Child Marriage Prevention and Supporting Married Girls | Topics | Population Council


Submissions from 2025


Girl Innovation, Research, and Learning (GIRL) Center: Innovation Hub Overview 2025, Population Council

Submissions from 2024


Girls First Fund: External evaluation, Brian Medina Carranza, Dela Nai, Neelanjana Pandey, Grace Saul, Angel del Valle, and Fatima Zahra


Ending child marriage in Zambia: Implications and considerations for accelerating progress in the context of Zambia’s Marriage (Amendment) Act No. 13 of 2023, Population Council


Measuring social norms related to child marriage among married women and men in Niger, Pooja Sripad, Jessie Pinchoff, Chaibou Dadi, and Leanne Dougherty

Submissions from 2023


Research snapshot: Impacts of cash-plus programs on child marriage, Elrha R2HC Programme


Exploring the role of men in child marriage decision-making in rural Upper Egypt, Salma Abou Hussein, Reham Abou El-Fadl, Sally Radwan, and Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab


Exploring the role of men in child marriage decision-making in rural Upper Egypt [Arabic], Salma Abou Hussein, Reham Abou El-Fadl, Sally Radwan, and Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab


Community-based empowerment program to delay marriage: Results from the More Than Brides Alliance intervention in India, Malawi, Mali and Niger, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Michelle Chau, Neelanjana Pandey, Mouhamadou Gueye, James Mkandawire, Aissa Diarra, and Sajeda Amin


Do child marriage programs help girls weather shocks like COVID-19? Evidence from the More Than Brides Alliance Intervention, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Neelanjana Pandey, Momoe Makino, Sajeda Amin, and Michelle Chau


Results from the Basmeh & Zeitooneh (B&Z) intervention to empower adolescent girls and young women at risk of child marriage and poor reproductive health among the Syrian refugee population in Lebanon, Rima Mourtada


Country level data for the "The Radical Power of Education" report, Arindam Nandi, Nicole Haberland, and Thoai Ngo


Longitudinal examination of which married young women use contraception to delay a first pregnancy in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, India, Ilene Speizer, A.J. Francis Zavier, Lisa M. Calhoun, Gwyn Hainsworth, and David K. Guilkey

Submissions from 2022


Keeping girls in schools to reduce child marriage in rural Bangladesh: Endline assessment, Sigma Ainul, Forhana Rahman Noor, Md. Irfan Hossain, Iqbal Ehsan, Mehnaz Manzur, Ubaidur Rob, and Sajeda Amin


Impacts of multisectoral cash plus programs on marriage and fertility after 4 years in pastoralist Kenya: A randomized trial, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Nicole Maddox, Maryama Diaw, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Benta Abuya, Eva Ireri Muluve, Faith Mbushi, Hassan Mohammed, Abdullahi Aden, and John A. Maluccio


Association of traditional marital practices with contraceptive decision-making, couple communication, and method use among couples in rural Maharashtra, India, Anvita Dixit, Nicole E. Johns, Mohan Ghule, Madhusudana Battala, Shahina Begum, Niranjan Saggurti, Jay G. Silverman, Elizabeth Reed, Susan M. Kiene, Tarik Benmarhnia, Sarah Averbach, and Anita Raj


Changes in the prevalence of child marriage in Ethiopia, 2005–2016, Annabel Erulkar


The perceived effects of COVID-19 pandemic on female genital mutilation/cutting and child or forced marriages in Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Senegal, Tammary Esho, Dennis Matanda, Timothy Abuya, Sintayehu Abebe, Yeshitila Hailu, Khaltoume Camara, Bachir Mouhammed, Tonny Kapsandui, Lilian Kamanzi, Andrew Wabwire, Patrick Kagurusi, Maureen Nankanja, Anne Gitimu, David Kawai, John Kogada, Millicent Ondigo, and Joachim Osur


Impacts of multisectoral cash plus programs after four years in an urban informal settlement: Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya (AGI–K) randomized trial, Joy Koech, John A. Maluccio, Beth Kangwana, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Nicole Maddox, Rachel J. Sapire, Yohannes Dibaba Wado, Benta Abuya, Eva Ireri Muluve, and Faith Mbushi


The development of adolescent agency and implications for reproductive choice among girls in Zambia, Katharine McCarthy, Katarzyna Wyka, Diana Romero, Karen Austrian, and Heidi E. Jones


“Then I will say that we have to marry each other”: A qualitative view of premarital pregnancy as a driver of child marriage in Malawi, Andrea J. Melnikas, Nancy Mulauzi, James Mkandawire, Grace Saul, and Sajeda Amin


A conceptual framework for understanding child marriage, marriage markets, and marriageability, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Neelanjana Pandey, Mouhamadou Gueye, James Mkandawire, Aissa Diarra, and Sajeda Amin


