HIV Prevention Strategies | Topics | Population Council


Submissions from 2012


Alcohol use and STI among men in India: Evidences from a national household survey, Arvind Pandey, Ram Manohar Mishra, Dandu C.S. Reddy, Mariamma Thomas, Damodar Sahu, and Deepak Bharadwaj


Critical issues for integrating SRH and HIV/AIDS services to provide dual protection against unintended pregnancy and HIV/STI acquisition, Population Council


Getting real with youth-friendly services in Africa: Report of a satellite session at the XIX International AIDS Conference, Population Council


Mobilising community collectivisation among female sex workers to promote STI service utilisation from the government healthcare system in Andhra Pradesh, India, Parimi Prabhakar, Ram Manohar Mishra, Saroj Tucker, and Niranjan Saggurti


Community advocacy groups as a means to address the social environment of female sex workers: A case study in Andhra Pradesh, India, Swarup Punyam, Renuka Somanatha Pullikalu, Ram Manohar Mishra, Prashanth Sandri, Balakrishna Prasad Mutupuru, Suresh Babu Kokku, and Parimi Prabhakar


Nonclinical development needs and regulatory requirements for multipurpose prevention technologies: A primer, Joseph W. Romano, Martha Brady, and Judy Manning


Non-specific microbicide development: Then and now, Joseph W. Romano, Melissa Robbiani, Gustavo F. Doncel, and Thomas Moench


Male migration/mobility and HIV among married couples: Cross-sectional analysis of nationally representative data from India, Niranjan Saggurti, Saritha Nair, Alankar Malviya, Michele R. Decker, Jay G. Silverman, and Anita Raj


Sexual behavior of HIV-positive adults not accessing HIV treatment in Mombasa, Kenya: Defining their prevention needs, Avina Sarna, Stanley Luchters, Melissa Pickett, Matthew F. Chersich, Jerry Okal, Scott Geibel, Nzioki Kingola, and Marleen Temmerman


Assessment of unsafe injection practices and sexual behaviors among male injecting drug users in two urban cities of India using respondent driven sampling, Avina Sarna, Waimar Tun, Aruna Bhattacharya, Dean Lewis, Yumnam Shashikumar Singh, and Louis Apicella


On the cutting edge: Improving the informed consent process for adolescents in Zambia undergoing male circumcision for HIV prevention, Katie D. Schenk, Barbara Friedland, Louis Apicella, Meredith Sheehy, Kelvin Munjile, and Paul C. Hewett


An intravaginal ring that releases the NNRTI MIV-150 reduces SHIV transmission in macaques, Rachel Singer, Paul Mawson, Nina Derby, Aixa Rodriguez, Larisa Kizima, Radhika Menon, Daniel Goldman, Jessica Kenney, Meropi Aravantinou, Samantha Seidor, Agegnehu Gettie, James Blanchard, Michael Piatak Jr., Jeffrey D. Lifson, José Fernández-Romero, Melissa Robbiani, and Thomas Zydowsky


Understanding the association between injecting and sexual risk behaviors of injecting drug users in Manipur and Nagaland, India, Khrieketou Suoho, Chumben Humtsoe, Niranjan Saggurti, Shrutika Sabarwal, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, and Michelle Kermode


Community norms about youth condom use in Western Kenya: Is transition occurring?, Paula Tavrow, Eunice N. Muthengi, Albert Obbuyi, and Vidalyne Omollo


HIV-related conspiracy beliefs and its relationships with HIV testing and unprotected sex among men who have sex with men in Tshwane (Pretoria), South Africa, Waimar Tun, Scott E. Kellerman, Senkhu Maimane, Zukiswa Fipaza, Meredith Sheehy, Lung Vu, and Dawie Nel


Expanding access to comprehensive reproductive health and HIV information and services for married adolescent girls in Nyanza Province, Chi-Chi Undie, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare, Ben Ochieng, Wilson Liambila, Erick Oweya, Ian Askew, Rob Burnet, Bridget Deacon, and Aisha Mohamed


Disclosure of HIV status to sex partners among HIV-infected men and women in Cape Town, South Africa, Lung Vu, Katherine Andrinopoulos, Catherine Mathews, Mickey Chopra, Carl Kendall, and Thomas P. Eisele


Household survey to evaluate the Zambia-led Prevention Initiative: Baseline report, Zambia-led Prevention Initiative

Submissions from 2011


Identification of personal lubricants that can cause rectal epithelial cell damage and enhance HIV type 1 replication in vitro, Othell Begay, Ninochka Jean-Pierre, Ciby J. Abraham, Anne Chudolij, Samantha Seidor, Aixa Rodriguez, Brian E. Ford, Marcus Henderson, David Katz, Thomas Zydowsky, Melissa Robbiani, and José Fernández-Romero


