Submissions from 2021
Improving data access and use for HIV biomedical prevention interventions, Project SOAR
Dataset—What are we learning about HIV testing in informal settlements in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa?, Stephanie Psaki, Julie Pulerwitz, Brady Zieman, Paul C. Hewett, and Mags Beksinska
What are we learning about HIV testing in informal settlements in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa? Results from a randomized controlled trial, Stephanie Psaki, Julie Pulerwitz, Brady Zieman, Paul C. Hewett, and Mags Beksinska
Lessons from implementation science: Key to curbing the global HIV epidemic, Julie Pulerwitz
Reducing HIV risk for adolescent girls and young women and their male partners: Learnings from the DREAMS Partnership, Julie Pulerwitz, Ann Gottert, Jerry Okal, and Sanyukta Mathur
Mitigating the COVID-19 challenges to HIV prevention efforts in Africa: A socio-behavioral perspective, Julie Pulerwitz, Harsha Thirumurthy, Elizabeth E. Tolley, and Ariane van der Straten
"A man without money getting a sexual partner? It doesn’t exist in our community": Male partners’ perspectives on transactional sexual relationships in Uganda and Eswatini, Julie Pulerwitz, C. Valenzuela, Ann Gottert, Godfrey Siu, Patrick Shabangu, and Sanyukta Mathur
Effects of transition on HIV and non-HIV services and health systems in Kenya: A mixed methods evaluation of donor transition, Daniela C. Rodríguez, Diwakar Mohan, Caroline Mackenzie, Jess Wilhelm, Ezinne Eze-Ajoku, Elizabeth Omondi, Mary Qiu, and Sara Bennett
Providing family planning and reproductive health services in factory settings: Lessons from Port Said, Egypt, Nesrine Salama, Maryam Essam, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, and Elizabeth Tobey
Inclusive HIV prevention in South Africa: Reaching foreign migrant adolescent girls, Miriam Temin, Cecilia Milford, Mags Beksinska, Debbie Van Zyl, and Jonathan Cockburn
Optimizing maternal and child health outcomes through use of multidisciplinary 'IMPROVE' teams in Lesotho, Appolinaire Tiam, Vincent Tukei, Lauren Greenberg, Shannon Viana, Heather Hoffman, Laura Guay, Ramatlapeng Thabelo, Tsietso Mots'oane, and Matsepeli Nchephe
Genital abnormalities, hormonal contraception, and human immunodeficiency virus transmission risk in Rwandan serodifferent couples, Kristin M. Wall, Etienne Karita, Julien Nyombayire, Rosine Ingabire, Jeannine Mukamuyango, Rachel Parker, Ilene Brill, Matt Price, Lisa Haddad, Amanda Tichacek, Eric Hunter, and Susan Allen
Advancing Integrated Family Planning (FP)/HIV Counseling with Evidence (ADVICE): Review of FP decision support tools and HIV vulnerability assessment tools, Eileen Yam and Tracy McClair
Submissions from 2020
No-flip ShangRing circumcision in 10-12 year old boys: Results from randomized clinical trials in Kenya, Omar Al Hussein Alawamlh, Quentin Awori, Mark Barone, Soo-Jeong Kim, Marc Goldstein, Philip S. Li, and Richard K. Lee
Piloting and evaluating family-centered HIV care in Eswatini, Caspian Chouraya, Nobuble Mthethwa, Lynne Mofenson, Philisiwe Khumalo, Lydia Mpango, Munamato Mirira, Rhoderick Machekano, Leila Katirayi, and Kim Ashburn
Characterizing the unmet HIV prevention needs and HIV risk vulnerabilities of adolescent girls and young women in Ethiopia, Carly A. Comins, Sheree Schwartz, Stefan Baral, and Andargachew Mulu
Modeling HIV transmission from sexually active alcohol-consuming men in ART programs to seronegative wives, Kevin D. Dieckhaus, Toan Ha, Stephen L. Schensul, and Avina Sarna
"I think this is the only challenge… the stigma” Stakeholder perceptions about barriers to antenatal care (ANC) and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) uptake in Kano state, Nigeria, Osasuyi Dirisu, George I. Eluwa, Eseoghene Adams, Kwasi Torpey, Oladapo Shittu, and Sylvia Adebajo