Comparing cohabiting unions and formal marriages among adolescent girls in Zambia: The role of premarital fertility and parental support, Eunice N. Muthengi, Laura Muthoni, and Karen Austrian


The good, the bad and the unintended: Education, child marriage and early childbearing, Thoai Ngo


Dataset: The More than Brides Alliance, Grace Saul, Sajeda Amin, Andrea J. Melnikas, and Neelanjana Pandey


Association between school dropouts, early marriages, childbearing, and mental health in early adulthood of women: Evidence from a cohort study in Bihar, India, Ravita Yadav, Preeti Dhillon, Archana Kujur, and Sangram Kishor Patel

Submissions from 2021


Health and ideations of married female adolescents, Breakthrough RESEARCH


The Child Marriage Learning Partners Consortium: Connecting data and evidence for action, Yvette Efevbera, Suzanne Petroni, Mary Beth Hastings, Claudia Cappa, Karen Austrian, Stephanie Psaki, Thoai Ngo, Christina Misunas, Momoe Makino, Fatima Zahra, Arwyn Finnie, Fraidy Reiss, Anita Raj, Nicole Johns, Benjamin Leo, and Marissa Block


Heterogeneous impacts of interventions aiming to delay girls' marriage and pregnancy across girls' backgrounds and social contexts, Momoe Makino, Thoai Ngo, Stephanie Psaki, Sajeda Amin, and Karen Austrian


Early effects of the COVID-19 lockdown on children in rural Bangladesh, Momoe Makino, Abu S. Shonchoy, and Zaki Wahhaj


Perceptions of minimum age at marriage laws and their enforcement: Qualitative evidence from Malawi, Andrea J. Melnikas, Nancy Mulauzi, James Mkandawire, and Sajeda Amin


More Than Brides Alliance: Endline evaluation report, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Michelle Chau, Neelanjana Pandey, James Mkandawire, Mouhamadou Gueye, Aissa Diarra, and Sajeda Amin


More than Brides Alliance (MTBA) : Rapport d’évaluation finale, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Michelle Chau, Neelanjana Pandey, James Mkandawire, Mouhamadou Gueye, Aissa Diarra, and Sajeda Amin


What influences girls' age at marriage in Burkina Faso and Tanzania? Exploring the contribution of individual, household, and community level factors, Christina Misunas, Annabel Erulkar, Louis Apicella, Thoai Ngo, and Stephanie Psaki


More Than Brides Alliance—Marriage: No child’s play, Endline evaluation brief, Population Council


Harnessing data to end child marriage: Summarizing learnings to-date, Stephanie Psaki, Momoe Makino, Christina Misunas, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, and Fatima Zahra


What are the drivers of child marriage? A conceptual framework to guide policies and programs, Stephanie Psaki, Andrea J. Melnikas, Eashita Haque, Grace Saul, Christina Misunas, Sangram Kishor Patel, Thoai Ngo, and Sajeda Amin


Conceptual framework of the drivers of child marriage: A tool to guide programs and policies, Stephanie Psaki, Andrea J. Melnikas, Eashita Haque, Grace Saul, Christina Misunas, Sangram Kishor Patel, Thoai Ngo, and Sajeda Amin


Voice without choice? Investigating adolescent girls’ agency in marital decision-making in Niger, Grace Saul, Aissa Diarra, Andrea J. Melnikas, and Sajeda Amin


Education, child marriage, and work outcomes among young people in rural Malawi, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Beth Kangwana, Karen Austrian, Sajeda Amin, and Stephanie Psaki


Drivers of marriage and health outcomes among adolescent girls and young women: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, Fatima Zahra, Karen Austrian, Mukta Gundi, Stephanie Psaki, and Thoai Ngo


Social norms, agency, and marriage aspirations in Malawi, Fatima Zahra, Rachel Kidman, and Hans-Peter Kohler

Submissions from 2020


Keeping girls in schools to reduce child marriage in rural Bangladesh—Research Brief and Baseline Highlights, Sigma Ainul, Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Md. Irfan Hossain, Forhana Rahman Noor, Iqbal Ehsan, Sajeda Amin, and Ubaidur Rob


BALIKA: Skills-building programs to reduce child marriage in Bangladesh—A randomized controlled trial, Sajeda Amin


COVID-19-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices among adolescent girls in Bangladesh: Concept note, Sajeda Amin


Bangladesh: COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices & Needs—Responses from three rounds of data collection among adolescent girls in districts with high rates of child marriage, Sajeda Amin, Ubaidur Rob, Sigma Ainul, Md. Irfan Hossain, Forhana Rahman Noor, Iqbal Ehsan, and Mehnaz Manzur