Sexual and reproductive health needs of adolescents living with HIV in Kenya, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare, Jane Harriet Namwebya, Ibrahim Mohammed, Margaret Gitau, and Margaret Makumi


Maternal health care utilization among HIV-positive female adolescents in Kenya, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare Onyango, Anke van der Kwaak, and Jane Harriet Namwebya


Constructing a critical path for product development, commercialization, and access, Martha Brady


Facilitating regulatory approval of multipurpose prevention technologies for sexual and reproductive health, Martha Brady


Day of dialogue on multipurpose prevention technologies: Toward clarity in nomenclature, Martha Brady and C. Elizabeth McGrory


What regulatory guidance exists for multipurpose prevention technologies (MPTs)? A review of key guidance documents and their applicability to MPTs, Martha Brady and Heeyoung Park


First generation of gender and HIV programs: Seeking clarity and synergy, Judith Bruce, Nicole Haberland, Amy Joyce, Eva Roca, and Tobey Nelson Sapiano


Addis Birhan project: Working with boys and men to address young girls' social vulnerability, Annabel Erulkar, Louis Apicella, and Abebaw Ferede


Biruh Tesfa ('Bright Future') program provides domestic workers, orphans and migrants in urban Ethiopia with social support, HIV education and skills, Annabel Erulkar, Herma Gebru, and Gebeyehu Mekonnen


Biruh Tesfa procure aux employées domestiques, aux orphelines et aux immigrantes des zones urbaines éthiopiennes une assistance sociale, une formation sur le VIH ainsi qu'un programme de développement des compétences, Annabel Erulkar, Belaynesh Semunegus, and Gebeyehu Mekonnen


Biruh Tesfa provides domestic workers, orphans, and migrants in urban Ethiopia with social support, HIV education, and skills, Annabel Erulkar, Belaynesh Semunegus, and Gebeyehu Mekonnen


Ten years of the Kenya Adolescent Reproductive Health Project: What has happened?, Humphres Evelia, Monica Wanjiru, Francis Obare, and Harriet Birungi


HIV integrated biological and behavioural surveillance survey (IBBSS) 2010, Federal Ministry of Health


Evaluation of the informed consent process for male circumcision scale-up in Swaziland, Barbara Friedland, Louis Apicella, Katie D. Schenk, Meredith Sheehy, and Paul C. Hewett


Evaluation of the informed consent process for male circumcision scale-up in Zambia, Barbara Friedland, Louis Apicella, Katie D. Schenk, Meredith Sheehy, and Paul C. Hewett


2011 IPM Annual Report—A Decade of Progress Advancing HIV Prevention for Women, International Partnership for Microbicides


Women and HIV/AIDS, International Partnership for Microbicides


Women and the need for microbicides, International Partnership for Microbicides


It's All One Curriculum: Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Arabic], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


It's All One Curriculum: Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Bangla], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


It's All One Curriculum: Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Chinese], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


It's All One Curriculum: Guidelines for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Arabic], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


It's All One Curriculum: Guidelines for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education [Chinese], International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


"Knowing myself first": Feasibility of self-testing among health workers in Kenya, Sam Kalibala, Waimar Tun, William Muraah, Peter Cherutich, Erick Oweya, and Patricia Oluoch


An antiretroviral/zinc combination gel provides 24 hours of complete protection against vaginal SHIV infection in macaques, Jessica Kenney, Meropi Aravantinou, Rachel Singer, Mayla Hsu, Aixa Rodriguez, Larisa Kizima, Ciby J. Abraham, Radhika Menon, Samantha Seidor, Anne Chudolij, Agegnehu Gettie, James Blanchard, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Michael Piatak Jr., José Fernández-Romero, Thomas Zydowsky, and Melissa Robbiani


Social and behavioural research: Tool for intensifying fight against AIDS in India, Nita Mawar, Ramesh S. Paranjape, and M.E. Khan


Levels, trends and determinants of contraceptive use among adolescent girls in Kenya, Francis Obare, Harriet Birungi, Chi-Chi Undie, Monica Wanjiru, Wilson Liambila, and Ian Askew


Heading towards the Safer Highways: An assessment of the Avahan prevention programme among long distance truck drivers in India, Arvind Pandey, Ram Manohar Mishra, Damodar Sahu, Sudhir K. Benara, Uttpal Sengupta, Ramesh S. Paranjape, Gautam Abhishek, Satya R. Lenka, and Rajatashuvra Adhikary


Community health workers can effectively provide information and referrals to people living with HIV in their communities, Population Council


Dataset: Siyakha Nentsha: Enhancing the Health, Economic and Social Capabilities of Highly Vulnerable Young People, 2008-2011, Population Council


Focus on male youths in addressing alcohol and drug abuse risk in the context of HIV prevention among young people, Population Council