Reaching 90-90-90: Evidence from Project SOAR to strengthen the HIV response, Scott Geibel
Gaining traction: Promising shifts in gender norms and intimate partner violence in the context of a community-based HIV prevention trial in South Africa, Ann Gottert, Julie Pulerwitz, Nicole Haberland, Rhandzekile Mathebula, Dumisani Rebombo, Kathryn Spielman, Rebecca West, Aimée Julien, Rhian Twine, Dean Peacock, Mi-Suk Kang, Dufour F. Xavier, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Audrey Pettifor, Sheri A. Lippman, and Kathleen Kahn
Creating HIV risk profiles for men in South Africa: A latent class approach using cross-sectional survey data, Ann Gottert, Julie Pulerwitz, Craig Heck, Cherie Cawood, and Sanyukta Mathur
Seizing opportunities for intervention: Changing HIV-related knowledge among men who have sex with men and transgender women attending trusted community centers in Nigeria, Milissa U. Jones, Habib O. Ramadhani, Sylvia Adebajo, Charlotte A. Gaydos, Afoke Kokogho, Stefan Baral, Rebecca G. Nowak, Julie Ake, Hongjie Liu, Manhattan E. Charurat, Merlin L. Robb, Trevor A. Crowell, and TRUST/RV368 Study Group
Sustaining consistent condom use among female sex workers by addressing their vulnerabilities and strengthening community-led organizations in India, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Monika Walia, Sangram Kishor Patel, Madhusudana Battala, Saradiya Mukherjee, Prachi Patel, Balakrishnan Subramanium, Yamini Atmavilas, and Niranjan Saggurti
Reducing HIV risk for adolescent girls and young women and their male partners: Insights from the DREAMS Partnership, Sanyukta Mathur
Implementing a multi-sectoral HIV prevention program: Insights from the DREAMS Implementation Science research portfolio, Sanyukta Mathur, Jerry Okal, and Julie Pulerwitz
HIV vulnerability among adolescent girls and young women: A multi-country latent class analysis approach, Sanyukta Mathur, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Sangram Kishor Patel, Jerry Okal, Victor Mwapasa, Effie Chipeta, Maurice Musheke, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, and Julie Pulerwitz
Education and sexually transmitted infections among Malawian adolescents / Niveau d'instruction et infections sexuellement transmissibles chez les adolescent(e)s au Malawi, Barbara Mensch, Monica J. Grant, and Erica Soler-Hampejsek
Does schooling protect sexual health? The association between three measures of education and STIs among adolescents in Malawi, Barbara Mensch, Monica J. Grant, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Christine A. Kelly, Satvika Chalasani, and Paul C. Hewett
"It is always better for a man to know his HIV status" — A qualitative study exploring the context, barriers and facilitators of HIV testing among men in Nairobi, Kenya, Jerry Okal, Daniel Lango, James K. Matheka, Francis Obare, Carol Ngunu-Gituathi, Mary Mugambi, and Avina Sarna
A case-study of OVC Case Management through the Zambia Family (ZAMFAM) project, Lyson Phiri, Drosin Mulenga, Nancy Choka, Caila Brander, Nachela Chelwa, and Nkomba Kayeyi
Evidence to support HIV prevention for adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) and their male partners: Results from Malawi Dreams studies with AGYW, male partners of AGYW, men living with HIV, and program implementing partners, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Victor Mwapasa, Effie Chipeta, Wanangwa Chimwaza Manda, Nrupa Jani, Tracy McClair, Lyson Tenthani, and Sanyukta Mathur
A case study of OVC Case Management through the Zambia Family (ZAMFAM) project—Brief, Population Council
Program effects of DREAMS among adolescent girls and young women in Kisumu County, Kenya: Findings from DREAMS implementation science research, Population Council
