Safe Abortion and Postabortion Care | Topics | Population Council


Submissions from 2024


Correcting the scientific record on abortion and mental health outcomes, Julia H. Littell, Kathryn M. Abel, M. Antonia Biggs, Robert W. Blum, Diana Greene Foster, Lisa Haddad, Brenda Major, Trine Munk-Olsen, Chelsea Polis, Gail Erlick Robinson, Corinne H. Rocca, Nancy Felipe Russo, Julia Steinberg, Donna E. Stewart, Nada Logan Stotland, Ushma D. Upadhyay, and Jenneke van Ditzhuijzen


Safeguarding women's health: Trends, inequities, and opportunities in Pakistan's abortion and post-abortion care services, Ali M. Mir, Zeba Sathar, Iqbal Shah, Rehan M. Niazi, Tahira Parveen, and Susheela Singh


Policy brief—Safeguarding women's health: Trends, inequities, and opportunities in Pakistan's abortion and postabortion care services, Population Council and Guttmacher


A Turning Point in Mexican Law: Insights into the Supreme Court Orders to Decriminalize Abortion at the Federal Level, Ricardo Regules and Camila Riva Palacio


Identifying profiles of support for legal abortion services in Zambia: A latent class analysis, Joseph G. Rosen, Michael Mbizvo, Nachela Chelwa, Lyson Phiri, Jenny A. Cresswell, Veronique Filippi, and Nkomba Kayeyi


Knowledge of abortion legality among health facility staff in Ghana, Grace Sheehy, Chelsea Polis, Easmon Otupiri, and Caroline Moreau

Submissions from 2023


Improving measures of access to legal abortion: A validation study triangulating multiple data sources to assess a global indicator, Caitlin R. Williams, Paula Vázquez, Carolina Nigri, Richard M. Adanu, Delia Bandoh, Mabel Berrueta, Suchandrima Chakraborty, Jewel Gausman, Ernest Kenu, Nizamuddin Khan, Ana Langer, Magdalene Odikro, Sowmya Ramesh, Niranjan Saggurti, Veronica Pingray, and R. Rima Jolivet

Submissions from 2022


“They're forcing people to have children that they can't afford”: A qualitative study of social support and capital among individuals receiving an abortion in Georgia, Madison S. Dickey, Elizabeth A. Mosley, Elizabeth A. Clark, Sarah Cordes, Eva Lathrop, and Lisa Haddad


Association between the place of abortion and post-abortion contraceptive adoption and continuation: The case of India, Kirti Gaur, Ankita Shukla, and Rajib Acharya


To protect access to medication abortion in the US, make the misoprostol-only regimen a reality, Thoai Ngo


Quality of care in abortion in the era of technological and medical advancements and self-care, Ankita Shukla, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, Rajib Acharya, and Saumya RamaRao

Submissions from 2021


Treading the thin line: Pharmacy workers' perspectives on medication abortion provision in Lusaka, Zambia, Katharine Footman, Nachela Chelwa, Megan Douthwaite, James Mdala, Drosin Mulenga, Caila Brander, and Kathryn Church


The potential of self-managed abortion to expand abortion access in humanitarian contexts, Ruvani Jayaweera, Bill Powell, Caitlin Gerdts, Jessica Kakesa, Ramatou Ouedraogo, Uwezo Ramazani, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Erin Wheeler, and Tamara Fetters


Abortion self-care: A forward-looking solution to inequitable access, Lucía Vázquez Quesada, Ankita Shukla, Isabel Vieitez Martínez, Rajib Acharya, and Saumya RamaRao

Submissions from 2020


Opinion: Ensure access to high-quality abortion care during and after the COVID-19 pandemic, Kelly Blanchard and Thoai Ngo


Dataset—Effectiveness, safety, and acceptability of medical abortion at home versus in the clinic: An updated systematic review in response to COVID-19, Katherine Gambir, Camille Garnsey, Kelly Ann Necastro, and Thoai Ngo


Effectiveness, safety and acceptability of medical abortion at home versus in the clinic: A systematic review and meta-analysis in response to COVID-19, Katherine Gambir, Camille Garnsey, Kelly Ann Necastro, and Thoai Ngo


Effectiveness, safety, and acceptability of medical abortion at home vs. in the clinic: An updated systematic review in response to COVID-19, Katherine Gambir, Camille Garnsey, Kelly Ann Necastro, and Thoai Ngo


