Through its research on adolescents and young people, the Population Council carries forward a global agenda to transform the lives of adolescents, especially girls. The agenda is more relevant than ever as adolescents face social, health, and economic challenges that have been further compounded by the Covid pandemic.

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Submissions from 2018


How to give adolescent girls voice, choice, and control: A framework for programs focused on empowering adolescent girls, Miriam Temin, Sajeda Amin, Thoai Ngo, and Stephanie Psaki


Indigenous Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment Network (IMAGEN): Adapting the Girl Roster™ for Lakota communities, Kelly Hallman and Stephanie Martinez


Insights and evidence gaps in girl-centered programming: A systematic review, Nicole Haberland, Katharine McCarthy, and Martha Brady


Las uniones infantiles forzadas: de la reforma legal a la disrupción social—Investigación formativa en cinco comunidades en Chisec Alta Verapaz, Paola Broll and Cecilia Garcés


Male partners of adolescent girls and young women: Relationship characteristics and HIV risk—Findings from DREAMS implementation science research, Population Council


Male partners of young women in Uganda: Understanding their relationships and use of HIV testing, Ann Gottert, Julie Pulerwitz, Godfrey Siu, Anne Katahoire, Jerry Okal, Florence Ayebare, Nrupa Jani, Pamela Keilig, and Sanyukta Mathur


Marriage and sexual and reproductive health of Rohingya adolescents and youth in Bangladesh: A qualitative study, Sigma Ainul, Iqbal Ehsan, Eashita Haque, Sajeda Amin, Ubaidur Rob, Andrea J. Melnikas, and Joseph Falcone


Married adolescents and family planning in rural Ethiopia: Understanding barriers and opportunities, Helen Ketema and Annabel Erulkar


Measuring gender equality in education: Lessons from trends in 43 countries, Stephanie Psaki, Katharine McCarthy, and Barbara Mensch


Migration and child domestic work: Evidence from Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar


Mothers' education and girls' achievement in Kibera: The link with self-efficacy, Benta Abuya, Joyce Mumah, Karen Austrian, Maurice Mutisya, and Caroline W. Kabiru


NISITU (Nisikilize Tujengane): Listen to Me, Let’s Grow Together, Population Council


Pedaleando hacia el futuro: Una oportunidad para incrementar y mantener la asistencia escolar de niñas adolescentes encomunidades indígeneas del árearural en Guatemala, Paola Broll


Pedaling toward the future: Increasing and maintaining the school attendance of adolescent girls in indigenous communities of rural Guatemala, Paola Broll


Programas Municipales de Infancia Adolescencia y Juventud, Honduras: Diseñemos juntos nuestro programa, Population Council


Program Modalidades Flexibles: Integrated Curriculum Guide—Primer semestre, Population Council


Program Modalidades Flexibles: Integrated Curriculum Guide—Segundo semestre, Population Council


Protocol of an open, three-arm, individually randomized trial assessing the effect of delivering sexual and reproductive health information to young people (aged 13-24) in Kenya and Peru via mobile phones: Adolescent/youth reproductive mobile access and delivery initiative for love and life outcomes (ARMADILLO) study stage 2, Lianne Gonsalves, Michelle J. Hindin, Angela Bayer, Cesar P. Carcamo, Peter Gichangi, Ndema Habib, Jefferson Mwaisaka, and Lale Say


Provider perspectives on PrEP for adolescent girls and young women in Tanzania: The role of provider biases and quality of care, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Nrupa Jani, Sanyukta Mathur, Catherine Kahabuka, Vaibhav Saria, Neema Makyao, Louis Apicella, and Julie Pulerwitz


Reading and numeracy skills after school leaving in southern Malawi: A longitudinal analysis, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Barbara Mensch, Stephanie Psaki, Monica J. Grant, Christine A. Kelly, and Paul C. Hewett


Réduction des grossesses précoces et involontaires chez les adolescents, Francis Obare, Caroline W. Kabiru, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, and Matti Parry


Registered or unregistered? Levels and differentials in registration and certification of births in Ghana, Fidelia A.A. Dake and Kamil Fuseini


Resources for nurturing childcare practices in urban and rural settings: Findings from the Colombia 2010 Demographic and Health Survey, Helga Bjørnøy Urke, M.B. Mittelmark, D.A. Amugsi, and Dennis Matanda


