Population Council Focus Area: Adolescents and Young People | Focus Areas | Population Council

Through its research on adolescents and young people, the Population Council carries forward a global agenda to transform the lives of adolescents, especially girls. The agenda is more relevant than ever as adolescents face social, health, and economic challenges that have been further compounded by the Covid pandemic.

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Submissions from 2022


Changing the script: Intergenerational communication about sexual and reproductive health in Niamey, Niger, Martha Silva, Sethson Kassegne, Robert-Hugues Y. Nagbe, Lorimpo Babogou, Rebecca Ezouatchi, Abdou Louche Ado, Farida Moussa, and Leanne Dougherty


Childhood vaccinations and demographic transition: Long-term evidence from India, Arindam Nandi, Amit Summan, Thoai Ngo, and David E. Bloom


Climate change vulnerability, and health of women and children: Evidence from India using district level data, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Trisha Chaudhuri, and Niranjan Saggurti


Comparative analysis of contraceptive use in Punjab and Manipur: Exploring beyond women’s education and empowerment, Anjali Sharma, Abhishek Kumar, S.K. Mohanty, and Arupendra Mozumdar


Comparing cohabiting unions and formal marriages among adolescent girls in Zambia: The role of premarital fertility and parental support, Eunice N. Muthengi, Laura Muthoni, and Karen Austrian


Conducting a Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) Among Humanitarian-Affected Populations in Uganda: Fieldwork Strategies and Challenges, Francis Obare Onyango, George Odwe, Chi-Chi Undie, Peter Kisaakye, and Yohannes Wado


Dataset: The More than Brides Alliance, Grace Saul, Sajeda Amin, Andrea J. Melnikas, and Neelanjana Pandey


Determining the most significant changes on intergenerational communication and young people’s family planning and reproductive health outcomes: Qualitative evaluation of the Merci Mon Héros media campaign in Niger and Côte d’Ivoire, Martha Silva, Sethson Kassegne, Robert-Hugues Yaovi Nagbe, Rebecca Ezouatchi, Lorimpo Babogou, and Farida Moussa


Devolved health system capacity in the provision of care for sick newborns and young infants in four counties serving vulnerable populations in Kenya, Jesse Gitaka, Samuel Mbugua, Peter Mwaura, Daniel Gatungu, David Githanga, Charity Ndwiga, Timothy Abuya, Kezia K’Oduol, Wilson Liambila, and Fred Were


DREAMS Implementation Science: Data from surveys with men in South Africa (Round 1 & 2), Ann Gottert, Julie Pulerwitz, Cherie Cawood, David Khanyile, and Sanyukta Mathur


Economies of scale of large-scale international development interventions: Evidence from self-help groups in India, Garima Siwach, Sohini Paul, and Thomas de Hoop


Effects and resilience to climate crisis among adolescents: A narrative review on South Asian countries, Sangram Kishor Patel and Rahul Rajak


Élaboration du tableau de bord A3 des indicateurs relatifs aux adolescents et du tableau de bord des écarts entre les sexes, Lauren Woyczynski, Christina Misunas, and Md. Irfan Hossain


Exploitative working conditions for child domestic workers in Ethiopia, The Freedom Fund


Exposure to violence, adverse life events and the mental health of adolescent girls in Nairobi slums, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Karen Austrian, Benta Abuya, Beth Kangwana, Nicole Maddox, and Caroline W. Kabiru


From Data to Action: Informing Menstrual Health Management Programs, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, and Nicole Haberland


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Bangladesh case study, Eashita Haque, Natalie Wyss, Emily EunYoung Cho, and Karen Austrian


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: India case study, Neelanjana Pandey, Emily EunYoung Cho, Shilpi Rampal, and Karen Austrian


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Kenya case study, Faith Mbushi, Natalie Wyss, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, Eva Ireri Muluve, Laura Muthoni, and Beth Kangwana


Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Pakistan case study, Iram Kamran, Tahira Parveen, Rehan M. Niazi, Maqsood Sadiq, Fatima Azeem, Emily EunYoung Cho, and Karen Austrian


Gender-related barriers to schooling: What do we know about the effects of sexuality and life skills education?, Nicole Haberland


Getting girls back to school during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya: Lessons from the 4Ts initiative, George Odwe and Chi-Chi Undie