Self-administered versus provider-administered medical abortion, Katherine Gambir, Caron Kim, Kelly Ann Necastro, Bela Ganatra, and Thoai Ngo


Opportunities and challenges of delivering postabortion care and postpartum family planning during the COVID-19 pandemic, Anne Pfitzer, Eva Lathrop, Alison Bodenheimer, Saumya RamaRao, Megan Christofield, Patricia MacDonald, Bethany Arnold, Neeta Bhatnagar, Erin Mielke, and Meridith Mikulich


Abortion knowledge and experiences among young women and men in Accra, Ghana, Sarah T. Reiger, Phyllis Dako-Gyeke, Thoai Ngo, Gillian Eva, Leonard Gobah, Kelly Blanchard, Sruthi Chandrasekaran, and Kate Grindlay


Availability, practices and acceptance of postabortion contraceptive services in health facilities: A study in six states of India, Harihar Sahoo, Melissa Stillman, Jennifer J. Frost, Rajib Acharya, and Rubina Hussain


Incidence of treatment for postabortion complications in India, 2015, Susheela Singh, Rubina Hussain, Chander Shekhar, Rajib Acharya, Melissa Stillman, and Ann M. Moore


Abortion service provision in South Asia: A comparative study of four countries, Susheela Singh, Aparna Sundaram, Altaf Hossain, Mahesh Puri, Zeba Sathar, Chander Shekhar, Marjorie Crowell, and Ann M. Moore

Submissions from 2019


Provision of medical methods of abortion in facilities in India in 2015: A six state comparison, Ann M. Moore, Melissa Stillman, Chander Shekhar, Shveta Kalyanwala, Rajib Acharya, Susheela Singh, Manas R. Pradhan, and Manoj Alagarajan


Drug seller provision practices and knowledge of misoprostol in Bangladesh, Kate Reiss, Katherine Keenan, Kathryn Church, Sally Dijkerman, Shahida Akter Mitu, Sadid Nuremowla, and Thoai Ngo


Abortion among married young women: Findings from a community-based study in Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh, India, A.J. Francis Zavier, K.G. Santhya, and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy

Submissions from 2018


Mifepristone–misoprostol for menstrual regulation in public sector facilities in Bangladesh, Anadil Alam, Tatyana Lotarevich, Tapash Ranjan Das, Laura Reichenbach, and Hillary J. Bracken


Legal but limited? Abortion service availability and readiness assessment in Nepal, Suzanne O. Bell, Linnea Zimmerman, Yoonjoung Choi, and Michelle J. Hindin


Does supportive legislation guarantee access to pregnancy termination and postabortion care services? Findings from a facility census in Central Province, Zambia, Jenny A. Cresswell, Onikepe Owolabi, Nachela Chelwa, Mardieh Dennis, Sabine Gabrysch, Bellington Vwalika, Michael Mbizvo, Veronique Filippi, and Oona M.R. Campbell


Medical abortion provision by pharmacies and drug sellers in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review, Katharine Footman, Katherine Keenan, Kate Reiss, Barbara Reichwein, Pritha Biswas, and Kathryn Church


Using evidence to improve quality of pharmacy-delivered medical abortion, Katharine Footman and Nancy Termini LaChance


Setting the research agenda for induced abortion in Africa and Asia, Rachel H. Scott, Veronique Filippi, Ann M. Moore, Rajib Acharya, Akinrinola Bankole, Clara Calvert, Kathryn Church, Jenny A. Cresswell, Katharine Footman, Joanne Gleason, Kazuyo Machiyama, Cicely Marston, Michael Mbizvo, Maurice Musheke, Onikepe Owolabi, Jennifer Palmer, Christopher Smith, Katerini Storeng, and Felicia Yeung


The incidence of abortion and unintended pregnancy in India, 2015, Susheela Singh, Chander Shekhar, Rajib Acharya, Ann M. Moore, Melissa Stillman, Manas R. Pradhan, Jennifer J. Frost, Harihar Sahoo, Manoj Alagarajan, Rubina Hussain, Aparna Sundaram, Michael Vlassoff, Shveta Kalyanwala, and Alyssa Browne


