This groundbreaking series details the experiences and outcomes of Population Council programs to reach vulnerable adolescent girls by: collecting, analyzing, and disseminating evidence on the diversity of adolescent lives and experiences; creating innovative tools for the field; using safe spaces to build social, health, financial, and cognitive assets for a healthy and productive adulthood; and summarizing lessons learned. The documents provide evidence and policy and programming recommendations to support adolescent girls.
Submissions from 2011
Empowering adolescent girls in rural Bangladesh: Kishori Abhijan, Sajeda Amin
Enhancing the benefits of girls' livelihood initiatives, Sajeda Amin
Les programmes de lutte contre le mariage des enfants : cerner le problème, Sajeda Amin
Programs to address child marriage: Framing the problem, Sajeda Amin
Abordar la violencia sexual basada en el género (SGBV) contra niñas adolescentes, Sajeda Amin and Althea D. Anderson
Addressing sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against adolescent girls, Sajeda Amin and Althea D. Anderson
Costos del matrimonio—Negociaciones maritales en países en vías de desarrollo, Sajeda Amin and Ashish Bajracharya
Costs of marriage—Marriage transactions in the developing world, Sajeda Amin and Ashish Bajracharya
Les coûts du mariage—les transactions matrimoniales dans le monde en développement, Sajeda Amin and Ashish Bajracharya
Élargir l'accès des adolescentes aux espaces sécurisés, à l'éducation financière et aux produits d'épargne au Kenya, Karen Austrian
Expanding safe spaces, financial education, and savings for adolescent girls in Kenya, Karen Austrian
Creación de 'espacios seguros' para niñas adolescentes, Wendy Baldwin
Creating 'safe spaces' for adolescent girls, Wendy Baldwin
Ampliación de programas para adolescentes vulnerables: Experiencias, entendimientos y evidencia, Martha Brady
Calling attention to young adolescents: Building the evidence base to inform policies and programs, Martha Brady
Leveling the playing field: Building girls' sports programs and creating new opportunities, Martha Brady
Taking programs for vulnerable adolescents to scale: Experiences, insights, and evidence, Martha Brady
Equipping Mayan girls to improve their lives, Jennifer Catino, Alejandra Colom, and Marta Julia Ruiz
Preparación de las niñas mayas para mejorar su calidad de vida, Jennifer Catino, Alejandra Colom, and Marta Julia Ruiz
Education during humanitarian emergencies: The situation of displaced children and youth in Darfur, Sudan, Safaa El-Kogali
Pilotage d'un programme visant à sécuriser l'espace et à renforcer les ressources des adolescentes vivant dans les zones urbaines du Ghana, Sarah Engebretsen and Selina F. Esantsi
Piloting a safe spaces, asset-building program for adolescent girls in urban Ghana, Sarah Engebretsen and Selina F. Esantsi
Addressing the needs of girls at risk of early marriage and married adolescent girls in Burkina Faso, Sarah Engebretsen and Gisele Kaboré
Répondre aux besoins des jeunes filles à risque de mariage précoce et des adolescentes mariées au Burkina Faso, Sarah Engebretsen and Gisele Kaboré
Addis Birhan project: Working with boys and men to address young girls' social vulnerability, Annabel Erulkar, Louis Apicella, and Abebaw Ferede
Biruh Tesfa procure aux employées domestiques, aux orphelines et aux immigrantes des zones urbaines éthiopiennes une assistance sociale, une formation sur le VIH ainsi qu'un programme de développement des compétences, Annabel Erulkar, Belaynesh Semunegus, and Gebeyehu Mekonnen
Biruh Tesfa provides domestic workers, orphans, and migrants in urban Ethiopia with social support, HIV education, and skills, Annabel Erulkar, Belaynesh Semunegus, and Gebeyehu Mekonnen
Introducing adolescent livelihoods training in the slums of Allahabad, India, Monica J. Grant, Barbara Mensch, and Mary Philip Sebastian
Siyakha Nentsha: Building economic, health, and social capabilities among highly vulnerable adolescents in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, Kelly Hallman and Eva Roca
Protecting young people from sex without consent, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy
Investigating school quality and learning outcomes among adolescents in Malawi, Christine A. Kelly
Girls' schooling in developing countries: Highlights from Population Council research, Cynthia B. Lloyd