Program effects of DREAMS among adolescent girls and young women in Zambia: Findings from DREAMS implementation science research, Population Council
Reducing HIV risk among young women and their partners: Highlights from the DREAMS implementation science research portfolio, Population Council
Evidence around engaging men in HIV prevention and treatment, Julie Pulerwitz, Ann Gottert, Jerry Okal, and Sanyukta Mathur
Association of age with healthcare needs and engagement among Nigerian men who have sex with men and transgender women: Cross‐sectional and longitudinal analyses from an observational cohort, Habib O. Ramadhani, Trevor A. Crowell, Rebecca G. Nowak, Nicaise Ndembi, Blessing O. Kayode, Afoke Kokogho, Uchenna Ononaku, Elizabeth Shoyemi, Charles Ekeh, Sylvia Adebajo, Stefan Baral, Manhattan E. Charurat, and TRUST/RV368 Study Group
Strengthening capacity for assessment of HIV-related data needs among key populations to inform evidence-based responses, Amrita Rao, Nikita Viswasam, and Stefan Baral
Safer conception for female sex workers living with HIV in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: Cross-sectional analysis of needs and opportunities in integrated family planning/HIV services, Eileen Yam, Catherine Kahabuka, Gasper Mbita, Koheleth Winani, Louis Apicella, Caterina Casalini, and Zuhura Mbuguni
Evidence review and analysis of provider behavior change opportunities, Emily Zimmerman, Vivien Caetano, Rachel Banay, and Jana Smith
Taking the daily grind out of HIV prevention, Thomas Zydowsky
Submissions from 2019
Use of topical versus injectable anaesthesia for ShangRing circumcisions in men and boys in Kenya: Results from a randomized controlled trial, Quentin Awori, Philip S. Li, Richard K. Lee, Daniel Ouma, Millicent Oundo, Mukhaye Barasa, Nereah Obura, David Mwamkita, Raymond Otieno Simba, Jairus Oketch, Nixon Nyangweso, Mary N. Maina, Nicholas Kiswi, Michael Kirui, Betty Chirchir, Marc Goldstein, and Mark Barone
Exploring gender and partner communication: Theory of Planned Behavior predictors for condom use among young, urban adults in Zambia, Rachna Nag Chowdhuri, Jessie Pinchoff, Christopher B. Boyer, and Thoai Ngo
Opportunities and challenges for the introduction of a new female condom among young adults in urban Zambia, Katherine Gambir, Jessie Pinchoff, Olasubomi Obadeyi, and Thoai Ngo
After the Ring Study: DREAM, International Partnership for Microbicides
Um Só Currículo: Actividades para uma Educação Integrada em Sexualidade, Género, HIV e Direitos Humanos, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow
Dataset: Vulnerable street boys and girls in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nrupa Jani, Lung Vu, Sam Kalibala, Gebeyehu Mekonnen, and Kay Lynn
Research capacity strengthening in sub-Saharan Africa: Recognizing the importance of local partnerships in designing and disseminating HIV implementation science to reach the 90–90–90 goals, Anna Kalbarczyk, Wendy Davis, Sam Kalibala, Scott Geibel, Aisha I. Yansaneh, Nina A. Martin, Ellen Weiss, Deanna Kerrigan, and Yukari C. Manabe
Understanding women’s motivations to participate in MTN-003/VOICE, a phase 2b HIV prevention trial with low adherence, Ariana Katz, Barbara Mensch, Kubashini Woeber, Petina Musara, Juliane Etima, and Ariane van der Straten
When sex is power, Michelle R. Kaufman and Julie Pulerwitz
Gender-based violence and engagement in biomedical HIV prevention, care and treatment: A scoping review, Anna M. Leddy, Ellen Weiss, Eileen Yam, and Julie Pulerwitz
Use and acceptability of HIV self-testing among first-time testers at risk for HIV in Senegal, Carrie E. Lyons, Karleen Coly, Anna L. Bowring, Benjamin Liestman, Daouda Diouf, Vincent Wong, Gnilane Turpin, Delivette Castor, Penda Dieng, Oluwasolape Olawore, Scott Geibel, Sosthenes Ketende, Cheikh Ndour, Safiatou Thiam, Coumba Toure-Kane, and Stefan Baral