Harmonizing national abortion and pregnancy prevention laws and policies for sexual violence survivors with the Maputo Protocol: Proceedings of a 2016 regional technical meeting in sub-Saharan Africa, Jill Thompson, Chi-Chi Undie, Avni Amin, Brooke R. Johnson, Rajat Khosla, Leopold Ouedraogo, Triphonie Nkurunziza, Sara Rich, Elizabeth Westley, Melissa Garcia, Harriet Birungi, and Ian Askew


Timing of abortion among adolescent and young women presenting for post-abortion care in Kenya: A cross-sectional analysis of nationally-representative data, Boniface A. Ushie, Chimaraoke O. Izugbara, Michael Mutua, and Caroline W. Kabiru

Submissions from 2017


Introduction and approval of menstrual regulation with medication in Bangladesh: A stakeholder analysis, Fauzia Akhter Huda, Sadia Afrin, Bidhan Krishna Sarker, Hassan Rushekh Mahmood, and Anadil Alam


Bangladesh: Using strong evidence and strategic collaboration to increase access to menstrual regulation with medication, Nancy Termini LaChance and Sharif M.I. Hossain


Compte rendu de la réunion régionale des comités de plaidoyer pour avortement médicalisé, Fatou Mbow


L’expérience de femmes ayant subi une grossesse non désirée au Sénégal : Une étude qualitative, Fatou Mbow and Nafissatou Diop


Senegal: Explorer le processus de la collaboration multisectorielle mise en place pour l’étude qualitative, Fatou Mbow, Nafissatou Diop, Awa Diop Dabo, Awa Tounkara Cissé, and Seynabou Ba Diakhaté


Status of sexual and reproductive health and rights in Zambia: Contraception and family planning, preventing unsafe abortion and accessing post abortion care, and maternal health, Population Council


Using automated voice messages linked to telephone counselling to increase post-menstrual regulation contraceptive uptake and continuation in Bangladesh: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, Kate Reiss, Kathryn L. Andersen, Sharmani Barnard, Thoai Ngo, Kamal Biswas, Christopher Smith, James Carpenter, Kathryn Church, Sadid Nuremowla, and Erin Pearson


Knowledge and provision of misoprostol among pharmacy workers in Senegal: A cross sectional study, Kate Reiss, Katharine Footman, Eva Burke, Nafissatou Diop, Ramatoulaye Ndao, Babacar Mane, Maaike Van Min, and Thoai Ngo


Harmonizing national abortion and pregnancy prevention laws and policies for sexual violence survivors with the Maputo Protocol, Jill Thompson, Chi-Chi Undie, Avni Amin, Ronald Johnson, Rajat Khosla, Ian Askew, Leopold Ouedraogo, Triphonie Nkurunziza, Sarah Rich, Elizabeth Westley, and Melissa Garcia

Submissions from 2016


Senegal: The impact of a study on misoprostol use and knowledge among pharmacists, Eva Burke, E. Robinson, Nafissatou Diop, Kate Reiss, Katharine Footman, Maaike Van Min, Barbara Reichwein, and Ian Askew


Women's knowledge and attitudes surrounding abortion in Zambia: A cross-sectional survey across three provinces, Jenny A. Cresswell, Rosalyn Schroeder, Mardieh Dennis, Onikepe Owolabi, Bellington Vwalika, Maurice Musheke, Oona Campbell, and Veronique Filippi


L’expérience de femmes ayant subi une grossesse non désirée au Sénégal : Une étude qualitative, Fatou Mbow, Nafissatou Diop, Awa Diop Dabo, Awa Tounkara Cissé, and Seynabou Ba Diakhaté


L’expérience de femmes ayant subi une grossesse non désirée au Sénégal : Une étude qualitative, Fatou Mbow, Nafissatou Diop, Seynabou Ba Diakhaté, Awa Tounkara Cissé, and Fatou Ndiaye Turpin


L’expérience de femmes ayant subi une grossesse non désirée au Sénégal : Une étude qualitative [Compte rendu de la rencontre de partage des résultats], Fatou Mbow, Nafissatou Diop, and Babacar Mane


Pharmacy workers in Kenya need training and support on medical abortion information and referrals to prevent unsafe service provision, Jesse Njunguru, A. Finnie, Katharine Footman, Wilson Liambila, and Kate Reiss


Building a national pro-choice alliance in Mexico: Evaluation of the Alliance media campaign to promote access to safe, free, and legal abortion services, Population Council


Pharmacy workers’ knowledge and provision of medication for termination of pregnancy in Kenya, Kate Reiss, Katharine Footman, Vitalis Akora, Wilson Liambila, and Thoai Ngo