Dataset: COVID-19-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices among adolescent girls in Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin, Ubaidur Rob, Masuma Billah, Sigma Ainul, Md. Irfan Hossain, Forhana Rahman Noor, Surojit Kundu, Iqbal Ehsan, Eashita Haque, Md. Saddam Hossain, and Mehnaz Manzur


Midline report: Accelerating action to end child marriage in Bangladesh, Masuma Billah, Eashita Haque, Surojit Kundu, Md. Saddam Hossain, Momoe Makino, and Sajeda Amin


Adolescent girls’ migration and its impact on early marriage: Qualitative findings in Mali, Sarah Engebretsen, Mouhamadou Gueye, Andrea J. Melnikas, Sékou Fofana, Bourama Fané, and Sajeda Amin


Designing and evaluating scalable child marriage prevention programs in Burkina Faso and Tanzania: A quasi-experiment and costing study, Annabel Erulkar, Girmay Medhin, Eva Weissman, Gisele Kaboré, and Julien Ouedraogo


Gender integration in social and behavior change, Debora B. Freitas Lopez, Sanyukta Mathur, Haley Brightman, Kathryn Berryman, and Kamden Hoffmann


Promoting respectful maternity care for adolescents in Ghana: A quasi-experimental study protocol, Helen H. Habib, Kwasi Torpey, Ernest Tei Maya, and Augustine Ankomah


Associations between female genital mutilation/cutting and early/child marriage: A multi-country DHS/MICS analysis, Jamlick Karumbi and David Gathara


Child marriage practices among the Rohingya in Bangladesh, Andrea J. Melnikas, Sigma Ainul, Iqbal Ehsan, Eashita Haque, and Sajeda Amin


Bangladesh: COVID-19 knowledge, attitudes, practices and needs, Population Council


Bangladesh: COVID-19 Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices and Needs—Responses from the first round of data collection among adolescent girls in five districts, Population Council


Keeping girls in schools to reduce child marriage in rural Bangladesh—Program brief, Population Council


Gender integration in social and behavior change: What does it take?, University Research Co. and Breakthrough RESEARCH


High hopes, low dropout: Gender differences in aspirations for education and marriage, and educational outcomes in rural Malawi, Fatima Zahra

Submissions from 2019


Child marriage in Ghana: Evidence from a multi-method study, Babatunde A.O. Ahonsi, Kamil Fuseini, Dela Nai, Erika Goldson, Selina Owusu, Ismail Ndifuna, Icilda Humes, and Placide Tapsoba


"When he asks for sex, you will never refuse": Transactional sex and adolescent pregnancy in Zambia, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Zoe Duby, and Paul C. Hewett


Prioritizing and targeting SBC investments to address adolescent pregnancy in USAID priority countries [2 pages], Breakthrough RESEARCH


Prioritizing and targeting SBC investments to address adolescent pregnancy in USAID priority countries [4 pages], Breakthrough RESEARCH


Stigma as a barrier to family planning use among married youth in Ethiopia, Aparna Jain, Hussein Ismail, Elizabeth Tobey, and Annabel Erulkar


Prévention du mariage d’enfants dans la région de l’Est, Burkina Faso, Gisele Kaboré, Julien Ouedraogo, Annabel Erulkar, and Sara Chace Dwyer


Situation analysis of reproductive health of adolescents and youth in Pakistan, Iram Kamran, Rehan M. Niazi, Kiren Khan, and Faisal Abbas


« More than Brides Alliance (MTBA) » : Rapport d’évaluation à mi-parcours au Mali et au Niger, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Mouhamadou Gueye, Aissa Diarra, and Sajeda Amin


More Than Brides Alliance: Midline evaluation report, Andrea J. Melnikas, Grace Saul, Santosh Kumar Singh, James Mkandawire, Mouhamadou Gueye, Aissa Diarra, and Sajeda Amin


FGM/C and ECM: Drawing lessons from research, Jacinta Muteshi-Strachan


Examining early marriage in India: Qualitative findings, Neelanjana Pandey, Komal Saxena, and Andrea J. Melnikas


Understanding the relationships between HIV and child marriage: Conclusions from an expert consultation, Suzanne Petroni, Rachel Yates, Manahil Siddiqi, Chewe Luo, Arwyn Finnie, Damilola Walker, Alice Welbourn, Catherine Langevin-Falcon, Claudia Cappa, Tia Palermo, Thoai Ngo, Sarah Baird, Jacqueline Makokha, Sagri Singh, Mandira Paul, Patience Ndlovu, Rukia Mannikko, Anita Raj, Wole Ameyan, Hendrica Okondo, and Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli


Accelerating action to end child marriage in Bangladesh—Project brief, Population Council


