"A case-study of OVC Case Management through the Zambia Family (ZAMFAM)" by Lyson Phiri, Drosin Mulenga et al.

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Zambia’s HIV prevalence is estimated at 11% among adults aged 15–49 years and 1% among children younger than 15 years. An estimated 10% of Zambia’s population is at high risk of being orphaned or vulnerable due to the HIV epidemic. The Zambia Family (ZAMFAM) project aims to improve the care and resilience of vulnerable populations while supporting HIV epidemic control. ZAMFAM used a case management approach that tracks beneficiaries from identification to graduation. The Population Council conducted a qualitative case study to understand actors and perceptions, and document best practices. Program beneficiaries viewed the ZAMFAM program as having made a positive contribution to the lives of orphans and vulnerable children. Testimonials from beneficiaries reflect high knowledge of HIV prevention, care, and management and identify educational support as a benefit of the program. Home visitations were also hailed by beneficiaries and key stakeholders. As noted in this report, the perspectives of beneficiaries and stakeholders were sought in addition to a detailed review of key program documentation to identify best practices and lessons for future programming.




