The Girl Innovation, Research, and Learning (GIRL) Center is a global research hub that envisions a gender-equitable world where girls and boys make a healthy and safe transition into adulthood and reach their full potential.
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Submissions from 2024
Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya: Testing for Scale—Recommendations Report, Karen Austrian, Eva Ireri Muluve, Ruth Nanjekho, John A. Maluccio, and Erica Soler-Hampejsek
Beyond Women: The Urgent Need to Address Adolescent Girls in the Care Economy, Maimouna Bah
Community-based Adolescent Girl Programming in Low and Middle-Income Countries: A Balancing Act Between Scale and Quality, Miriam Temin and Angel del Valle
Creating a Sustainable Platform for Indigenous Girls’ and Women’s Empowerment, Population Council
Girls Deliver Workshop on the Sidelines of CSW68, Population Council
Girls First Fund: External evaluation, Brian Medina Carranza, Dela Nai, Neelanjana Pandey, Grace Saul, Angel del Valle, and Fatima Zahra
Innovations in Data Visualization: Local patterns in young people’s health equity in the U.S., Emily Pangalila, Miriam J. Temin, Sanyukta Mathur, Rene Nevarez, and Karen Austrian
Intersectionality, gender norms, and young adolescents in context: A review of longitudinal multicountry research programmes to shape future action, Prerna Banati, Nicola Jones, Caroline Moreau, Kristin Mmari, Anna Kagesten, Karen Austrian, and Rebecka Lundgren
Missing voices: Girls in the care economy—Slide deck, Annabel Erulkar, Maimouna Bah, Edith Murogo, Winnie Nelima, Amar Nijhawan, and Chiku Semfuko
Power, practice, and potential: Social protection and adolescent girls, GIRL Center, Cash Transfer and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Research Collaborative, and UNICEF
Power, Practice and Potential: Social Protection and Adolescent Girls—Event on the sidelines of CSW68, GIRL Center, Cash Transfer and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Research Collaborative, and UNICEF
Power, Practice and Potential: Social Protection and Adolescent Girls—Slide deck, GIRL Center, Cash Transfer and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Research Collaborative, and UNICEF
Power, Voice, and Agency: Empowering Adolescent Girls and Young Women through Multiple Interventions for Evidence-Informed Contraceptive Decisions, Evalin Karijo, Karen Austrian, Miriam Temin, and Mame Soukeye Mbaye
Safe, Empowered Tech for Adolescents: A Framework for Research and Action, Miriam Temin and Evalin Karijo
Schooling and Evidence-based Interventions for Adolescents and Young Girls in the Sahel, Mame Soukeye Mbaye, Miriam Temin, and Sharon Nashipae
The Girl Agenda Cannot Wait! Collaboration and Multi-Dimensional Investments Needed for Adolescent Girls’ Empowerment, Evalin Karijo and Karen Austrian
Understanding the education profiles of eight Latin American countries, GIRL Center
Understanding the education profiles of seven East and Southern African countries, GIRL Center
Webinar—Missing voices: Girls in the care economy, Annabel Erulkar, Maimouna Bah, Edith Murogo, Winnie Nelima, Amar Nijhawan, and Chiku Semfuko
Webinar—Voces perdidas: Niñas en la economía del cuidado, Annabel Erulkar, Maimouna Bah, Edith Murogo, Winnie Nelima, Amar Nijhawan, and Chiku Semfuko
Webinar—Voix oubliées: Les adolescentes dans l'économie du care, Annabel Erulkar, Maimouna Bah, Edith Murogo, Winnie Nelima, Amar Nijhawan, and Chiku Semfuko
Submissions from 2023
Adaptation in Crisis: Understanding and Addressing the Needs of Adolescent Girls in Humanitarian Emergency Settings, Population Council
Adolescent education, health and wellbeing status in four counties in Kenya: Two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, Population Council Kenya
Adolescent girls’ agency and their labour force participation: Experimental evidence from rural Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin and Momoe Makino
Advancing the Agenda in Girls’ Education Research, Benta Abuya, David Evans, Selim Gulesci, Nicole Haberland, Susannah Hares, Rabea Malik, Alessia Mortara, and Pauline Rose
AGI-K REPORT Documentary 2023, Population Council Kenya
A glass ceiling at the playhouse? Gender gaps in public and private preschool enrollment in India, Arindam Nandi, Soham Sahoo, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo
A scoping review of survey research with gender minority adolescents and youth in low and middle-income countries, Isabel Pike, Cara Kraus-Perrotta, and Thoai Ngo
Assessing the health, social, educational and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescents in low- and middle-income countries: A rapid review of the literature, Astha Ramaiya, Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli, Rosalijn Both, Ann Gottert, Silvia Guglielmi, Sam Beckwith, Mengmeng Li, and Robert W. Blum
COVID-19 lockdown and collective activities: Evidence from the world's largest self-help group program, Garima Siwach, Thomas de Hoop, Chinmaya Holla Udayakumar, and Sapna Desai