GIRL Center Roadmap to 2030, GIRL Center


Girls on the Map: Mapping for Program Planning and Social Change, Eva Roca


Guide d’utilisation de la liste de contrôle de la politique A3, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta


Health worker perceptions of stigma towards Zambian adolescent girls and young women: A qualitative study, Caroline Meek, Drosin Mulenga, Patrick Edwards, Sophie Inambwae, Nachela Chelwa, Michael Mbizvo, Sarah Roberts, Sujha Subramanian, and Laura Nyblade


How to Conduct Research with Children Ethically, Franziska Meinck, Chi-Chi Undie, Anita Burgund Isakov, Elizabeth Dartnall, and Angelica Pino


Identifying latent classes of empowerment among early adolescent girls and the factors that cultivate them: Evidence from a community-based skills training program, Christina Misunas and Sajeda Amin


If we ask, will they tell? (and then, what?): Screening for sexual violence against children in Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie and Margaret Mak'anyengo


Impact of COVID-19 on adolescent HIV prevention and treatment services in the AHISA network, Charisse V. Ahmed, Merrian J. Brooks, Stephanie M. DeLong, Brian C. Zanoni, Irene Njuguna, Kristin Beima-Sofie, Dorothy E. Dow, Aisa Shayo, Alana Schreibman, Jennifer Chapman, Lydia Chen, Shreya Mehta, Michael Mbizvo, and Elizabeth D. Lowenthal


Impacto multidimensional de la pandemia en las juventudes indígenas de Yucatán, Silvana Larrea-Schiavon, Suhayla Bazbaz, Fabiola Romero-Gamboa, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez


Impacts of multisectoral cash plus programs after four years in an urban informal settlement: Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya (AGI–K) randomized trial, Joy Koech, John A. Maluccio, Beth Kangwana, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Nicole Maddox, Rachel J. Sapire, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Benta Abuya, Eva Ireri Muluve, and Faith Mbushi


Impacts of multisectoral cash plus programs on marriage and fertility after 4 years in pastoralist Kenya: A randomized trial, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Nicole Maddox, Maryama Diaw, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Benta Abuya, Eva Ireri Muluve, Faith Mbushi, Hassan Mohammed, Abdullahi Aden, and John A. Maluccio


Integrated health care delivery for adolescents living with and at risk of HIV infection: A review of models and actions for implementation, Sujha Subramanian, Eleanor Namusoke-Magongo, Patrick Edwards, Millicent Atujuna, Teddy Chimulwa, Dorothy Dow, Emilia Jalil, Nguavese Torbunde, Kawango Agot, Ivan Arinaitwe, Jenny Beizer, Nachela Chelwa, Scovia Nalugo Mbalinda, Sam Miti, and Florence Mwangwa


Intersections of financial agency, gender dynamics, and HIV risk: A qualitative study with adolescent girls and young women in Zambia, Laura Gauer Bermudez, Drosin Mulenga, Maurice Musheke, and Sanyukta Mathur


Invisible threads: Addressing the root causes of migration from Guatemala by investing in women and girls, Ingrid Arias, Angel del Valle, Michelle Dubón, Aracely Martínez Rodas, Kathleen Mogelgaard, L. Tatiana Paz Lemus, and J. Joseph Speidel


Keeping girls in schools to reduce child marriage in rural Bangladesh: Endline assessment, Sigma Ainul, Forhana Rahman Noor, Md. Irfan Hossain, Iqbal Ehsan, Mehnaz Manzur, Ubaidur Rob, and Sajeda Amin


Lack of opportunities for indigenous young women in Guatemala: Forced mobility and absence of social protection systems, Aracely Martínez Rodas, Angel del Valle, and Ramón Zamora


Learnings from past interventions in the digital era: Evidence-based considerations for adolescents’ programming using information and communication technologies, Grace Saul and Waimar Tun


L’élaboration de la liste de contrôle pour les politiques A3, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta


Maternal education, health care system and child health: Evidence from India, Sohini Paul, Sourabh Paul, Ashish Kumar Gupta, and K.S. James


Menstruation, myopia, and marginalization: Advancing menstrual policies to “keep girls in school” at the risk of exacerbating inequalities, Nay Alhelou, Purvaja S. Kavattur, Mary M. Olson, Lillian Rountree, and Inga T. Winkler