Vaginal ring use in a phase 3 microbicide trial: A comparison of objective measures and self-reports of non-adherence in ASPIRE, Barbara Mensch, Barbara Richardson, Marla Husnik, Elizabeth R. Brown, Flavia Matovu Kiweewa, Ashley Mayo, Jared M. Baeten, Thesla Palanee-Phillips, Ariane van der Straten, and MTN-020-ASPIRE Study Team
Implementing and scaling-up Stepping Stones in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: Lessons from working in informal settlements, Cecilia Milford, M. Mtshali, Mags Beksinska, and Julie Pulerwitz
Integration of HIV testing services into family planning services: A systematic review, Manjulaa Narasimhan, Ping Teresa Yeh, Sabina A. Haberlen, Charlotte E. Warren, and Caitlin E. Kennedy
Rollout of ShangRing circumcision with active surveillance for adverse events and monitoring for uptake in Kenya, Elijah Odoyo-June, Nandi Owuor, Saida Kassim, Stephanie Davis, Kawango Agot, Kennedy Serrem, George Otieno, Quentin Awori, Jonas Hines, Carlos Toledo, Catey Laube, Christine Kisia, Appolonia Aoko, Vincent Ojiambo, Zebedee Mwandi, Ambrose Juma, and Bartilol Kigen
Enhancing financial security of female sex workers through a community-led intervention in India: Evidence from a longitudinal survey, Sangram Kishor Patel, Saradiya Mukherjee, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Madhusudana Battala, Matangi Jayaram, Sameer Kumta, Yamini Atmavilas, and Niranjan Saggurti
Understanding the relationships between HIV and child marriage: Conclusions from an expert consultation, Suzanne Petroni, Rachel Yates, Manahil Siddiqi, Chewe Luo, Arwyn Finnie, Damilola Walker, Alice Welbourn, Catherine Langevin-Falcon, Claudia Cappa, Tia Palermo, Thoai Ngo, Sarah Baird, Jacqueline Makokha, Sagri Singh, Mandira Paul, Patience Ndlovu, Rukia Mannikko, Anita Raj, Wole Ameyan, Hendrica Okondo, and Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli
Relationship between self-efficacy and HIV testing uptake among young men who have sex with men in Myanmar: A cross-sectional analysis, Minh D. Pham, Poe Poe Aung, Paul A. Agius, Naanki Pasricha, Swai Mon Oo, Waimar Tun, Ashish Bajracharya, and Stanley Luchters
Quality of care and HIV service utilization among key populations in Zambia: A qualitative comparative analysis among female sex workers, men who have sex with men and people who use drugs, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Maurice Musheke, H. Fisher Raymond, Ryan Keating, John Mwale, Lunda Banda, Drosin Mulenga, Lyson Phiri, Scott Geibel, and Waimar Tun
The evaluation of the Woman's Condom marketing approach: What value did peer-led interpersonal communication add to the promotion of a new female condom in urban Lusaka?, Jessie Pinchoff, Christopher B. Boyer, Rachna Nag Chowdhuri, Gina Smith, Namwinga Chintu, and Thoai Ngo
Women and HIV: Understanding and addressing stigma—Evidence from the Population Council, Population Council
Meeting the needs of orphans and other vulnerable children: Learnings from Project SOAR, Project SOAR
Strengthening capacity to prevent HIV among adolescent girls and young women: Supporting DREAMS programming, Project SOAR
Gender norms and HIV testing/treatment uptake: Evidence from a large population-based sample in South Africa, Julie Pulerwitz, Ann Gottert, Kathleen Kahn, Nicole Haberland, Aimee Julien, Suarez A. Selin, Rhian Twine, Dean Peacock, X. Gómez-Olivé, Sheri A. Lippman, and Audrey Pettifor
HIV Research for Prevention 2018: From Research to Impact Conference summary and highlights, Barbara L. Shacklett, Julia Blanco, Lisa Hightow-Weidman, Nyaradzo M. Mgodi, José Alcamí, Susan Buchbinder, Mike Chirenje, Smritee Dabee, Mamadou Diallo, Kostyantyn Dumchev, Carolina Herrera, Matthew E. Levy, Enrique Martin Gayo, Nigel Aminake Makoah, Kate M. Mitchell, Kenneth Mugwanya, Krishnaveni Reddy, Maria Luisa Rodríguez, Marta Rodriguez-Garcia, Chelsea L. Shover, Tripti Shrivastava, Georgia Tomaras, Michiel Van Diepen, Monika Walia, Mitchell Warren, Amapola Manrique, Bargavi Thyagarajan, and Tamara Torri