Data Brief—Adolescent Economic Empowerment, Fatima Zahra
Data Brief—Adolescent Mothers: From Cautionary Tales to Partners, Nay Alhelou
Data Brief—Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Nay Alhelou
Data Brief—Agency, Sarah Engebretsen
Data Brief—Gender-Based Violence in Adolescence, Nay Alhelou
Data Brief—Girls in Humanitarian Settings, GIRL Center
Data Brief—Girls in the Digital Space, GIRL Center
Data Brief—Government Integration, Rene Nevarez
Data Brief—Holistic Approach to Adolescent Girls' Health, GIRL Center
Data Brief—Meaningful Adolescent and Girl Engagement, Sarah Engebretsen
Data Brief—Why Education is a Feminist Issue, Meredith L. Kozak
Determinants of school dropouts among adolescents: Evidence from a longitudinal study in India, Pradeep Kumar, Sangram Kishor Patel, Solomon Debbarma, and Niranjan Saggurti
Effects of a single cash transfer on school re-enrollment during COVID-19 among vulnerable adolescent girls in Kenya: Randomized controlled trial, John A. Maluccio, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Eva Ireri Muluve, Faith Mbushi, and Karen Austrian
El impacto del cambio climático en la salud: experiencias de la juventud de Bangladesh, Guatemala y Nigeria, Population Council and Women Deliver
El impacto del cambio climático en los medios de subsistencia y en las oportunidades educativas de la juventud, Population Council and Women Deliver
En quoi le changement climatique contribue-t-il à façonner les moyens de subsistance et les possibilités d'éducation des jeunes?, Population Council and Women Deliver
Evaluation of Biruh Tesfa (Bright Future) for All: A program for out-of-school girls, migrants, and domestic workers in low-income Ethiopian cities, Annabel Erulkar, Eyasu Hailu, Henock Markos, Getnet Demissie, Tsegahun Tessema, and Hana Hailu
Girls Deliver: Building an Integrated Ecosystem for Adolescent Girls, Karen Austrian and Emily Cho
Growth failure among children of adolescent mothers at ages 0–5 and 6–12 years in India, Arindam Nandi, Fatima Zahra, Karen Austrian, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo
How climate change is shaping young people’s livelihoods and educational opportunities, Population Council and Women Deliver
Implementing interventions to address gender and power inequalities in early adolescence: Utilizing a theory of change to assess conditions for success, Kristin Mmari, Jennifer Gayles, Rebecka Lundgren, Katherine Barker, Karen Austrian, Ruti G. Levtov, Jane Kato-Wallace, Miranda van Reeuwijk, Lisa Richardson, Jakevia Green, Anna E. Kågestan, and Astha Ramaiya
Les effets du changement climatique sur la santé : expériences vécues par des jeunes du Bangladesh, du Guatemala et du Nigeria, Population Council and Women Deliver
Mentoring in group-based adolescent girl programs in low- and middle-income countries: Evidence-informed approaches, Miriam Temin, Sarah Blake, and Eva Roca
Recap Report: Girls Deliver Pre-Conference on Adolescent Girls at the Women Deliver 2023 Conference, GIRL Center
Research snapshot: Impacts of cash-plus programs on child marriage, Elrha R2HC Programme
The Building Assets Toolkit: The Value of an Assets-Building Approach in Girls' Programs and How to Conduct an Assets Exercise, Population Council
The gendered effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on adolescent literacy and schooling outcomes in India, Arindam Nandi, Nicole Haberland, Meredith Kozak, and Thoai Ngo
The health effects of climate change: Experiences of young people in Bangladesh, Guatemala, and Nigeria, Population Council and Women Deliver
The impact of primary schooling expansion on adult educational attainment, literacy, and health: Evidence from India’s Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Arindam Nandi, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo
The One Who Uses a Pencil Will Go Far, Population Council Kenya
The urban environment and disparities in sexual and reproductive health outcomes in the Global South: A scoping review, Elsie Akwara, Jessie Pinchoff, Tara Abularrage, Corinne White, and Thoai Ngo
Submissions from 2022
A3 Policy Checklist User Guide, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta
A conceptual framework for understanding child marriage, marriage markets, and marriageability, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Neelanjana Pandey, Mouhamadou Gueye, James Mkandawire, Aissa Diarra, and Sajeda Amin
An Overview of the Adolescent Data Hub (ADH), Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta
Assessment of economic opportunities for young Rohingyas in Bangladesh, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Md. Irfan Hossain, Abdullah Al Mahmud Shohag, Eashita Haque, Iqbal Ehsan, Joseph Falcone, and Ubaidur Rob
Building the A3 Policy Checklist, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta
Building the Adolescent Indicators and Gender Gaps Dashboard, Lauren Woyczynski, Christina Misunas, and Md. Irfan Hossain
Effects and resilience to climate crisis among adolescents: A narrative review on South Asian countries, Sangram Kishor Patel and Rahul Rajak
