"A case study of OVC Case Management through the Zambia Family (ZAMFAM)" by Population Council

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The ZAMFAM program aims to improve the care and resilience of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) as well as young people living with HIV in Zambia by providing support and protection and by strengthening the capacity of children, families, and the community to better manage the socioeconomic shocks of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. A case study approach was employed to understand actors and perceptions, and to document best practices by the program. This brief summarizes the case study findings. The ZAMFAM program utilized several approaches to improving the well-being of OVC. Services or referrals were provided to beneficiaries through home visitation or one-stop shops and were delivered by trained community volunteers. The services included psychosocial support, child protection, food and nutrition, HIV prevention, HIV care and support, education support, and health and economic strengthening, and referrals were made for additional HIV counseling services. ZAMFAM also provided trainings for caregivers of OVC addressing ART adherence, parenting skills, economic strengthening, and nutrition for children and young people living with HIV. OVC were given life-skills training and received sexual and reproductive health talks at youth clubs.




