Submissions from 2003
High rates and positive outcomes of HIV-serostatus disclosure to sexual partners: Reasons for cautious optimism from a voluntary counseling and testing clinic in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Suzanne Maman, Jessie K. Mbwambo, Nora M. Hogan, Ellen Weiss, Gad P. Kilonzo, and Michael D. Sweat
Condom use and abstinence among unmarried young people in Zimbabwe: Which strategy, whose agenda?, Ravai Marindo, Steve Pearson, and John B. Casterline
Programming for HIV prevention in Mexican schools, Ann P. McCauley, Martha Givaudan, Susan Pick, and Jessica Greene
Rapid Needs Assessment Tool for Condom Programming, Robert A. Miller, Nancy L. Sloan, Eugene Weiss, and Bernard Pobiak
Reproductive health services in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa: A situation analysis study focusing on HIV/AIDS services, Lewis Ndhlovu, Catherine Searle, Robert A. Miller, Andrew A. Fisher, Ester Snyman, and Nancy L. Sloan
The ABCs and beyond: Developing an operations research agenda on comprehensive behavior change approaches for HIV prevention: Report from a technical meeting, Julie Pulerwitz, Johannes van Dam, and Natalie Phillips-Hamblett
Programming for HIV prevention in South African schools, Priscilla Reddy, Shegs James, Ann P. McCauley, and Jessica Greene
Evaluation of United Nations-supported pilot projects for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV: Overview of findings, Naomi Rutenberg, Carolyn Baek, Sam Kalibala, and James Rosen
Family planning and PMTCT services: Examining interrelationships, strengthening linkages, Naomi Rutenberg, Carolyn Baek, Chipepo Kankasa, Ruth Nduati, Dorothy Mbori-Ngacha, Margaret Siwale, Scott Geibel, and Louis Apicella
Programme recommendations for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV: A practical guide for managers, Naomi Rutenberg, Sam Kalibala, Carolyn Baek, and James Rosen
Infant feeding counseling within Kenyan and Zambian PMTCT services: How well does it promote good feeding practices?, Naomi Rutenberg, Chipepo Kankasa, Ruth Nduati, Dorothy Mbori-Ngacha, Margaret Siwale, and Scott Geibel
HIV voluntary counseling and testing: An essential component in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV, Naomi Rutenberg, Chipepo Kankasa, Ruth Nduati, Dorothy Mbori-Ngacha, Margaret Siwale, Scott Geibel, and Louis Apicella
Changing patterns of knowledge, reported behaviour and sexually transmitted infections in a South African gold mining community, Brian G. Williams, Dirk Taljaard, Catherine Campbell, Eleanor Gouws, Lewis Ndhlovu, Johannes van Dam, Michel Carael, and Bertran Auvert
The influence of peer versus adult communication on AIDS-protective behaviors among Ghanaian youth, R. Cameron Wolf and Julie Pulerwitz
Submissions from 2002
HIV/AIDS Prevention Guidance for Reproductive Health Professionals in Developing-Country Settings, Helen Epstein, Daniel Whelan, Janneke van de Wijgert, Purnima Mane, and Suman Mehta
Designing HIV/AIDS Intervention Studies: An Operations Research Handbook, Andrew A. Fisher, James R. Foreit, John E. Laing, John E. Stoeckel, and John Townsend
Zimbabwe: CBD roles modified to address Zimbabwe's HIV/AIDS crisis, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Using men as community-based distributors of condoms, Cynthia P. Green, Stephanie Joyce, and James R. Foreit
Estimating the cost and effectiveness of different STI management strategies for sex workers in Madagascar, Horizons Program
Greater involvement of PLHA In NGO service delivery: Findings from a four-country study, Horizons Program
Ndola Demonstration Project: A midterm analysis of lessons learned, Horizons Program
Satisfaire les besoins de santé des hommes qui ont des rapports sexuels avec d'Autres hommes au Sénégal, Horizons Program
The female condom: Dynamics of use in urban Zimbabwe, Horizons Program
Peer education as a strategy to increase contraceptive prevalence and reduce the rate of STIs/HIV among adolescents in Cameroon, Institut de Recherche et des Etudes des Comportements (IRESCO)
Meeting the sexual health needs of men who have sex with men in Senegal, Cheikh Ibrahima Niang, Moustapha Diagne, Youssoupha Niang, Amadou Moreau, Dominique Gomis, Maye Diouf, Karim Seck, Abdoulaye Sidibe Wade, Placide Tapsoba, and Christopher Castle