Skill retention after school-leaving: Analysis of data from the Malawi Schooling and Adolescent Study, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Barbara Mensch, Stephanie Psaki, Monica J. Grant, Christine A. Kelly, and Paul C. Hewett


Skills-building programs to reduce child marriage in Bangladesh: A randomized controlled trial, Sajeda Amin, Jyotirmoy Saha, and Johana Ahmed


State-level dietary diversity as a contextual determinant of nutritional status of children in India: A multilevel approach, Kakoli Borkotoky, Sayeed Unisa, and Ashish Kumar Gupta


Stemming HIV in adolescents: Gender and modes of transmission, Suzanne Petroni and Thoai Ngo


Strengthening capacity to prevent HIV among adolescent girls and young women: Supporting DREAMS-like programming, Project SOAR


The case for a multi-sectoral approach to preventing child marriage and early childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa, Eunice Muthengi and Karen Austrian


The influence of maternal and household resources, and parental psychosocial child stimulation on early childhood development: A cross-sectional study of children 36–59 months in Honduras, Helga Bjørnøy Urke, Mariela Contreras, and Dennis Matanda


Trabajando en incidencia política hacia una mejor vida para las niñas, jóvenes y mujeres en mi comunidad, Population Council


Understanding HIV risks among adolescent girls and young women in informal settlements of Nairobi, Kenya: Lessons for DREAMS, Abdhalah Kasiira Ziraba, Benedict Orindi, Sheru Muuo, Sian Floyd, Isolde Birdthistle, Joyce Mumah, Jane Osindo, Pauline Njoroge, and Caroline W. Kabiru


Webinar—Building Girls’ Protective Assets in Indian Country: Intentional Girl-Centered Program Design, Kelly Hallman and LeToy Lunderman


What do we know about the HIV risk characteristics of adolescent girls and young women in Kenya? Findings from DREAMS Implementation Science research, Population Council


What do we know about the HIV risk characteristics of adolescent girls and young women in Zambia? Findings from DREAMS implementation science research, Population Council


What works to improve outcomes for Kenya's adolescent girls?, Population Council


Who are the male partners of adolescent girls and young women in Swaziland? Analysis of survey data from community venues across 19 DREAMS districts, Zahra Reynolds, Ann Gottert, Erin Luben, Bheki Mamba, Patrick Shabangu, Nsindiso Dlamini, Muhle Dlamini, Sanyukta Mathur, and Julie Pulerwitz

Submissions from 2017


Addressing pregnancy prevention needs of adolescents in East and Southern Africa through education and health sector partnerships, Harriet Birungi, Chi-Chi Undie, Esther Lwanga Walgwe, Francis Obare, Caroline W. Kabiru, and Joyce Mumah


Adolescent Friendly Health Corners (AFHCs) in selected government health facilities in Bangladesh: An early qualitative assessment, Sigma Ainul, Iqbal Ehsan, Tasmiah Tanjeen, and Laura Reichenbach


Adolescent girls and young women’s perceptions of oral pre-exposure prophylaxis introduction in Tanzania: Findings from implementation science research, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP): Adapting the safe spaces model in rural settings, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP): Evaluation—Round 4 update, Karen Austrian, Paul C. Hewett, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, and Jean Digitale


Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Financial Education Audio Training Script, Wajir, Population Council


Adolescent Girls Initiative-Kenya: Health and Life Skills Audio Training Script, Wajir, Population Council


Adolescent health: Priorities and opportunities for Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram, Sapna Desai


Adolescent health: Priorities and opportunities for Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) in Uttar Pradesh, Sapna Desai


Adolescent health: Priorities and opportunities for Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK) in Uttar Pradesh [Hindi], Sapna Desai


Adolescent pregnancy in Zambia, Population Council


Adolescents in Bangladesh: A situation analysis of programmatic approaches to sexual and reproductive health education and services, Sigma Ainul, Ashish Bajracharya, Laura Reichenbach, and Kate Gilles


Assessment of comprehensive HIV-risk reduction programming for adolescent girls and young women: Implementation science research in Kenya, Population Council