Multisectoral, combination HIV prevention for adolescent girls and young women: A qualitative study of the DREAMS implementation trajectory in Zambia, Joseph G. Rosen, Maurice Musheke, Drosin Mulenga, Edith S. Namukonda, Nrupa Jani, Michael Mbizvo, Julie Pulerwitz, and Sanyukta Mathur


Policies and interventions to remove gender‐related barriers to girls' school participation and learning in low‐ and middle‐income countries: A systematic review of the evidence, Stephanie Psaki, Nicole Haberland, Barbara Mensch, Lauren Woyczynski, and Erica Chuang


Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among adolescents in India: A population-based study, Sowmya Ramesh, Ransi Abraham, Avina Sarna, Harshpal Sachdev, Akash Porwal, Nizamuddin Khan, Rajib Acharya, Praween Kumar Agrawal, Sana Ashraf, and Lakshmi Ramakrishnan

Promises to Keep: Impact of COVID-19 on Adolescents in Kenya—Photo Exhibition, Presidential Policy and Strategy Unit (Kenya) and Population Council


Quality of anthropometric data in India's National Family Health Survey: Disentangling interviewer and area effect using a cross-classified multilevel model, Laxmi Kant Dwivedi, Kajori Banerjee, Radhika Sharma, Rakesh Mishra, Sowmya Ramesh, Damodar Sahu, Sanjay Kumar Mohanty, and K.S. James


Restrictions on contraceptive services for unmarried youth: A qualitative study of providers’ beliefs and attitudes in India, Ankita Shukla, Abhishek Kumar, Arupendra Mozumdar, Rajib Acharya, Kumudha Aruldas, and Niranjan Saggurti


Sexual debut and risk behaviors among orphaned and vulnerable children in Zambia: Which protective deficits shape HIV risk?, Joseph G. Rosen, Nkomba Kayeyi, Mwelwa Chibuye, Lyson Phiri, Edith S. Namukonda, and Michael Mbizvo


Social normative origins of the taboo gap and implications for adolescent risk for HIV infection in Zambia, Sophia N. Nesamoney, Iván Mejía-Guevara, Beniamino Cislaghi, Ann M. Weber, Michael Mbizvo, and Gary L. Darmstadt


Temporal shifts in HIV-related risk factors among cohorts of adolescent girls and young women enrolled in DREAMS programming: Evidence from Kenya, Malawi and Zambia, Sanyukta Mathur, Craig Heck, Sangram Kishor Patel, Jerry Okoth Okal, Effie Chipeta, Victor Mwapasa, Wanangwa Chimwaza Manda, Maurice Musheke, Bidhubhusan Mahapatra, Julie Pulerwitz, and Nanlesta Pilgrim


The development of adolescent agency and implications for reproductive choice among girls in Zambia, Katharine McCarthy, Katarzyna Wyka, Diana Romero, Karen Austrian, and Heidi E. Jones


The effects of negative economic shocks at birth on adolescents’ cognitive outcomes and educational attainment in Malawi, Fabrice Kämpfen, Fatima Zahra, Hans Peter Kohler, and Rachel Kidman


The good, the bad and the unintended: Education, child marriage and early childbearing, Thoai Ngo


“Then I will say that we have to marry each other”: A qualitative view of premarital pregnancy as a driver of child marriage in Malawi, Andrea J. Melnikas, Nancy Mulauzi, James Mkandawire, Grace Saul, and Sajeda Amin


The perceived effects of COVID-19 pandemic on female genital mutilation/cutting and child or forced marriages in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Senegal, Tammary Esho, Dennis Matanda, Timothy Abuya, Sintayehu Abebe, Yeshitila Hailu, Khaltoume Camara, Bachir Mouhammed, Tonny Kapsandui, Lilian Kamanzi, Andrew Wabwire, Patrick Kagurusi, Maureen Nankanja, Anne Gitimu, David Kawai, John Kogada, Millicent Ondigo, and Joachim Osur


The prevalence of domestic servitude among child domestic workers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Research findings, Annabel Erulkar, Lemi Negeri, and Eyasu Hailu


The salutogenic approach to childcare in sub-Saharan Africa: A focus on children who thrive in the face of adversity, Pauline Bakibinga and Dennis Matanda