Satisfaire aux besoins de santé des hommes qui ont des rapports sexuels avec d’autres hommes au Sénégal, Cheikh Ibrahima Niang, Moustapha Diagne, Youssoupha Niang, Amadou Moreau, Dominique Gomis, Maye Diouf, Karim Seck, Abdoulaye Sidibe Wade, Placide Tapsoba, and Christopher Castle
Integrating HIV prevention and care into maternal and child health care settings: Lessons learned from Horizons studies, Naomi Rutenberg, Sam Kalibala, Charles Mwai, and James Rosen
Pregnant or positive: Adolescent childbearing and HIV risk in South Africa, Naomi Rutenberg, Carol E. Kaufman, Kate Macintyre, Lisanne Brown, and Ali Mehyrar Karim
Submissions from 2001
The case for microbicides: A global priority, Kathy Attawell
A question of scale? The challenge of expanding the impact of non-governmental organisations' HIV/AIDS efforts in developing countries, Jocelyn DeJong
An assessment of youth centres in South Africa, Annabel Erulkar, Mags Beksinska, and Queen Cebekhulu
Ghana: Community workers can communicate STI and HIV/AIDS messages effectively, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya update: FRONTIERS adolescent reproductive health project, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
South Africa: Providers should encourage sexually active youth to use condoms, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Zambia: Los educadores juveniles pueden promover comportamientos sexuales más seguros, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Zambia: Peer educators can promote safer sex behaviors, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Reproductive tract infections: A guide for programme managers, Sarah Hawkes, Anjali Nayyar, Johannes van Dam, Kevin R. O'Reilly, Bidia Deperthes, and Dinesh Agarwal
Diverse realities: Understanding sexually transmitted infections and HIV in India, Sarah Hawkes and K.G. Santhya
Acceptability of the female condom after a social marketing campaign in Campinas, Brazil, Horizons Program
HIV and partner violence: Implications for HIV voluntary counseling and testing, Horizons Program
HIV voluntary counseling and testing among youth ages 14 to 21: Results from an exploratory study in Nairobi, Kenya, and Kampala and Masaka, Uganda, Horizons Program, Kenya Project Partners, and Uganda Project Partners
Evidence for the importance of community involvement: Implications for initiatives to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, Ann Leonard, Purnima Mane, and Naomi Rutenberg
A case study of Nairobi City Council's decentralised syphilis screening programme in antenatal clinics, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, Ian Askew, Elizabeth Mugwe, Bilhah Hagembe, and Rick Homan
HIV and partner violence: Implications for HIV voluntary counseling and testing programs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Suzanne Maman, Jessie K. Mbwambo, Margaret Hogan, Gad P. Kilonzo, Michael D. Sweat, and Ellen Weiss
The reporting of sensitive behavior among adolescents: A methodological experiment in Kenya, Barbara Mensch, Paul C. Hewett, and Annabel Erulkar
Women, communities, and the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV: Issues and findings from community research in Botswana and Zambia, Laura Nyblade and Mary Lyn Field-Nguer
Community involvement in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV: Insights and recommendations, Naomi Rutenberg, Mary Lyn Field-Nguer, and Laura Nyblade
Transitions to adulthood in the context of AIDS in South Africa: Report of Wave I, Naomi Rutenberg, Cathrien Kehus-Alons, Lisanne Brown, Kate Macintyre, Anthea Dallimore, and Carol E. Kaufman
Reducing HIV infection among youth: What can schools do? Key baseline findings from Mexico, South Africa, and Thailand, Holley Stewart, Ann P. McCauley, Simon Baker, Martha Givaudan, Shegs James, Iwin Leenen, Susan Pick, Priscilla Reddy, Usasinee Rewthong, Patchara Rumakom, and Dilys Walker
Submissions from 2000
Kenia: La identificación de las ITR sigue siendo un problema: la prevención es esencial, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya: Identifying RTIs remain problematic: Prevention is essential, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