Assessment of comprehensive HIV-risk reduction programming for adolescent girls and young women: Implementation science research in Zambia, Population Council


Associations between violence in school and at home and education outcomes in rural Malawi: A longitudinal analysis, Stephanie Psaki, Barbara Mensch, and Erica Soler-Hampejsek


Can conditional transfers eradicate child marriage?, Sajeda Amin, Niaz Asadullah, Sara Hossain, and Zaki Wahhaj


Characteristics associated with HIV and HSV-2 among adolescents in Malawi, Barbara Mensch and Erica Soler-Hampejsek


Characteristics of married adolescent girls in Egypt [Arabic], Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, May Gadallah, and Doaa Oraby


Child marriage in Zambia, Population Council


Cluster randomized evaluation of Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme (AGEP): Study protocol, Paul C. Hewett, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Jere R. Behrman, Fiammetta Bozzani, and Natalie Jackson Hachonda


Considerations for PrEP introduction to adolescent girls and young women: Implementation science research in Tanzania, Population Council


Construyendo Activos Protectores en Niñas Adolescentes: Una Colección de Herramientas para el Diseño de Programas, Population Council


Creating a culture of evidence use: Using an innovative knowledge translation platform to inform HIV/AIDS programming for women and girls, Jill Gay, Melanie Croce-Galis, Karen Hardee, and Amelia Peltz


Dataset: Evidence for causal links between education and maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, and malaria: A systematic review (materials), Stephanie Psaki, Barbara Mensch, Andrea J. Melnikas, and Erica Chuang


Dataset: Survey of Young People in Egypt (SYPE), Population Council


Dataset: The economic returns to investing in girls, Thoai Ngo, Erica Chuang, and Kelly Hallman


Dataset: UDAYA, Adolescent Survey, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, 2015–16, Population Council


Effective engagement of male partners of adolescent girls and young women in HIV services: Implementation science research in Swaziland, Population Council


Effective engagement of male partners of adolescent girls and young women in South Africa, Population Council


Effective engagement of male partners of adolescent girls and young women in Uganda, Population Council


Effect of a family-centered model of HIV care on viral suppression and care retention among HIV-positive children in Swaziland, Project SOAR


Empowering women and addressing marital violence through self-help groups: Evidence from rural Bihar—Policy brief, K.G. Santhya and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy


Empowering women and addressing violence against them through self-help groups (SHGs), Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, K.G. Santhya, Rajib Acharya, A.J. Francis Zavier, Neelanjana Pandey, Santosh Kumar Singh, Komal Saxena, Shilpi Rampal, Sharmistha Basu, Aparajita Gogoi, Madhu Joshi, and Sandeep Ojha


Enabling adolescent boys to adopt attitudes that espouse gender equality and oppose violence against women and girls: Evidence from rural Bihar—Policy brief, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy and K.G. Santhya


Enhancing access to post-rape care for child survivors in the context of police and health services in Zambia: A feasibility assessment of a police response model, Nachela Chelwa, Kshipra Hemal, George Msipu Phiri, Michael Mbizvo, and Chi-Chi Undie


Ensuring adolescents in Bihar stay—and learn—in school, Sapna Desai, Neelanjana Pandey, and Ashish Kumar Gupta


Ensuring adolescents in Uttar Pradesh stay—and learn—in school, Sapna Desai and Neelanjana Pandey


Ensuring adolescents in Uttar Pradesh stay—and learn—in school [Hindi], Sapna Desai and Neelanjana Pandey


Eradicating child marriage in the Commonwealth: Is investment in girls’ education sufficient?, Sajeda Amin, M. Niaz Asadullah, Sara Hossain, and Zaki Wahhaj


Evaluating community-facility linkage models to promote mother-infant retention along the HIV care continuum, Project SOAR


Evaluation of a safe spaces program for girls in Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Girmay Medhin


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the HERhealth model for improving sexual and reproductive health and rights knowledge and access of female garment factory workers in Bangladesh, Md. Irfan Hossain, Abdullah Al Mahmud Shohag, Ashish Bajracharya, Ubaidur Rob, and Laura Reichenbach


Executive Summary—Understanding the lives of adolescents and young adults (UDAYA) in Bihar, India, K.G. Santhya, Rajib Acharya, Neelanjana Pandey, Santosh Kumar Singh, Shilpi Rampal, A.J. Francis Zavier, and Ashish Kumar Gupta


