Through its research on adolescents and young people, the Population Council carries forward a global agenda to transform the lives of adolescents, especially girls. The agenda is more relevant than ever as adolescents face social, health, and economic challenges that have been further compounded by the Covid pandemic.

Visit the Council's website to learn more.


Submissions from 2010


Participation in civil society and political life among young people in Maharashtra: Findings from the Youth in India—Situation and Needs study, Rajib Acharya, Abhishek Singh, K.G. Santhya, Faujdar Ram, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Usha Ram, and S.K. Mohanty


Poverty, marriage timing, and transitions to adulthood in Nepal: A longitudinal analysis using the Nepal Living Standards Survey, Ashish Bajracharya and Sajeda Amin


Protecting hope: Situation analysis of vulnerable children in Uganda 2009, Sam Kalibala and Lynne Elson


Romance and sex before marriage among young women and men in Andhra Pradesh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Romance and sex before marriage among young women and men in India, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Schooling and conflict in Darfur: A snapshot of basic education services for displaced children, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Safaa El-Kogali, Jenny Perlman Robinson, Johanna Rankin, and Ali Rashed


Survey of Young People in Egypt (SYPE) 2009—Preliminary Report, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Egypt 2008, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Ghana 2008, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Kenya 2008–09, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Nigeria 2008, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Sierra Leone 2008, Population Council


The causes of educational differences in fertility in sub-Saharan Africa, John Bongaarts


The causes of educational differences in fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa, John Bongaarts


The effect of domestic work on girls' schooling: Evidence from Egypt, Ragui Assaad, Deborah Levison, and Nadia Zibani


The effect of maternal child marriage on morbidity and mortality of children under 5 in India: Cross sectional study of a nationally representative sample, Anita Raj, Niranjan Saggurti, Michael Winter, Alan Labonte, Michele R. Decker, Donta Balaiah, and Jay G. Silverman


The limited effect of knowing they are HIV-positive on the sexual and reproductive experiences and intentions of infected adolescents in Uganda, Francis Obare Onyango and Harriet Birungi


The nature of mothers' work and children's schooling in Nepal: The influence of income and time effects, Ashish Bajracharya


Transition into first sex among adolescents in slum and non-slum communities in Nairobi, Kenya, Caroline W. Kabiru, Donatien Beguy, Chi-Chi Undie, Eliya Msiyaphazi Zulu, and Alex C. Ezeh


Transition to marriage and parenthood among youth in Andhra Pradesh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Transition to marriage and parenthood among youth in India, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Transition to work roles among youth in India, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Understanding adolescent girls' protection strategies against HIV: An exploratory study in urban Lusaka, Joseph Simbaya, Martha Brady, Allison Stone, and Maya Vaughan-Smith


White paper: Enhancing adolescent financial capabilities through financial education in Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin, Laila Rahman, Sigma Ainul, Ubaidur Rob, Bushra Zaman, and Rinat Akter


Youth in India: Situation and Needs 2006–2007, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Youth in India: Situation and Needs 2006-2007, Andhra Pradesh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Youth in India: Situation and Needs 2006-2007—Executive summary, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Youth in India: Situation and Needs 2006-2007—Executive summary, Andhra Pradesh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Youth participation in civil society and political life in Andhra Pradesh, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Youth participation in civil society and political life in India, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council

Submissions from 2009

Abriendo Oportunidades ("Opening Opportunities"), Population Council


Adolescent girls, Population Council


Adolescent girls in urban Ethiopia: Vulnerability and opportunity, Abebaw Ferede and Annabel Erulkar


Adolescent girls programming and capacity-building workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, November 10-14, 2008: Workshop report, Population Council


BEING (Becoming Empowered in Nursing Growth): Training guide for nursing students on sexuality and gender, Maryann Washington


Broadening girls' horizons: Effects of life skills education programme in rural Uttar Pradesh, Rajib Acharya, Shveta Kalyanwala, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, and Vinita Nathani


Cartographie sociale des espaces de rencontres des adolescentes mariées ou non dans la zone d'intervention du projet, Gisele Kaboré, Abdoulaye Semde, and Lanko Some


Community interventions providing care and support to orphans and vulnerable children: A review of evaluation evidence, Katie D. Schenk


Directory of programs for rural girls in Ethiopia, Elshaday Kifle, Mekuria Yilma, and Emil Parker


Educational inequalities in the midst of persistent poverty: Diversity across Africa in educational outcomes, Cynthia B. Lloyd and Paul C. Hewett


Educational inequalities in the midst of persistent poverty: Diversity across Africa in educational outcomes, Cynthia B. Lloyd and Paul C. Hewett


Education and transition to work among youth in Tamil Nadu, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Ensuring education for all in Bihar: Highlighting the obstacles, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Ensuring education for all in Jharkhand: Highlighting the obstacles, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Ensuring education for all in Rajasthan: Highlighting the obstacles, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Étude approfondie sur les adolescents : Exploiter les données pour identifier et atteindre les jeunes les plus vulnérables—Bénin 2006, Population Council