Integrating alcohol risk reduction into HTC services, Population Council


Service improvements and community education lead to increase in uptake of HIV services for infants and young children, Population Council


Using youth-friendly communication approaches to communicate HIV/AIDS with young people is feasible and acceptable, Population Council


The prevention and management of HIV and sexual and gender-based violence: Responding to the needs of survivors and those-at-risk, Sarah Raifman, Ian Askew, Sajeda Amin, Jill Keesbury, Saiqa Mullick, Judith A. Diers, Meiwita P. Budiharsana, Chi-Chi Undie, Mary Zama, Mantshi Menziwa, Sherry Hutchinson, and Naomi Rutenberg


HIV transmission among married men and women in districts with high out-migration in India: Study brief, Niranjan Saggurti, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Suvakanta N. Swain, Madhusudana Battala, Umesh Chawla, and Alka Narang


Migration and HIV in India: Study of select districts, Niranjan Saggurti, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Suvakanta N. Swain, Madhusudana Battala, Alka Narang, and Umesh Chawla


Male migration and risky sexual behavior in rural India: Is the place of origin critical for HIV prevention programs?, Niranjan Saggurti, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Suvakanta N. Swain, and Anrudh K. Jain


Motivations for entry into sex work and HIV risk among mobile female sex workers in India, Niranjan Saggurti, Ravi K. Verma, Shiva S. Halli, Suvakanta N. Swain, Rajendra Singh, Hanimi Reddy Modugu, Saumya RamaRao, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, and Anrudh K. Jain


Sex trafficking and initiation-related violence, alcohol use, and HIV risk among HIV-infected female sex workers in Mumbai, India, Jay G. Silverman, Anita Raj, Debbie M. Cheng, Michele R. Decker, Sharon Coleman, Carly Bridden, Manoj Pardeshi, Niranjan Saggurti, and Jeffrey H. Samet


The nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor MIV-150 in carrageenan gel prevents rectal transmission of simian/human immunodeficiency virus infection in macaques, Rachel Singer, Nina Derby, Aixa Rodriguez, Larisa Kizima, Jessica Kenney, Meropi Aravantinou, Anne Chudolij, Agegnehu Gettie, James Blanchard, Jeffrey D. Lifson, Michael Piatak Jr., José Fernández-Romero, Thomas Zydowsky, and Melissa Robbiani


Experience of violence and adverse reproductive health outcomes, HIV risks among mobile female sex workers in India, Suvakanta N. Swain, Niranjan Saggurti, Madhusudana Battala, Ravi K. Verma, and Anrudh K. Jain


Addressing sexual violence and HIV risk among married adolescent girls in rural Nyanza, Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie


Attitudinal and behavioral factors associated with extramarital sex among Nigerian men: Findings from a national survey, Lung Vu, Waimar Tun, Andrew Karlyn, Sylvia Adebajo, and Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi


Male circumcision for HIV prevention: Current evidence and implementation in sub-Saharan Africa, Richard G. Wamai, Brian J. Morris, Stefan A. Bailis, David Sokal, Jeffrey D. Klausner, Ross Appleton, Nelson Sewankambo, David A. Cooper, John Bongaarts, Guy De Bruyn, Alex D. Wodak, and Joya Banerjee


Making HIV services more responsive to young children and infants in Nyanza, Monica Wanjiru

Submissions from 2010


Expanded safety and acceptability of the candidate vaginal microbicide Carraguard® in South Africa, Lydia Altini, Kelly Blanchard, Nicol Coetzee, Alana de Kock, Christopher J. Elias, Charlotte Ellertson, Barbara Friedland, Anwar Hoosen, Heidi E. Jones, Peter H. Kilmarx, Mabitso Marumo, C. Elizabeth McGrory, Constance Monedi, Gugulethu Ndlovu, Bels Nkompala, Annalie Pistorius, Gita Ramjee, Mohlatlego Sebola, Annik Sorhaindo, Abigail Norris Turner, Kathryn Tweedy, Janneke van de Wijgert, Manuela M. Williams, and Beverly Winikoff


Implementing programs for the prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission in resource-constrained settings: Horizon studies, 1999–2007, Carolyn Baek and Naomi Rutenberg


Looking back, moving forward: Implementing PMTCT programs in resource-constrained settings, Horizons studies 1999 to 2007, Carolyn Baek and Naomi Rutenberg


Global HIV/AIDS policy in transition, John Bongaarts and Mead Over


Meserete Hiwot ("Base of Life"): Supporting married adolescents with HIV prevention and reproductive health in rural Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar, Aragaw Lamesgin, and Eunice N. Muthengi


Looking back, moving forward: Understanding the HIV risk and sexual health needs of men who have sex with men, Horizons studies 2001 to 2008, Scott Geibel, Waimar Tun, Placide Tapsoba, and Scott E. Kellerman


