"Sexual violence: Setting the research agenda for Kenya" by Catherine Maternowska, Jill Keesbury et al.

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This research agenda is the result of a stakeholders’ meeting held in Nairobi on June 11–12, 2008, that identified, developed, and prioritized areas for research on sexual violence in Kenya. The meeting was convened by the Population Council, Liverpool VCT, Care & Treatment, and the International Centre of Reproductive Health, Kenya. Kenya’s research agenda is premised on the need to generate the evidence required to impact policy formulation and services strengthening. Knowledge gaps that form the basis of key research areas identified include the need to: 1) Understand the nature, contexts, and prevalence of sexual violence; 2) Document and evaluate prevention initiatives from national to grassroots and spanning legislation, advocacy, and community interventions to identify replicable and scalable interventions; 3) Research innovative ways to improve access to, uptake, and deliver quality sexual violence care, treatment, and rehabilitation services for men and women in Kenya; and 4) Improve knowledge on sexual violence focusing on priority populations with higher risk and vulnerability.




Expanding the Evidence Base on Comprehensive Care for Survivors of Sexual Violence in East and Southern Africa