Élaboration du tableau de bord A3 des indicateurs relatifs aux adolescents et du tableau de bord des écarts entre les sexes, Lauren Woyczynski, Christina Misunas, and Md. Irfan Hossain
Exposure to violence, adverse life events and the mental health of adolescent girls in Nairobi slums, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Karen Austrian, Benta Abuya, Beth Kangwana, Nicole Maddox, and Caroline W. Kabiru
From Data to Action: Informing Menstrual Health Management Programs, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, and Nicole Haberland
Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Bangladesh case study, Eashita Haque, Natalie Wyss, Emily EunYoung Cho, and Karen Austrian
Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: India case study, Neelanjana Pandey, Emily EunYoung Cho, Shilpi Rampal, and Karen Austrian
Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Kenya case study, Faith Mbushi, Natalie Wyss, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, Eva Ireri Muluve, Laura Muthoni, and Beth Kangwana
Gendered effects of COVID-19 school closures: Pakistan case study, Iram Kamran, Tahira Parveen, Rehan M. Niazi, Maqsood Sadiq, Fatima Azeem, Emily EunYoung Cho, and Karen Austrian
Gender-related barriers to schooling: What do we know about the effects of sexuality and life skills education?, Nicole Haberland
GIRL Center Roadmap to 2030, GIRL Center
Girls on the Map: Mapping for Program Planning and Social Change, Eva Roca
Guide d’utilisation de la liste de contrôle de la politique A3, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta
Health worker perceptions of stigma towards Zambian adolescent girls and young women: A qualitative study, Caroline Meek, Drosin Mulenga, Patrick Edwards, Sophie Inambwae, Nachela Chelwa, Michael Mbizvo, Sarah Roberts, Sujha Subramanian, and Laura Nyblade
Impacts of multisectoral cash plus programs after four years in an urban informal settlement: Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya (AGI–K) randomized trial, Joy Koech, John A. Maluccio, Beth Kangwana, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Nicole Maddox, Rachel J. Sapire, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Benta Abuya, Eva Ireri Muluve, and Faith Mbushi
Lack of opportunities for indigenous young women in Guatemala: Forced mobility and absence of social protection systems, Aracely Martínez Rodas, Angel del Valle, and Ramón Zamora
Learnings from past interventions in the digital era: Evidence-based considerations for adolescents’ programming using information and communication technologies, Grace Saul and Waimar Tun
L’élaboration de la liste de contrôle pour les politiques A3, Yeeva Cheng and Cara Kraus-Perrotta
The good, the bad and the unintended: Education, child marriage and early childbearing, Thoai Ngo
“Then I will say that we have to marry each other”: A qualitative view of premarital pregnancy as a driver of child marriage in Malawi, Andrea J. Melnikas, Nancy Mulauzi, James Mkandawire, Grace Saul, and Sajeda Amin
Webinar—From Data to Action: Informing Menstrual Health Management Programs, Karen Austrian, Nicole Haberland, Beth Kangwana, and Megan White Mukuria
What to expect when girls are expecting: Psychosocial support challenges and opportunities in the context and aftermath of teenage pregnancy in Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie and Harriet Birungi
What works to improve outcomes for Kenya’s adolescent girls?, Population Council
Submissions from 2021
Building Assets Toolkit: Developing Positive Benchmarks for Adolescent Girls—Asset Cards [Arabic], Judith Bruce, Sarah Engebretsen, and Kimberly Glazer
Building Assets Toolkit: Developing Positive Benchmarks for Adolescent Girls—Instruction Guide [Arabic], Judith Bruce, Sarah Engebretsen, and Kimberly Glazer
Conceptual framework of the drivers of child marriage: A tool to guide programs and policies, Stephanie Psaki, Andrea J. Melnikas, Eashita Haque, Grace Saul, Christina Misunas, Sangram Kishor Patel, Thoai Ngo, and Sajeda Amin
Drivers of marriage and health outcomes among adolescent girls and young women: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, Fatima Zahra, Karen Austrian, Mukta Gundi, Stephanie Psaki, and Thoai Ngo
Education, child marriage, and work outcomes among young people in rural Malawi, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Karen Austrian, Sajeda Amin, and Stephanie Psaki
From Data to Action: Partnering with Governments on Evidence to Support Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Karen Austrian, Beth Kangwana, Julie Mwabe, Guillermo Santiago, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez
From Data to Action: Partnering with Governments on Evidence to Support Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Emily EunYoung Cho, Karen Austrian, and Isabel Vieitez Martínez
Girls' Education Roadmap: 2021 Report, Stephanie Psaki, Nicole Haberland, Meredith L. Kozak, and Lauren Woyczynski