Prevalence and determinants of unprotected sex in intimate partnerships of men who inject drugs: Findings from a prospective intervention study, Vartika Sharma, Waimar Tun, Avina Sarna, Lopamudra Saraswati, Minh D. Pham, Ibou Thior, and Stanley Luchters
Integrated care delivery for HIV prevention and treatment in adolescent girls and young women in Zambia: Protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial, Sujha Subramanian, Patrick Edwards, Sarah Roberts, Maurice Musheke, and Michael Mbizvo
Implementation science: Helping to accelerate progress toward achieving the 90–90–90 goal, Waimar Tun, Vivian Go, and Aisha I. Yansaneh
HIV testing and counselling couples together for affordable HIV prevention in Africa, Kristin M. Wall, Mubiana Inambao, William Kilembe, Etienne Karita, Bellington Vwalika, Joseph Mulenga, Rachel Parker, Tyronza Sharkey, Divya Sonti, Amanda Tichacek, Eric Hunter, Robert Yohnka, Joseph F. Abdallah, Ibou Thior, Julie Pulerwitz, and Susan Allen
Submissions from 2018
Simplifying the ShangRing technique for circumcision in boys and men: Use of the no-flip technique with randomization to removal at 7 days versus spontaneous detachment, Mark Barone, Philip S. Li, Richard K. Lee, Daniel Ouma, Millicent Oundo, Mukhaye Barasa, Jairus Oketch, Patrick Otiende, Nixon Nyangweso, Mary N. Maina, Nicholas Kiswi, Betty Chirchir, Marc Goldstein, and Quentin Awori
Integration of HIV and reproductive health services in public sector facilities: Analysis of client flow data over time in Kenya, Isolde Birdthistle, Justin Fenty, Martine Collumbien, Charlotte E. Warren, James Kelly Kimani, Charity Ndwiga, Susannah H. Mayhew, and Integra Initiative
Evaluating the impact of the DREAMS partnership to reduce HIV incidence among adolescent girls and young women in four settings: A study protocol, Isolde Birdthistle, Susan B. Schaffnit, Daniel Kwaro, Maryam Shahmanesh, Abdhalah Ziraba, Caroline W. Kabiru, Penelope Phillips-Howard, Natsayi Chimbindi, Kenneth Ondeng'E, Annabelle Gourlay, Frances M. Cowan, James R. Hargreaves, Bernadette Hensen, Tarisai Chiyaka, Judith R. Glynn, and Sian Floyd
The association between men’s concern about demonstrating masculine characteristics and their sexual risk behaviors: Findings from the Dominican Republic, Paul Fleming, Clare Barrington, Wizdom Powell, Ann Gottert, Leonel Lerebours, Yeycy Donastorg, and Maximo O. Brito
Building the evidence base on the HIV programme in India: An integrated approach to document programmatic learnings, Deepika Ganju, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Rajatashuvra Adhikary, Sangram Kishor Patel, Niranjan Saggurti, and Gina Dallabetta
Gender norms, gender role conflict/stress and HIV risk behaviors among men in Mpumalanga, South Africa, Ann Gottert, Clare Barrington, Heath Luz McNaughton-Reyes, Suzanne Maman, Catherine MacPhail, Sheri A. Lippman, Kathleen Kahn, Rhian Twine, and Audrey Pettifor
Dataset: Male partners of young women in Uganda: Understanding their relationships and use of HIV testing, Ann Gottert, Julie Pulerwitz, Anne Katahoire, Jerry Okal, Florence Ayebare, Nrupa Jani, Pamela Keilig, and Sanyukta Mathur
Male partners of young women in Uganda: Understanding their relationships and use of HIV testing, Ann Gottert, Julie Pulerwitz, Godfrey Siu, Anne Katahoire, Jerry Okal, Florence Ayebare, Nrupa Jani, Pamela Keilig, and Sanyukta Mathur
Condom use at last sex by young men in Ethiopia: The effect of descriptive and injunctive norms, Aparna Jain, Elizabeth Tobey, Hussein Ismail, and Annabel Erulkar
