
Submissions from 2004


Effects of IGSS' job aids-assisted Balanced Counseling Algorithms on quality of care and client outcomes, Federico R. Leon, Carlos Brambila, Marisela de la Cruz, John H. Bratt, Gustavo Gutierrez, Veronica Davila, Carlo Boniato, and Alex Rios


Urban poverty and health in developing countries: Household and neighborhood effects [Arabic], Mark R. Montgomery and Paul C. Hewett


Controlling congenital syphilis in the era of HIV/AIDS, Saiqa Mullick, Nathalie Broutet, Ye Htun, Marleen Temmerman, and Francis Ndowa


Is home-based administration of prostaglandin safe and feasible for medical abortion? Results from a multisite study in Vietnam, Nguyen Thi Nhu Ngoc, Quy Nhan Vu, Jennifer Blum, Tran Thi Phuong Mai, Jill M. Durocher, and Beverly Winikoff


Guérir les blessures, faire naître l’espoir: Le partenariat tanzanien contre la fistule obstétricale, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid and Erica Chong


Healing wounds, instilling hope: The Tanzanian partnership against obstetric fistula, Thoraya Ahmed Obaid and Erica Chong


Postpartum hemorrhage in developing countries: Is the public health community using the right tools?, Vivien D. Tsu, Ana Langer, and Tess Aldrich


Safe Motherhood Demonstration Project, Western Province: Final Report, Charlotte E. Warren and Wilson Liambila

Submissions from 2003


The contribution of sexual and reproductive health services to the fight against HIV/AIDS: A review, Ian Askew and Marge Berer


Testing a model for the delivery of emergency obstetric care and family planning services in the Bolivian public health system, Deborah L. Billings, Eliana Del Pozo, and Hugo Arevalo


Improving postpartum care among low parity mothers in Palestine, Center for Development in Primary Health Care (CDPHC)


Taking postabortion care services where they are needed: An operations research project testing PAC expansion in rural Senegal, EngenderHealth


Creation of a unified management information system for three NGOs in the West Bank and Gaza, Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute


Empowering communities to respond to HIV/AIDS: Ndola Demonstration Project on Maternal and Child Health: Operations research final report, Hope Humana, LINKAGES, National Food and Nutrition Commission, Ndola District Health Management Team, Horizons Program, and Zambia Integrated Health Project


Integration of post-abortion care: The role of township medical officers and midwives in Myanmar, Thein Thein Htay, Josephine Sauvarin, and Saba Khan


Validation of verbal autopsy to determine the cause of 137 neonatal deaths in Karachi, Pakistan, David R. Marsha, Salim Sadruddin, Fariyal F. Fikree, Chitra Krishnan, and Gary L. Darmstadt


Where is the "E" in MCH? The need for an evidence-based approach in safe motherhood, Suellen Miller, Nancy L. Sloan, Beverly Winikoff, Ana Langer, and Fariyal F. Fikree


Assessment of pilot health project outcome indicators: West Bank/Gaza, Laila Nawar, Dale Huntington, Ibrahim Kharboush, Nancy Ali, and Mahmoud Shaheen


Womens' opinions on antenatal care in developing countries: Results of a study in Cuba, Thailand, Saudi Arabia and Argentina, Gustavo Nigenda, Ana Langer, Chusri Kuchaisit, Mariana Romero, Georgina Rojas, Muneera Al-Osimy, Jose Villar, Jo Garcia, Yagob Al-Mazrou, Hassan Ba'aqeel, Guillermo Carroli, Ubaldo Farnot, Pisake Lumbiganon, Jose M. Belizan, Per Bergsjo, Leiv Bakketeig, and Gunilla Lindmark


Policy and program implications of the Matching Grants Program in the Philippines, Marilou Palabrica-Costello, Nimfa Ogena, and Alejandro N. Herrin


Traditional birth attendants in maternal health programmes, Population Council


Adaptation of kangaroo mother care for community-based application, Iftekhar Quasem, Nancy L. Sloan, Anita Chowdhury, Salahuddin Ahmed, Beverly Winikoff, and A.M.R. Chowdhury


Programme recommendations for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV: A practical guide for managers, Naomi Rutenberg, Sam Kalibala, Carolyn Baek, and James Rosen


Postabortion family planning operations research study in Perm, Russia, Irina Savelieva, John M. Pile, Inna Sacci, and Ratha Loganathan


An observation checklist for facility-based normal labor and delivery practices: The Galaa study, Hania Sholkamy, Nevine Hassanein, Mohamed Cherine, Amr Elnoury, Miral Breebaart, and Karima Khalil


An observation checklist for facility-based normal labor and delivery practices: The Galaa study [Arabic], Hania Sholkamy, Nevine Hassanein, Mohamed Cherine, Amr Elnoury, Miral Breebaart, and Karima Khalil

Submissions from 2002


Upgrading the capacity and skills of service providers of the West Bank/Gaza Pilot Health Project, Nancy Ali, Laila Nawar, Dale Huntington, and Tawhida Khalil


Sustainability of postabortion care in Peru, Janie Benson and Victor Huapaya


Men in maternity study: Men matter, Anjana Das, Leila Caleb-Varkey, Anurag Mishra, Emma Ottolenghi, and Dale Huntington


