"Improving the health care response to gender-based violence: Phase II" by Meiwita P. Budiharsana and Mai Quoc Tung

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In 2009, the Population Council/Vietnam in collaboration with the Hanoi Health Service carried out an evaluation survey among Duc Giang Hospital staff to assess the extent to which awareness and perceptions of gender-based violence (GBV) had changed since the project commenced in 2005. The survey also assessed the extent to which the response of the hospital and Women’s Center for Counseling and Health had been strengthened, and made recommendations on changes to improve the situation. Overall, this project has been effective in raising awareness and willingness to integrate GBV screening into health services. The project conducted its training program at a time when the community was also becoming increasingly aware, with the result that younger health practitioners are more sensitive to GBV issues. These two actions were complementary and reinforced one another. The result is that health staff are more willing to screen and help GBV victims. This final project evaluation report states that to map out where GBV is most prevalent, who is most vulnerable, and how can it be most effectively addressed, high-quality population-based GBV surveys should be a priority for Vietnam.