The taboo gap: Implications for adolescent risk of HIV infection, Sophia N. Nesamoney, Iván Mejía-Guevara, Ann M. Weber, Beniamino Cislaghi, Michael Mbizvo, and Gary L. Darmstadt


Unit costs of a community-based girl-centered HIV prevention program: A case study of Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe program, Jerry Okoth Okal, Japheth O. Awiti, James K. Matheka, Oluoch-Madiang’ Daniel, Rael Obanda, and Sanyukta Mathur

Webinar—From Data to Action: Informing Menstrual Health Management Programs, Karen Austrian, Nicole Haberland, Beth Kangwana, and Megan White Mukuria


What to expect when girls are expecting: Psychosocial support challenges and opportunities in the context and aftermath of teenage pregnancy in Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie and Harriet Birungi


What works to improve outcomes for Kenya’s adolescent girls?, Population Council


Women's groups and COVID-19: An evidence review on savings groups in Africa, Olayinka Adegbite, Leigh Anderson, Sybil Chidiac, Osasuyi Dirisu, Jenna Grzeslo, Julia Hakspiel, Chinmaya Holla, Emily Janoch, Krishna Jafa, Shubha Jayaram, Grace Majara, Tabitha Mulyampiti, Eve Namisango, Eva Noble, Bukola Onyishi, David Panetta, Garima Siwach, Munshi Sulaiman, Rebecca Walcott, Sapna Desai, and Thomas de Hoop


“You can't even ask a question about your child”: Examining experiences of parents or caregivers during hospitalization of their sick young children in Kenya: A qualitative study, Chantalle Okondo, Charity Ndwiga, Pooja Sripad, Timothy Abuya, and Charlotte E. Warren

Submissions from 2021


A comprehensive model to address reproductive health and family planning needs of factory workers in Port Said, Evidence Project


A comprehensive model to address reproductive health and family planning needs of factory workers in Port Said [Arabic], Evidence Project


A Covid Agenda from the Perspective of Adolescent Girls and Young Women, Judith Bruce


Action for adolescent girls and COVID-19: Implications for safe space programming in the Sahel, Population Council


Adolescent female empowerment, ideations, and health behavior—Insights for improving malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health outcomes in northwestern Nigeria through social and behavior change research, Breakthrough RESEARCH


Adolescent girls and COVID-19: Mapping the evidence on interventions, Sarah Blake, Miriam Temin, Tara Abularrage, and Nihal Said


Adolescent girls’ and young women’s economic empowerment programs: Emerging insights from a review of reviews, Nicole Haberland, Thomas de Hoop, Sapna Desai, Sarah Engebretsen, and Thoai Ngo


“Adolescents do not only require ARVs and adherence counseling”: A qualitative investigation of health care provider experiences with an HIV youth peer mentoring program in Ndola, Zambia, Elizabeth A. Abrams, Virginia M. Burke, Katherine G. Merrill, Christiana Frimpong, Sam Miti, Jonathan Kaunda Mwansa, and Julie Denison


Advancing girls' education in light of COVID-19 in East Africa: A synthesis report, Population Council, Regional Education Learning Initiative, and Mannion Daniels


Assessing the vulnerability and risks of adolescent girls and young women in East and Southern Africa: A preliminary review of the tools in use, B. Jane Ferguson, Sanyukta Mathur, and Alice Armstrong


Association of maternal height and body mass index with nutrition of children under 5 years of age in India: Evidence from Comprehensive National Nutrition Survey 2016–18, Akash Porwal, Praween Kumar Agarwal, Sana Ashraf, Rajib Acharya, Sowmya Ramesh, Nizamuddin Khan, Robert Johnston, and Avina Sarna


Associations between key psychosocial stressors and viral suppression and retention in care among youth with HIV in rural South Africa, Lindsey M. Filiatreau, Audrey Pettifor, Jessie K. Edwards, Nkosinathi Masilela, Rhian Twine, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Nicole Haberland, Chodziwadziwa Whiteson Kabudula, Sheri A. Lippman, and Kathleen Kahn


Building Assets Toolkit: Developing Positive Benchmarks for Adolescent Girls—Asset Cards [Arabic], Judith Bruce, Sarah Engebretsen, and Kimberly Glazer


Building Assets Toolkit: Developing Positive Benchmarks for Adolescent Girls—Instruction Guide [Arabic], Judith Bruce, Sarah Engebretsen, and Kimberly Glazer