Submissions from 2015


Physicians' and non-physicians' views about provision of medical abortion by nurses and AYUSH physicians in Maharashtra and Bihar, India, Rajib Acharya and Shveta Kalyanwala


‘High profile health facilities can add to your trouble’: Women, stigma and un/safe abortion in Kenya, Chimaraoke O. Izugbara, Carolyne Egesa, and Rispah Okelo


Availability, use and quality of care for medical abortion services in private facilities in Kenya, Wilson Liambila, Francis Obare, Edward Ikiugu, Vitalis Akora, Jesse Njunguru, Michael Njuma, Kate Reiss, and Harriet Birungi


Knowledge and provision practices of misoprostol among pharmacies in Senegal, Ramatoulaye Ndao, Nafissatou Diop, Kate Reiss, and Eva Burke


Delivering medical abortion at scale: A study of the retail market for medical abortion in Madhya Pradesh, India, Timothy Powell-Jackson, Rajib Acharya, Veronique Filippi, and Carine Ronsmans


Postpartum and post-abortion contraception: From research to programs, Iqbal Shah, K.G. Santhya, and John C. Cleland


Increasing access to safe menstrual regulation services in Bangladesh by offering medical menstrual regulation, Reena Yasmin, Ubaidur Rob, Ismat Ara Hena, Tapash Ranjan Das, and Farid Uddin Ahmed


Contraceptive use and intentions among unmarried and married young women undergoing abortion in Bihar and Jharkhand, India, A.J. Francis Zavier and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy

Submissions from 2014


International seminar on promoting postpartum and post-abortion family planning: Challenges and opportunities, IUSSP Scientific Panel on Reproductive Health


Knowledge and provision practices of misoprostol among pharmacies in Senegal, Ramatoulaye Ndao, Babacar Mane, Eva Burke, Nafissatou Diop, Kate Reiss, Thoai Ngo, Katharine Footman, and Maaike Van Min


Family planning counselling and use among clients seeking abortion services in private health facilities in Kenya, Francis Obare, Wilson Liambila, and Harriet Birungi


Induced abortions and unintended pregnancies in Pakistan, 2012, Population Council


Reducing unsafe menstrual regulation through medication in Bangladesh, Ubaidur Rob, Ismat Ara Hena, Nargis Sultana, Md. Irfan Hossain, Reena Yasmin, Tapash Ranjan Das, and Farid Uddin Ahmed


Induced abortions and unintended pregnancies in Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Susheela Singh, Gul Rashida, Zakir Shah, and Rehan M. Niazi


Unintended pregnancy and abortion in India: Country profile report, Mary Philip Sebastian, M.E. Khan, and Daliya Sebastian


Access to emergency contraception and safe abortion services for survivors of rape: A review of policies, programmes and country experiences in sub-Saharan Africa, Jill Thompson, Chi-Chi Undie, and Ian Askew


Community mobilization and service-strengthening to increase awareness and use of post-abortion care and family planning in Kenya, Chi-Chi Undie, Lynn Van Lith, Mercy Wahome, Francis Obare, Esther Oloo, and Carolyn Curtis

Submissions from 2013


Induced abortion and women's reproductive health in India, Sutapa Agrawal and Praween Kumar Agrawal


Pregnancies, abortion and women's reproductive health in rural Haryana, India, Sutapa Agrawal, Sayeed Unisa, and Praween Kumar Agrawal


Decriminalization of abortion in Mexico City: The effects on women's reproductive rights, Davida Becker and Claudia Diaz


Induced abortion, contraceptive use, and dual protection among female sex workers in Moscow, Russia, Michele R. Decker, Eileen Yam, Andrea L. Wirtz, Stefan Baral, Alena Peryshkina, Vladmir Mogilnyi, and Chris Beyrer


Introducing medical MR in Bangladesh: MRM final report, Ismat Ara Hena, Ubaidur Rob, Nargis Sultana, Md. Irfan Hossain, Reena Yasmin, Tapash Ranjan Das, and Farid Uddin Ahmed


Unsuccessful prior attempts to terminate pregnancy among women seeking first trimester abortion at registered facilities in Bihar and Jharkhand, India, Rajesh Kumar, A.J. Francis Zavier, Shveta Kalyanwala, and Shireen J. Jejeebhoy