Executive Summary—Understanding the lives of adolescents and young adults (UDAYA) in Bihar, India [Hindi], K.G. Santhya, Rajib Acharya, Neelanjana Pandey, Santosh Kumar Singh, Shilpi Rampal, A.J. Francis Zavier, and Ashish Kumar Gupta


Executive Summary: Understanding the lives of adolescents and young adults (UDAYA) in Uttar Pradesh, India (2015–16), K.G. Santhya, Rajib Acharya, Neelanjana Pandey, Ashish Kumar Gupta, Shilpi Rampal, Santosh Kumar Singh, and A.J. Francis Zavier


Expanding access to integrated family planning intervention packages for married adolescent girls in urban slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Fauzia Akhter Huda, Hassan Rushekh Mahmood, Sadia Afrin, Anisuddin Ahmed, Nafis Al Haque, and Bidhan Krishna Sarker


Exploring the association between FGM/C and early/child marriage: A review of the evidence, Jamlick Karumbi, David Gathara, and Jacinta Muteshi-Strachan


Family planning for HIV-positive girls and young women, Eileen Yam, Elizabeth Tobey, and Amy Ong Tsui


Gender differentials in feeding practices, health care utilization and nutritional status of children in Northern India, Abhishek Singh and Sangram Kishor Patel


Girls Creating Opportunities for a Brighter Tomorrow: Integrated Curriculum Guide (8 to 17 years old)—Two-year cycle (adapted for Belize), Cecilia Garcés and Paola Broll


Guía Curricular de Abriendo Oportunidades: Para niños de 8 a 12 años, Population Council


Herramientas para la formación y el acompañamiento a mentoras del programa Abriendo Oportunidades®, Cecilia Garcés and Alejandra Munguia


Increasing uptake of HIV, sexually transmitted infection, and family planning services, and reducing HIV-related risk behaviors among youth living with HIV in Uganda, Lung Vu, Brady Zieman, Cecily Banura, Jerry Okal, Margret Elang, Rodgers Ampwera, Georgina Caswell, Diana Amanyire, Jacquelyne Alesi, and Eileen Yam


Indigenous Adolescent Girls' Empowerment Network (IMAGEN), Kelly Hallman and Stephanie Martinez


Inequitable gender norms from early adolescence to young adulthood in Uganda: Tool validation and differences across age groups, Lung Vu, Julie Pulerwitz, Brady Zieman, Cecily Banura, Jerry Okal, and Eileen Yam


Introducing oral pre-exposure prophylaxis to adolescent girls and young women in Tanzania: Overview of findings from implementation science research, Population Council


Learning to be gendered: Gender socialization in early adolescence among urban poor in Delhi, India, and Shanghai, China, Sharmistha Basu, Xiayun Zuo, Chaohua Lou, Rajib Acharya, and Rebecka Lundgren


Linking sexual and reproductive health and rights and HIV services for young people: The Link Up project, Lucy Stackpool-Moore, Divya Bajpai, Georgina Caswell, Tyler Crone, Fleur Dewar, Greg Gray, Allen Kyendikuwa, Julie Mellin, Andrew Miller, Felicity Morgan, Luisa Orza, Jacqui Stevenson, Nienke Westerhof, Felicia Wong, Eileen Yam, and Brady Zieman


Married adolescent girls in rural Assiut and Souhag: Limited choices and unfulfilled reproductive health needs, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Doaa Oraby, Omaima El-Gibaly, Manal Darwish, Mirette Aziz, Amira Elgazzar, and Heba Mahmoud


Married young women and girls' family planning and maternal heath preferences and use in Ethiopia, Aparna Jain, Elizabeth Tobey, Hussein Ismail, and Annabel Erulkar


Measuring gender equality in education: Lessons from 43 countries, Stephanie Psaki, Katharine McCarthy, and Barbara Mensch


Men's perceptions of PrEP use by their adolescent and young adult female partners in Tanzania in Tanzania: Findings from implementation science research, Population Council


More Than Brides Alliance: Baseline report, India, Sharmistha Basu, Rajib Acharya, Andrea J. Melnikas, and Sajeda Amin