Kenya: L'identification des IAR demeure hasardeuse: la prévention est primordiale, Frontiers in Reproductive Health
The female condom: Dynamics of use in urban Zimbabwe, Deanna Kerrigan, Steve Mobley, Naomi Rutenberg, Andrew A. Fisher, and Ellen Weiss
Peer education and HIV/AIDS: Past experience, future directions, Deanna Kerrigan and Ellen Weiss
Measuring relationship power in HIV/STD research, Julie Pulerwitz, L. Steven Gortmaker, and William Dejong
A participatory evaluation of the life-skills training programme in Myanmar, UNICEF and Population Council
Male circumcision and HIV prevention: Directions for future research, Johannes van Dam and Marie Christine Anastasi
Submissions from 1999
Informing Research on HIV Prevention: A Consultation, Sharon Fonn and C. Elizabeth McGrory
Case finding and case management of chlamydia and gonorrhea infections among women: What we do and do not know, Nicole Haberland, Beverly Winikoff, Nancy L. Sloan, Christiana Coggins, and Christopher J. Elias
Assessing the potential demand for and effectiveness of integrating STI/HIV management services with Zimbabwe National Family Planning Council's clinic-based family planning services, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, Ian Askew, Hazel M.B. Dube, Caroline S. Marangwanda, Sithokozille Simba, and Ahmed Latif
Demand for and cost-effectiveness of integrating RTI/HIV services with clinic-based family planning services in Zimbabwe, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, Ian Askew, Caroline S. Marangwanda, Sithokozille Simba, Hazel M.B. Dube, Rick Homan, Barbara Janowitz, Ahmed Latif, and Peter R. Mason
Integrating STI and MCH/FP Services, Population Council
The female condom in Zimbabwe: The interplay of research, advocacy, and government action, Population Council
Reproductive decisionmaking in the context of HIV/AIDS in Ndola, Zambia, Naomi Rutenberg, Ann E. Biddlecom, and Frederick A.D. Kaona
Submissions from 1998
Migration, sexual behavior and HIV diffusion in Kenya, Martin Brockerhoff and Ann E. Biddlecom
A study of women's preferences regarding the formulation of over-the-counter vaginal spermicides, Christiana Coggins, Christopher J. Elias, Ronachai Atisook, Mary T. Bassett, Virginie Ettiegne-Traore, Peter D. Ghys, Laura Jenkins-Woelk, Earmporn Thongkrajai, and Nancy L. VanDevanter
Community-based AIDS Prevention and Care in Africa: Results of four action-research interventions in East and Southern Africa, Ann Leonard and Esther Muia
Dual protection in an integrated community-based program: A case study of Tanzania Family Health/Ministry of Health Project in Mbeya, Grace Mbekem and Jane Chege
Submissions from 1997
Integrando la sexualidad en la planificación familiar: La experiencia de tres proyectos de VIH/ETS en América Latina y el Caribe, Julie Becker, Elizabeth Leitman, and Mahmoud F. Fathalla
Introducing sexuality within family planning: The experience of three HIV/STD prevention projects from Latin America and the Caribbean, Julie Becker, Elizabeth Leitman, and Mahmoud F. Fathalla
Integrating STI/HIV management strategies into existing MCH/FP programs: Lessons from case studies in East and Southern Africa, Baker Ndugga Maggwa and Ian Askew
Submissions from 1996
Integration of STI and HIV/AIDS services with MCH/FP services: A case study of the Mkomani Clinic Society in Mombasa, Kenya, Amina Twahir, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, and Ian Askew
Submissions from 1995
Community-based AIDS prevention and care in Africa—Dissemination of Phase I findings: Report of five national workshops, Population Council
Submissions from 1994
Community-based AIDS prevention and care in Africa: Case studies from five African countries, Ann Leonard
Partnership for prevention: A report of a meeting between women's health advocates, program planners, and scientists, Population Council
Submissions from 1993
The development of microbicides: A new method of HIV prevention for women, Christopher J. Elias and Lori L. Heise
Community-based AIDS prevention and care in Africa: Workshop report, Andrea Eschen