Institutional support for a program of activities within the pilot health project in the West Bank and Gaza, Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute


Ndola Demonstration Project: A midterm analysis of lessons learned, Horizons Program


Reproductive health care in the postnatal period in Guatemala, Erika Jacobs, Carlos Brambila, and Ricardo Vernon


Men in maternity study: A summary of the findings from pre-intervention interviews with women and their husbands attending antenatal clinics at ESIC facilities in Delhi, Anurag Mishra, Leila Caleb-Varkey, Anjana Das, Emma Ottolenghi, Dale Huntington, Susan E. Adamchak, and Shahina Begum


Men in maternity study: Results from the pre-intervention survey of pregnant women and their husbands at the three interventions, and of only women at three control Employees' State Insurance Corporation dispensaries in Delhi, India: Preliminary findings, Anurag Mishra, Leila Caleb-Varkey, Emma Ottolenghi, Anjana Das, Dale Huntington, and Susan E. Adamchak


Integrating HIV prevention and care into maternal and child health care settings: Lessons learned from Horizons studies, Naomi Rutenberg, Sam Kalibala, Charles Mwai, and James Rosen

Submissions from 2001


From Patna to Paris: Providing safe and humane abortion, Carmen Barroso, Martha Brady, Batya Elul, Shelley Clark, Sneh Vishwanath, and Sunanda Rabindranathan


Cisjordania y Gaza: Subraye la importancia de la atención postparto y su cost-efectividad, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Honduras: Posparto y post-aborto, momentos para hablar de planificación familiar, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Honduras: Postpartum and postabortion patients want family planning, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Kenia: Detectar la sifilis durante la consulta prenatal resulta costo-efectivo, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Kenya: On-site antenatal syphilis services are cost-effective, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Pilot health project baseline survey West Bank and Gaza [Arabic], Frontiers in Reproductive Health


West Bank and Gaza: Stress the importance and cost-effectiveness of postpartum care, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Introducing emergency contraception in Bangladesh: A feasibility study, M.E. Khan and Sharif M.I. Hossain


A case study of Nairobi City Council's decentralised syphilis screening programme in antenatal clinics, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, Ian Askew, Elizabeth Mugwe, Bilhah Hagembe, and Rick Homan


Expansion of postpartum/postabortion contraception in Honduras, Ruth Medina, Ricardo Vernon, Irma Mendoza, and Claudia Aguilar


Immunization status and child survival in rural Ghana, Philomena Nyarko, Brian Wells Pence, and Cornelius Debpuur


Special studies program of the Pilot Health Project: West Bank and Gaza, Mahmoud Shaheen, Laila Nawar, Dale Huntington, and Sahar Hegazi

Submissions from 2000


Rights, technology, and services in reproductive health: A report from a meeting, Marion Carter and C. Elizabeth McGrory


Greater investments in children through women's empowerment: A key to demographic change in Pakistan?, Valerie L. Durrant and Zeba Sathar


Burkina Faso and Mali: Female genital cutting harms women's health, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Burkina Faso et Mali: L'excision compromet la santé des femmes, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Indonesia: Coordinated studies are needed to access trends, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Indonésie: Des études coordonnées sont nécessaires á l'évaluation des tendances, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Kenia: La identificación de las ITR sigue siendo un problema: la prevención es esencial, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Kenya: Identifying RTIs remain problematic: Prevention is essential, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Kenya: L'identification des IAR demeure hasardeuse: la prévention est primordiale, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Meet women's health needs with postabortion care, Frontiers in Reproductive Health


Adolescent pregnancy and parenthood in South Africa, Carol E. Kaufman, Thea de Wet, and Jonathan Stadler

Submissions from 1999


Demand for and cost-effectiveness of integrating RTI/HIV services with clinic-based family planning services in Zimbabwe, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, Ian Askew, Caroline S. Marangwanda, Sithokozille Simba, Hazel M.B. Dube, Rick Homan, Barbara Janowitz, Ahmed Latif, and Peter R. Mason


Mortality decline and the demographic response: Toward a new agenda, Mark R. Montgomery


Quality of care and utilisation of MCH and FP services at Kenyan health facilities, Lewis Ndhlovu


Implementing A Reproductive Health Agenda in India: The Beginning, Saroj Pachauri


Review of the policy process in Bangladesh following ICPD, Nancy J. Piet-Pelon, Ubaidur Rob, Syeda Nahid Mukith Chowdhury, Abul Barkat, Sushil Ranjan Howlader, Sharif M.I. Hossain, Ismat Bhuiya, and Siraj-us- Saleheen


Estimating costs of post-abortion services. General Hospital Aurelia Valdivieso, Oaxaca, Mexico, Population Council


Integrating STI and MCH/FP Services, Population Council


Strengthening reproductive health services in Africa through Operations Research, Population Council


Improving the management of STIs among MCH/FP clients at the Nakuru Municipal Council health clinics, Julie Solo, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, James Kariba Wabaru, Bedan Kiare Kariuki, and Gregory Maitha