Measuring vulnerability among female sex workers in India using a multidimensional framework, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Ruchira Bhattacharya, Yamini Atmavilas, and Niranjan Saggurti
Dataset: DREAMS Implementation Science: Phase 1 Analysis Data, Zambia, Sanyukta Mathur, Maurice Musheke, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Drosin Mulenga, Lunda Banda, Nrupa Jani, and Julie Pulerwitz
High rates of sexual violence by both intimate and non-intimate partners experienced by adolescent girls and young women in Kenya and Zambia: Findings around violence and other negative health outcomes, Sanyukta Mathur, Jerry Okal, Maurice Musheke, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Sangram Kishor Patel, Ruchira Bhattacharya, Nrupa Jani, James K. Matheka, Lunda Banda, Drosin Mulenga, and Julie Pulerwitz
Dataset: DREAMS Implementation Science: Phase 1 Analysis Data, Kenya, Sanyukta Mathur, Jerry Okal, Nanlesta Pilgrim, James K. Matheka, Nrupa Jani, and Julie Pulerwitz
Benchmark assessment of orphaned and vulnerable children in areas of the Zambia Family (ZAMFAM) Project—Brief, Michael Mbizvo and Paul C. Hewett
Benchmark assessment of orphaned and vulnerable children in areas of the Zambia Family (ZAMFAM) Project, Michael Mbizvo, Paul C. Hewett, Nkomba Kayeyi, Lyson Phiri, Saziso N. Mulenga, Bwalya Mushiki, and Mwelwa Chibuye
How presentation of drug detection results changed reports of product adherence in South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe, Petina Musara, Elizabeth T. Montgomery, Nyaradzo M. Mgodi, Kubashini Woeber, Carolyne Akello, Miriam Hartmann, Helen Cheng, Lisa Levy, Ariana Katz, Cynthia I. Grossman, Zvavahera M. Chirenje, Ariane van der Straten, Barbara Mensch, and Microbicide Trials Network-003D Study Team
Stemming HIV in adolescents: Gender and modes of transmission, Suzanne Petroni and Thoai Ngo
Community mobilization to modify harmful gender norms and reduce HIV risk: Results from a community cluster randomized trial in South Africa, Audrey Pettifor, Sheri A. Lippman, Ann Gottert, Chirayath M. Suchindran, Amanda Selin, Dean Peacock, Suzanne Maman, Dumisani Rebombo, Rhian Twine, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Stephen Tollman, Kathleen Kahn, and Catherine MacPhail
Provider perspectives on PrEP for adolescent girls and young women in Tanzania: The role of provider biases and quality of care, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Nrupa Jani, Sanyukta Mathur, Catherine Kahabuka, Vaibhav Saria, Neema Makyao, Louis Apicella, and Julie Pulerwitz
Replication Data for: Provider perspectives on PrEP for adolescent girls and young women in Tanzania: The role of provider biases and quality of care, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Nrupa Jani, Sanyukta Mathur, Catherine Kahabuka, Vaibhav Saria, Neema Makyao, Louis Apicella, and Julie Pulerwitz
Addressing stigma and gender inequities to strengthen HIV and AIDS programming: A focus on key populations, Population Council
Feasibility and acceptability of HIV self-testing among men who have sex with men in Nigeria, Population Council
Male partners of adolescent girls and young women: Relationship characteristics and HIV risk—Findings from DREAMS implementation science research, Population Council
The Population Council: Pioneering new tools to prevent HIV, STIs, and unintended pregnancy, Population Council
What do we know about the HIV risk characteristics of adolescent girls and young women in Kenya? Findings from DREAMS Implementation Science research, Population Council
What do we know about the HIV risk characteristics of adolescent girls and young women in Zambia? Findings from DREAMS implementation science research, Population Council