"Using evidence to improve quality of pharmacy-delivered medical aborti" by Katharine Footman and Nancy Termini LaChance

Document Type

Case Study

Publication Date



The goal of family planning and reproductive health operations research is to generate evidence that helps policies and programs maximize access to and quality of services for women and their families. Yet the crucial step of ensuring the utilization of that evidence often receives inconsistent or inadequate attention. The goal of this case study is to document an activity of Marie Stopes International (MSI) in Kenya, part of the STEP UP research program consortium, which resulted in successful evidence utilization. STEP UP research on quality of care for medical abortion, particularly on pharmacy provision of medical abortion, has provided the evidence base for strengthening of MSI’s provision of safe abortion across the globe. STEP UP research has been successfully utilized at wide scale throughout the MSI network and the embedded partnership of research activities and service delivery was the crucial link that offered an effective conduit for research utilization.






Strengthening Evidence for Programming on Unintended Pregnancy (STEP UP)