The cost of health services at the facilities level of the Nakuru Municipal Council, Nakuru, Kenya, Andrew Thompson, Barbara Janowitz, and Julie Solo

Submissions from 1998


Ensuring community participation in MCH/FP activities: Lessons learned from a pilot project, Abbas Bhuiya, Ubaidur Rob, and Maruf Rabban Quaderi


Strengthening RTI/STD services: Lessons learned from a pilot project, Ismat Bhuiya and Ubaidur Rob


Ethnicity and child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, Martin Brockerhoff and Paul C. Hewett


The Life Saver: The Mother Friendly Movement in Indonesia, Abdullah Cholil, Meiwita B. Iskandar, and Rosalia Sciortino


Evaluation de la prise en charge de la maternité sans risque et de la survie de l'enfant au niveau communautaire de Bazéga, Direction de la Santé et de la Famille (DSF), University of Ouagadougou Demographic Research Unit (UERD), Mwangaza, and Population Council


Perception et comportement des hommes, des femmes, et des prestataires des services en matiére des morbidités relatives a la santé de la reproduction, Direction de la Santé et de la Famille (DSF), University of Ouagadougou Demographic Research Unit (UERD), Mwangaza, and Population Council


Workshop report: Launching of the revised reproductive health policy guidelines and standards, Division of Primary Health Care, Kenya Ministry of Health


The impact of monetary crisis and natural disasters on women's health and nutrition, Meiwita B. Iskandar


Towards safe womanhood: Supporting safe motherhood initiatives and women's participation in development, Meiwita B. Iskandar


Dual protection in an integrated community-based program: A case study of Tanzania Family Health/Ministry of Health Project in Mbeya, Grace Mbekem and Jane Chege


An assessment of the Zimbabwe family planning programme: Results from the 1996 Situation Analysis Study, Lewis Ndhlovu, Hazel M.B. Dube, and Caroline S. Marangwanda


Integrating STI/HIV services into existing MCH/FP programs, Baker Ndugga and Ian Askew


Male involvement through reproductive health awareness in Bukidnon Province, the Philippines: An intervention study, Lita Palma-Sealza, Marilou P. Costello, and Chona R. Echavez


The impact of family planning household service delivery on women's status in Bangladesh, James F. Phillips and Mian Bazle Hossain


Technical assistance to enhance the institutionalization of operations research within the Philippines Family Planning Program, Population Council


Creating linkages between incomplete abortion treatment and family planning services in Kenya: What works best?, Julie Solo, Achola Ominde, Margaret Makumi, Deborah L. Billings, and Colette Aloo-Obunga

Submissions from 1997


Situation analysis of LGU Health Centers for integrating RTI management within the Philippines FP/MCH Program, Jesus Encena, Carmeli Marie Chaves, Marilou P. Costello, and Chona R. Echavez


Study of adolescents: Dynamics of perception, attitude, knowledge and use of reproductive health care, Syed Jahangeer Haider, Shamsun Nehar Saleh, Nahid Kamal, and Alan Gray


Integrating RTI services in primary health care system: Observations from an operations research in Uttar Pradesh, India, M.E. Khan, Saumya RamaRao, R.B. Gupta, Bella C. Patel, Leila Caleb-Varkey, Jayanti Tuladhar, Sanjeev Kumar, and John Townsend


Integrating STI/HIV management strategies into existing MCH/FP programs: Lessons from case studies in East and Southern Africa, Baker Ndugga Maggwa and Ian Askew


Integration of STI and HIV/AIDS with MCH-FP services: A case study of the Busoga Diocese Family Life Education Program, Uganda, Joy Mukaire, Florence Kalikwani, and Baker Ndugga Maggwa


Postabortion care services in Kenya: Baseline findings of an operations research study, Julie Solo and Deborah L. Billings


Iron supplementation: Knowledge, perceptions, and usage among pregnant women in rural India, Jayanti Tuladhar, John Townsend, Nazir Haider, and Leila Caleb-Varkey


Integration of STI and HIV/AIDS with MCH-FP Services: A case study of the Nakuru Municipal Council's project on strengthening STD/AIDS control, James Kariba Wabaru, Bedan Kiare Kariuki, and Baker Ndugga Maggwa

Submissions from 1996


A situation analysis of the maternal and child health/family planning (MCH/FP) program in Botswana, Benjamin Baakile, Lucy Sejo Maribe, Baker Ndugga Maggwa, and Robert A. Miller


Community participation in health, family planning and development activities: A review of international experiences, Abbas Bhuiya, Fatima Yasmin, Farida Begum, and Ubaidur Rob


Women's perceptions of sexuality in rural Giza, Hind Khattab


Issues in essential obstetric care, Diana Measham and Virginia Kallianes


Women's experiences of unwanted pregnancy and induced abortion in Nigeria, Friday E. Okonofua, Clifford Odimegwu, Bisi Aina, Patrick H. Daru, and Agnes Johnson


A model of costs of RTI case management services in Uttar Pradesh, Saumya RamaRao, John Townsend, and M.E. Khan


Unsafe Abortion in Kenya: Findings from Eight Studies, Khama Rogo and Ann Leonard