"Upgrading the capacity and skills of service providers of the West Ban" by Nancy Ali, Laila Nawar et al.

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The Center for Development in Primary Health Care (CDPHC), in collaboration with the Population Council’s FRONTIERS program, developed a 19-month training program to strengthen and improve existing maternal and children’s health and family planning services and to promote the establishment of the standardized basic package of services at Pilot Health Project (PHP) clinic sites in the West Bank and Gaza. There were four key start-up activities, including: 1) an assessment of standards of care provided at PHP clinics; 2) a review of formative research; 3) the development of clinical training manuals and curricula; and 4) the development of behavior change communication materials. Findings indicate that the training provided by CDPHC for the PHP has positively influenced the level of knowledge and skills of health providers as well as the quality of services provided at the PHP clinics. Nevertheless, more training is needed to strengthen existing healthcare services at the primary level and reduce the gaps and weaknesses identified by the post-training evaluation. Furthermore, clients and medical staff need a suitable physical environment for the provision of quality services, which requires a better level of preparedness of health facilities. The report details lessons learned and makes recommendations for future efforts.






Frontiers in Reproductive Health