Availability, use and quality of care for medical abortion services—Preliminary results of two components: KIIs and the Pharmacy Study, Wilson Liambila, Harriet Birungi, Francis Onyango, Brian Mdawida, Vitalis Akora, Thoai Ngo, and Kate Reiss


Insights into unmet need in Ghana, Kazuyo Machiyama and John C. Cleland


Insights into unmet need in Kenya, Kazuyo Machiyama and John C. Cleland


Insights into unmet need in Senegal, Kazuyo Machiyama and John C. Cleland


Safety and effectiveness of termination services performed by doctors versus midlevel providers: A systematic review and analysis, Thoai Ngo, Min Hae Park, and Caroline Free


Post-abortion care in Pakistan: A national study, Zeba Sathar, Susheela Singh, Zakir Hussain Shah, Gul Rashida, Iram Kamran, and Kanwal Eshai


Access to emergency contraception and safe abortion services for survivors of rape and defilement in sub-Saharan Africa: A regional overview, Jill Thompson, Chi-Chi Undie, and Ian Askew

Submissions from 2012


Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of certified providers of medical abortion: Evidence from Bihar and Maharashtra, India, Rajib Acharya and Shveta Kalyanwala


Postpartum unintended pregnancy and contraception practice among rural-to-urban migrant women in Shanghai, Yong-mei Huang, Ruth Merkatz, Jian-Zhong Kang, Kevin Roberts, Xiao-Yu Hu, Francis Di Donato, Régine Sitruk-Ware, and Li-nan Cheng


Feasibility of expanding the medication abortion provider base in India to include ayurvedic physicians and nurses, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Shveta Kalyanwala, Shuchita Mundle, Jaydeep Tank, A.J. Francis Zavier, Rajesh Kumar, Rajib Acharya, and Nita Jha


Adoption and continuation of contraception following medical or surgical abortion in Bihar and Jharkhand, India, Shveta Kalyanwala, Rajib Acharya, and A.J. Francis Zavier


Experiences of unmarried young abortion-seekers in Bihar and Jharkhand, India, Shveta Kalyanwala, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, A.J. Francis Zavier, and Rajesh Kumar


Integration of family planning into other health services in Ghana: Performance needs assessment at four facilities in the Ashanti and Eastern regions, Amos Laar


Unintended pregnancy among rural women in Bangladesh, Forhana Rahman Noor, Md. Moshiur Rahman, Ubaidur Rob, and Benjamin Bellows


Receiving voluntary family planning services has no relationship with the paradoxical situation of high use of contraceptives and abortion in Vietnam: A cross sectional study, Nguyen Hong Phuong and Meiwita P. Budiharsana


Replication of the Community Mobilization for Postabortion Care (COMMPAC) model in Naivasha District, Rift Valley Province, Kenya: An evaluation report, Chi-Chi Undie, Francis Obare, and Saumya RamaRao


Factors associated with second trimester abortion in rural Maharashtra and Rajasthan, India, A.J. Francis Zavier, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, and Shveta Kalyanwala


Postabortion contraceptive use and method continuation in India, A.J. Francis Zavier and Sabu S. Padmadas

Submissions from 2011


Clients' perceptions of the quality of care in Mexico City's public sector legal abortion program, Davida Becker, Claudia Diaz, Clara Juarez, Sandra G. Garcia, Patricio Sanhueza Smith, and Cynthia C. Harper


Sociodemographic factors associated with obstacles to abortion care: Findings from a survey of abortion patients in Mexico City, Davida Becker, Claudia Diaz, Clara Juarez, Sandra G. Garcia, Patricio Sanhueza Smith, and Cynthia C. Harper


Maternal health care utilization among HIV-positive female adolescents in Kenya, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare Onyango, Anke van der Kwaak, and Jane Harriet Namwebya


Experiences and opinions of health-care professionals regarding legal abortion in Mexico City: A qualitative study, Xipatl Contreras, Marieke G. van Dijk, Tahilin Sanchez, and Patricio Sanhueza Smith


Can nurses perform manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) as safely and effectively as physicians? Evidence from India, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Shveta Kalyanwala, A.J. Francis Zavier, Rajesh Kumar, Shuchita Mundle, Jaydeep Tank, Rajib Acharya, and Nita Jha


Increasing access to safe abortion in rural Maharashtra: Outcomes of a comprehensive abortion care model, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, A.J. Francis Zavier, Rajib Acharya, and Shveta Kalyanwala