Étude approfondie sur les adolescents : Exploiter les données pour identifier et atteindre les jeunes les plus vulnérables—Burkina Faso 2003, Population Council


Étude approfondie sur les adolescents : Exploiter les données pour identifier et atteindre les jeunes les plus vulnérables—Niger 2006, Population Council


Etude qualitative sur le mariage précoce des adolescentes: Leur vécu, leurs besoins en matière d'éducation, de santé de la reproduction et d'opportunités socio-économiques, Gisele Kaboré


Etude quantitative sur le mariage précoce et le vécu des adolescentes dans la zone d'intervention du projet: Etat des lieux et perspectives, Gisele Kaboré, Rene Dala, and Aristide R. Bado


Evaluation of Berhane Hewan: A program to delay child marriage in rural Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Eunice N. Muthengi


Exploring the lives of youth in the BPO sector: Findings from a study in Gurgaon, Monisha Vaid


Formative evaluation: Presidential Initiative on AIDS Strategy for Communication to Youth, Netsayi N. Mudege and Chi-Chi Undie


Hazards and gender in children's work: An Egyptian perspective, Nadia Zibani


HIV and children, Population Council


Itinéraires thérapeutiques des adolescentes pendant la grossesse, l'accouchement et la période post-partum dans la zone d'intervention du projet, Gisele Kaboré, Aicha Tamboura/Diawara, Assita Nacanabo Diallo, and Abdoulaye Karama


It's All One Curriculum: Activities for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


It's All One Curriculum: Guidelines for a Unified Approach to Sexuality, Gender, HIV, and Human Rights Education, International Sexuality and HIV Curriculum Working Group, Nicole Haberland, and Deborah Rogow


Kenyan in-school youths' level of understanding of abstinence, being faithful, and consistent condom use terms: Implications for HIV-prevention programs, Tiffany Lillie, Julie Pulerwitz, and Barbara Curbow


Looking beyond universal primary education: Gender differences in time use among children in rural Bangladesh, Sajeda Amin and S. Chandrasekhar


Measures of job quality in Morocco: Creating a composite index [Arabic], Touhami Abdelkhalek, Aziz Ajbilou, and Mohamed Benkassmi


Measuring and operationalizing job quality in Egypt, Ragui Assaad, Rania Roushdy, and Ali Rashed


Measuring and operationalizing job quality in Egypt [Arabic], Ragui Assaad, Rania Roushdy, and Ali Rashed


Medical response to male same-sex sexuality in western India: An exploration of 'conversion treatments' for homosexuality, Ketki Ranade


Mesures de la qualité de l'emploi au Maroc: Vers la construction d'un indicateur composite, Touhami Abdelkhalek, Aziz Ajbilou, and Mohamed Benkassmi


New Lessons: The Power of Educating Adolescent Girls—A Girls Count Report on Adolescent Girls, Cynthia B. Lloyd and Juliet Young


Operational research for the introduction of an adolescent health package in the context of cervical cancer prevention, Marieke G. van Dijk, Katherine Wilson, Claudia Diaz, and Sandra G. Garcia


Premarital sexual behaviour among unmarried college students of Gujarat, India, Rachna Sujay


Prevalence of child marriage and its effect on fertility and fertility-control outcomes of young women in India: A cross-sectional, observational study, Anita Raj, Niranjan Saggurti, Donta Balaiah, and Jay G. Silverman


Preventive service needs of young people perinatally infected with HIV in Uganda, Harriet Birungi, Francis Obare Onyango, John Frank Mugisha, Humphres Evelia, and Juliana K. Nyombi


Romance and sex before marriage among young women and men in Bihar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Romance and sex before marriage among young women and men in Jharkhand, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Romance and sex before marriage among young women and men in Rajasthan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Sexual behavior and desires among adolescents perinatally infected with human immunodeficiency virus in Uganda: Implications for programming, Harriet Birungi, John Frank Mugisha, Francis Obare Onyango, and Juliana K. Nyombi


Sexuality education matters: Experiences of youth in Tamil Nadu, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Population Council


Social exclusion and early or unwanted sexual initiation among poor urban females in Ethiopia, Annabel Erulkar and Abebaw Ferede


Special needs of in-school HIV positive young people in Uganda, Francis Obare, Harriet Birungi, Anne Katahoire, Hannington Nkayivu, and Aggrey David Kibenge


STI prevalence and associated factors among urban men in Pakistan, Ali M. Mir, Abdul Wajid, Laura Reichenbach, and Mumraiz Khan


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Armenia 2005, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Azerbaijan 2006, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Bangladesh 2007, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Benin 2006, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Bolivia 2003, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Burkina Faso 2003, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Cambodia 2005, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Cameroon 2004, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Chad 2004, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Colombia 2005, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Congo 2005, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Democratic Republic of Congo 2007, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Dominican Republic 2007, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Egypt 2005, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Ethiopia 2005, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Ghana 2003, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Guatemala 2002/2006, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Guinea 2005, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Haiti 2005/06, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Honduras 2005, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—India 2005/06, Population Council


The adolescent experience in-depth: Using data to identify and reach the most vulnerable young people—Indonesia 2002/03, Population Council