Conceptual framework of the drivers of child marriage: A tool to guide programs and policies, Stephanie Psaki, Andrea J. Melnikas, Eashita Haque, Grace Saul, Christina Misunas, Sangram Kishor Patel, Thoai Ngo, and Sajeda Amin


Crezcamos felices: Manual sobre prevención de la violencia para mentoras del programa Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Data collection and ethical challenges associated with VAC studies, Chi-Chi Undie


Dataset—Project YES! Youth Engaging for Success: A randomized controlled trial assessing the impact of a clinic-based peer mentoring program on viral suppression, adherence and internalized stigma among HIV-positive youth (15–24 years) in Ndola, Zambia, Julie Denison, Virginia M. Burke, Sam Miti, Bareng A.S. Nonyane, Christiana Frimpong, Katherine G. Merrill, Elizabeth A. Abrams, and Jonathan K. Mwansa


Dataset—Relationship dynamics and anticipated stigma: Key considerations for PrEP use among Tanzanian adolescent girls and young women and male partners, Nrupa Jani, Sanyukta Mathur, Catherine Kahabuka, Neema Makyao, and Nanlesta Pilgrim

Documentary: Getting it Right! Improving Kenya’s Human Capital by Reducing Stunting—A Household Account, Presidential Policy and Strategy Unit (PASU), Sahihi Africa, and Population Council Kenya


DREAMS implementation science: All Round 1 Data, Kenya, Sanyukta Mathur, Jerry Okal, Nanlesta Pilgrim, James Matheka, Nrupa Jani, and Julie Pulerwitz


DREAMS implementation science: All Round 1 Data, Malawi, Sanyukta Mathur, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Effie Chipeta, Victor Mwapasa, and Wanangwa Chimwaza Manda


DREAMS implementation science: All Round 1 Data, Zambia, Sanyukta Mathur, Maurice Musheke, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Drosin Mulenga, Lunda Banda, Nrupa Jani, and Julie Pulerwitz


DREAMS implementation science: Round 2 Data, Kenya, Sanyukta Mathur, Jerry Okal, Nanlesta Pilgrim, James Matheka, Nrupa Jani, and Julie Pulerwitz


DREAMS implementation science: Round 2 Data, Malawi, Sanyukta Mathur, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Effie Chipeta, Victor Mwapasa, and Wanangwa Chimwaza Manda


DREAMS implementation science: Round 2 Data, Zambia, Sanyukta Mathur, Maurice Musheke, Nanlesta Pilgrim, Drosin Mulenga, Lunda Banda, Nrupa Jani, and Julie Pulerwitz


Drivers of marriage and health outcomes among adolescent girls and young women: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, Fatima Zahra, Karen Austrian, Mukta Gundi, Stephanie Psaki, and Thoai Ngo

Drivers of teenage pregnancy: A qualitative assessment, Michael Mbizvo, Nelly-Claire Muntalima, Nachela Chelwa, Kondwani Kasonda, Edith S. Namukonda, Chifundo Phiri, Natasha Okpara, Ronald Mungoni, and Nancy Choka


Early effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on children in rural Bangladesh, Momoe Makino, Abu S. Shonchoy, and Zaki Wahhaj


Education, child marriage, and work outcomes among young people in rural Malawi, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Karen Austrian, Sajeda Amin, and Stephanie Psaki


Effects of an e-reader intervention on literacy, numeracy and non-verbal reasoning among adolescent girls in Zambia: Evidence from a randomised controlled trial, Barbara Mensch, Nicole Haberland, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Jean Digitale, Natalie Jackson Hachonda, Nachela Chelwa, Pamela Nyirenda, Erica Chuang, Lisa Polen, Stephanie Psaki, Nkomba Kayeyi, and Michael Mbizvo


Effects of sanitary pad distribution and reproductive health education on upper primary school attendance and reproductive health knowledge and attitudes in Kenya: A cluster randomized controlled trial, Karen Austrian, Beth Kangwana, Eunice N. Muthengi, and Erica Soler-Hampejsek


Endline Results Brief: What works to improve outcomes for Kenya's adolescent girls?, Population Council


Esperanza del Programa Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council


Esperanza y la gran historia de nuestro camino: Guía para mentoras de Abriendo Oportunidades, Population Council