La educación de las niñas en países en desarrollo: aspectos destacados de la investigación del Population Council, Cynthia B. Lloyd
Summary of New Lessons: The Power of Educating Adolescent Girls, Cynthia B. Lloyd
Delaying early marriage among disadvantaged rural girls in Amhara, Ethiopia, through social support, education, and community awareness, Eunice N. Muthengi and Annabel Erulkar
Retarder le mariage précoce chez les filles défavorisées en milieu rural dans la région Amhara, en Éthiopie, grâce au soutien social, à l'éducation et à la sensibilisation des communautés, Eunice N. Muthengi and Annabel Erulkar
La démarche du Population Council: Promouvoir la santé, la sécurité et la productivité transitions vers l'âge adulte, Population Council
La estrategia del Population Council: Promoción de transiciones a la vida adulta sanas, seguras y productivas, Population Council
The Population Council's approach: Promoting healthy, safe, and productive transitions to adulthood, Population Council
Supporting married girls: Calling attention to a neglected group, K.G. Santhya and Annabel Erulkar
Addressing sexual violence and HIV risk among married adolescent girls in rural Nyanza, Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie
Assessing equity of access in programs for young people, Adam Weiner
Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people, Adam Weiner
Scaling up asset-building programs for marginalized adolescent girls in socially conservative settings: The Ishraq program in rural Upper Egypt, Nadia Zibani and Martha Brady
Submissions from 2008
Reforming marriage practices in Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin
Identifying sources of adolescent exclusion due to violence: Participatory mapping in South Africa, Nora Kenworthy, Kelly Hallman, and Judith A. Diers
Submissions from 2007
Casamento infantil no contexto da epidemia do VIH, Judith Bruce
Child marriage in the context of the HIV epidemic, Judith Bruce
Girls left behind: Redirecting HIV interventions toward the most vulnerable, Judith Bruce
Jovens abandonadas: redireccionar as intervenções de VIH no sentido das mais vulneráveis, Judith Bruce
Las niñas rezagadas: dirigir las intervenciones de VIH hacia las más vulnerables, Judith Bruce
Les filles sont oubliées : rediriger les interventions en matière de VIH vers les plus vulnérables, Judith Bruce
Educación sobre sexualidad y VIH: tiempo para un cambio de paradigma, Nicole Haberland and Deborah Rogow
Éducation sexuelle et VIH : il est temps de changer de méthodologie, Nicole Haberland and Deborah Rogow
Sexuality and HIV education: Time for a paradigm shift, Nicole Haberland and Deborah Rogow
Assessing the multiple disadvantages of Mayan girls: The effects of gender, ethnicity, poverty, and residence on education in Guatemala, Kelly Hallman, Sara Peracca, Jennifer Catino, and Marta Julia Ruiz
Evaluación de las múltiples desventajas de las niñas mayas: efectos del género, el origen étnico, la pobreza y el lugar de residencia sobre la educación en Guatemala, Kelly Hallman, Sara Peracca, Jennifer Catino, and Marta Julia Ruiz
Reducing the social exclusion of girls, Kelly Hallman and Eva Roca
Reducir la exclusión social des las niñas, Kelly Hallman and Eva Roca
Influencing girls’ lives: Acceptability and effectiveness of a livelihoods skill building intervention in Gujarat, Shveta Kalyanwala
Le contexte de l’initiation sexuelle en évolution dans la région subsaharienne de l’Afrique, Barbara Mensch
The changing context of sexual initiation in sub-Saharan Africa, Barbara Mensch
Obtaining more accurate and reliable information from adolescents regarding STI/HIV risk behaviors, Barbara Mensch and Paul C. Hewett
Empowering young mothers in India: Results of the First-time Parents Project, K.G. Santhya and Nicole Haberland
Submissions from 2006
Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY): prestar apoio social e oportunidades de microcrédito e de poupanças a mulheres jovens em áreas com uma prevalência de VIH elevada, Annabel Erulkar, Judith Bruce, Erica Chong, Aleke Dondo, Jennefer Sebstad, James K. Matheka, Arjmand Banu Khan, and Anne Gathuku
Tap and Reposition Youth (TRY): Providing social support, savings, and microcredit opportunities for young women in areas with high HIV prevalence, Annabel Erulkar, Judith Bruce, Erica Chong, Aleke Dondo, Jennefer Sebstad, James K. Matheka, Arjmand Banu Khan, and Anne Gathuku