High-risk sex among mobile female sex workers in the context of jatras (religious festivals) in Karnataka, India, Shiva S. Halli, Raluca Buzdugan, Stephen Moses, James Blanchard, Anrudh K. Jain, Ravi K. Verma, and Niranjan Saggurti


2010 IPM Annual Report—Building on Breakthroughs, International Partnership for Microbicides


HIV/AIDS and the Millennium Development Goals: Microbicides and the need for long-term prevention, International Partnership for Microbicides


Microbicides research: Hope for the future, benefits for today, International Partnership for Microbicides


Monitoring and Evaluation of the Emergency Plan Progress (MEEPP): End-of-project evaluation, Sam Kalibala


A step-by-step guide to strengthening sexual violence services in public health facilities: Lessons and tools from sexual violence services in Africa, Jill Keesbury and Jill Thompson


Executive summary: A step-by-step guide to strengthening sexual violence services in public health facilities, Jill Keesbury and Jill Thompson


The changing face of U.S. funding for HIV programs in resource-limited settings, Scott E. Kellerman


Social-environmental factors and protective sexual behavior among sex workers: The Encontros intervention in Brazil, Sheri A. Lippman, Angela Donini, Juan Diaz, Magda Chinaglia, Arthur Reingold, and Deanna Kerrigan


Inverse probability weighting in STI/HIV prevention research: Methods for evaluating social and community interventions, Sheri A. Lippman, Starley B. Shade, and Alan E. Hubbard


"She's a professional like anyone else": Social identity among Brazilian sex workers, Laura R. Murray, Sheri A. Lippman, Angela Donini, and Deanna Kerrigan


Nonresponse in repeat population-based voluntary counseling and testing for HIV in rural Malawi, Francis Obare Onyango

Addis Birhan ("New Light"), Population Council


Intégration des Services au Sénégal, Population Council


Life-skills education leads to improved effect on adolescents' sexual behavior, Population Council


Addressing gender dynamics and engaging men in HIV programs: Lessons learned from Horizons research, Julie Pulerwitz, Annie P. Michaelis, Ravi K. Verma, and Ellen Weiss


Looking back, moving forward: Promoting gender equity to fight HIV, Horizons studies 1999 to 2007, Julie Pulerwitz, Annie P. Michaelis, and Ellen Weiss


Reducing HIV-related stigma: Lessons learned from Horizons research and programs, Julie Pulerwitz, Annie P. Michaelis, Ellen Weiss, Lisanne Brown, and Vaishali Sharma Mahendra


Horizons: Looking back, moving forward, Naomi Rutenberg and Deborah Weiss


Prevention with positives: How do we reach them in the community?, Avina Sarna, Jerry Okal, Stanley Luchters, Nzioki King'ola, and Scott Geibel


Community interventions supporting children affected by HIV in sub-Saharan Africa: A review to derive evidence-based principles for programming, Katie D. Schenk and Annie P. Michaelis


Community-level HIV/STI interventions and their impact on alcohol use in urban poor populations in India, Stephen L. Schensul, Niranjan Saggurti, Joseph A. Burleson, and Rajendra Singh


Understanding adolescent girls' protection strategies against HIV: An exploratory study in urban Lusaka, Joseph Simbaya, Martha Brady, Allison Stone, and Maya Vaughan-Smith

Submissions from 2009


Standards required in maintaining the chain of evidence in the context of post rape care services: Findings of a study conducted in Kenya, Carol Ajema, Emily Rogena, Hadley Muchela, Buluma Bwire, and Nduku Kilonzo


Evaluation of HIV counseling and testing in ANC settings and adherence to short course antiretroviral prophylaxis for PMTCT in Francistown, Botswana, Carolyn Baek, Tracy Creek, Lee Ann Jones, Louis Apicella, Jennifer Redner, and Naomi Rutenberg


Sexual behavior and desires among adolescents perinatally infected with human immunodeficiency virus in Uganda: Implications for programming, Harriet Birungi, John Frank Mugisha, Francis Obare Onyango, and Juliana K. Nyombi


A macaque model to study vaginal HSV-2/immunodeficiency virus co-infection and the impact of HSV-2 on microbicide efficacy, Federica Crostarosa, Meropi Aravantinou, Onome J. Akpogheneta, Edith Jasny, Andrew Shaw, Jessica Kenney, Michael Piatak Jr., Jeffrey D. Lifson, Aaron Teitelbaum, Lieyu Hu, Anne Chudolij, Thomas M. Zydowsky, James Blanchard, Agegnehu Gettie, and Melissa Robbiani


Adolescent girls in urban Ethiopia: Vulnerability and opportunity, Abebaw Ferede and Annabel Erulkar


Commercial sex workers in five Ethiopian cities: A baseline survey for USAID Targeted HIV Prevention Program for most-at-risk populations, Woldemariam Girma and Annabel Erulkar