha Shreeniwas


Comprehensive care and HIV prophylaxis after sexual assault in rural South Africa: The Refentse intervention study, Julia C. Kim, Ian Askew, Lufuno Muvhango, Ntabozuko Dwane, Tanya Abramsky, Stephen Jan, Ennica Ntlemo, Jane Chege, and Charlotte Watts


The Refentse model for post-rape care: Strengthening sexual assault care and HIV post-exposure prophylaxis in a district hospital in rural South Africa, Julia C. Kim, Ian Askew, Lufuno Muvhango, Ntabozuko Dwane, Tanya Abramsky, Stephen Jan, Ennica Ntlemo, Jane Chege, and Charlotte Watts


Sexual violence: Setting the research agenda for Kenya, Catherine Maternowska, Jill Keesbury, and Nduku Kilonzo


An assessment of sexual and gender based violence in Wajir district, North Eastern Kenya, Gladys K. Mwangi and Jaldesa Guyo


The making of the Kenya sexual offenses act, 2006: Behind the scenes, Washington Onyango-Ouma, Njoki Ndung'u, Nancy Baraza, and Harriet Birungi


KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health policy and guidelines for integrated ante and postnatal care at district hospital community health centre and clinic level, Population Council


Multi-sectoral approaches to preventing sexual assault and domestic violence: A collective force to stop the violence, Population Council

Submissions from 2008


Managing and preventing female genital cutting (FGM/C) among the Somali community in Kenya, Maryam Sheikh Abdi, Jaldesa Guyo, and Ian Askew


Delinking female genital mutilation/cutting from Islam, Ibrahim Lethome Asmani and Maryam Sheikh Abdi


Dissocier les mutilations génitales féminines de l'Islam, Ibrahim Lethome Asmani and Maryam Sheikh Abdi


Assessment of risk factors for HIV infection in female sex workers and men who have sex with men in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, Magda Chinaglia, Waimar Tun, Maeve Mello, Magdalena Insfran, and Juan Diaz


Lutte contre la pratique de l'excision au Mali: De l'approche santé à l'approche basée sur les droits de l'enfant-Rapport d'Evaluation du Programme du Centre Djoliba, Anta Fall Diagne


Technical assistance to the interagency coordination group seeking to reduce female genital mutilation/cutting, Nafissatou J. Diop


Analysis of the evolution of the practice of female genital mutilation/cutting in Burkina Faso, Nafissatou J. Diop, Zakari Congo, Aina Ouedraogo, Alphosine Sawadogo, Lydia Saloucou, and Ida Tamini


Evaluation of the long-term impact of the TOSTAN programme on the abandonment of FGM/C and early marriage: Results from a qualitative study in Senegal, Nafissatou J. Diop, Amadou Moreau, and Helene Benga


Identifying sources of adolescent exclusion due to violence: Participatory mapping in South Africa, Nora Kenworthy, Kelly Hallman, and Judith A. Diers


A situation analysis of care and support for rape survivors at first point of contact in India and Bangladesh, M.E. Khan, Aruna Bhattacharya, Ismat Bhuiya, and Aditi Aeron


Exploring opportunities to project a 'responsible man' image: Gatekeepers views of young men's sexual and reproductive health needs in Uttaranchal, India, M.E. Khan, Anurag Mishra, and Sudhakar Morankar


Africa regional sexual and gender-based violence network consultation: Technical exchange and planning meeting, Population Council


Burkina Faso: Political will, law enforcement, and educational campaigns appear to be reducing FGM/C, Population Council


Kenya: Islamic scholars find no religious justification for FGM/C, Population Council


Kenya: Training can enhance providers' management of FGM/C and willingness to advocate against the practice, Population Council


Senegal: Education and public declarations contribute to Tostan's success, Population Council


Sexual and gender-based violence, Population Council


Sexual and gender based violence in Africa: Key issues for programming, Population Council


Sexual and gender based violence in Africa: Literature review, Population Council


South Africa: Integrated approach improves quality of post-rape care, Population Council


Measuring attitudes toward gender norms among young men in Brazil: Development and psychometric evaluation of the GEM scale, Julie Pulerwitz and Gary Barker


Intimate partner violence and HIV infection among married Indian women, Jay G. Silverman, Michele R. Decker, Niranjan Saggurti, Donta Balaiah, and Anita Raj


Domestic violence, contraceptive use, and unwanted pregnancy in rural India, Rob Stephenson, Michael A. Koenig, Rajib Acharya, and Tarun K. Roy


Promoting gender equity as a strategy to reduce HIV risk and gender-based violence among young men in India, Ravi K. Verma, Julie Pulerwitz, Vaishali Sharma Mahendra, Sujata Khandekar, A.K. Singh, S.S. Das, Sunil Mehra, Anita Nura, and Gary Barker

Submissions from 2007


Correlates of premarital relationships among unmarried youth in Pune District, Maharashtra, India, Mallika Alexander, Laila Garda, Savita Kanade, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, and Bela Ganatra


Maternal syphilis and intimate partner violence in Bolivia: A gender-based analysis of implications for partner notification and universal screening, Claudia Diaz, Sandra G. García, Becca Seitchik Feldman, Alberto Martinez Polis, Rita Revollo, Freddy Tinajeros, and Daniel Grossman


Abuse during pregnancy in Mexico City, Claudia Diaz, Francisco Paz, Katrina Abuabara, H.B. Martinez Ayala, K. Kolstad, and T. Palermo