The effects of adolescent childbearing on literacy and numeracy in Bangladesh, Malawi, and Zambia, Stephanie Psaki, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Jyotirmoy Saha, Barbara Mensch, and Sajeda Amin


Child marriages and unions in Latin America: Understanding the roles of agency and social norms, Alice Y. Taylor, Erin Murphy-Graham, Julia Van Horn, Bapu Vaitla, Angel del Valle, and Beniamino Cislaghi

Submissions from 2018


Dataset: Married adolescent girls in rural Assiut and Souhag: Limited choices and unfulfilled reproductive health needs, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab


Marriage and sexual and reproductive health of Rohingya adolescents and youth in Bangladesh: A qualitative study, Sigma Ainul, Iqbal Ehsan, Eashita Haque, Sajeda Amin, Ubaidur Rob, Andrea J. Melnikas, and Joseph Falcone


Skills-building programs to reduce child marriage in Bangladesh: A randomized controlled trial, Sajeda Amin, Jyotirmoy Saha, and Johana Ahmed


Accelerating action to end child marriage in Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin, Jyotirmoy Saha, Masuma Billah, Nargis Sultana, Eashita Haque, and Surojit Kundu


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme: Endline technical report, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Paul C. Hewett, Natalie Jackson Hachonda, and Jere R. Behrman


Forced child unions: From legal reform to social disruption—Formative research in five communities in Chisec, Alta Verapaz, Paola Broll and Cecilia Garcés


Las uniones infantiles forzadas: de la reforma legal a la disrupción social—Investigación formativa en cinco comunidades en Chisec Alta Verapaz, Paola Broll and Cecilia Garcés


Exploring the association between female genital mutilation/cutting and early/child marriage, Evidence to End FGM/C Programme Consortium


Adolescent rights and the 'first 1,000 days' global nutrition movement: A view from Guatemala, David Flood, Anita Chary, Alejandra Colom, and Peter Rohloff


Expanding access to family planning for married adolescent girls in the urban slums of Dhaka, Fauzia Akhter Huda and Nancy Termini LaChance


Married adolescents and family planning in rural Ethiopia: Understanding barriers and opportunities, Helen Ketema and Annabel Erulkar


The case for a multi-sectoral approach to preventing child marriage and early childbearing in sub-Saharan Africa, Eunice Muthengi and Karen Austrian


Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program (AGEP): Endline results—Executive summary, Population Council

Submissions from 2017


Characteristics of married adolescent girls in Egypt [Arabic], Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, May Gadallah, and Doaa Oraby


Married adolescent girls in rural Assiut and Souhag: Limited choices and unfulfilled reproductive health needs, Nahla G. Abdel-Tawab, Doaa Oraby, Omaima El-Gibaly, Manal Darwish, Mirette Aziz, Amira Elgazzar, and Heba Mahmoud


Adolescents in Bangladesh: A situation analysis of programmatic approaches to sexual and reproductive health education and services, Sigma Ainul, Ashish Bajracharya, Laura Reichenbach, and Kate Gilles


Eradicating child marriage in the Commonwealth: Is investment in girls’ education sufficient?, Sajeda Amin, M. Niaz Asadullah, Sara Hossain, and Zaki Wahhaj


Can conditional transfers eradicate child marriage?, Sajeda Amin, Niaz Asadullah, Sara Hossain, and Zaki Wahhaj


More Than Brides Alliance: Baseline report, India, Sharmistha Basu, Rajib Acharya, Andrea J. Melnikas, and Sajeda Amin


The global state of evidence on interventions to prevent child marriage, Sophia Chae and Thoai Ngo


The impact and cost of child marriage prevention in rural Burkina Faso, Annabel Erulkar, Girmay Medhin, and Eva Weissman


The impact and cost of child marriage prevention in rural Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar, Girmay Medhin, and Eva Weissman


The impact and cost of child marriage prevention in rural Tanzania, Annabel Erulkar, Girmay Medhin, and Eva Weissman


The impact and cost of child marriage prevention in three African settings, Annabel Erulkar, Girmay Medhin, and Eva Weissman


Cluster randomized evaluation of Adolescent Girls Empowerment Programme (AGEP): Study protocol, Paul C. Hewett, Karen Austrian, Erica Soler-Hampejsek, Jere R. Behrman, Fiammetta Bozzani, and Natalie Jackson Hachonda


Expanding access to integrated family planning intervention packages for married adolescent girls in urban slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Fauzia Akhter Huda, Hassan Rushekh Mahmood, Sadia Afrin, Anisuddin Ahmed, Nafis Al Haque, and Bidhan Krishna Sarker


Exploring the association between FGM/C and early/child marriage: A review of the evidence, Jamlick Karumbi, David Gathara, and Jacinta Muteshi-Strachan