"Contraceptive use and fertility intentions among women living with HIV" by Integra Initiative

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At the end of 2013, an estimated 35 million people were living with HIV, and sub-Saharan Africa was disproportionately affected. With major efforts directed at expanding access to life-saving antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa, many people are living longer with HIV, leading productive and sexually active lives. Unintended pregnancies and the potential of vertical transmission are some of the challenges faced by women living with HIV. Understanding the fertility preferences and reproductive decisions of these women is vital for informing efforts to enable them to achieve these desires effectively and safely. The “Steps to Integration” series provides a guide on how to integrate HIV and SRH services based on findings from the Integra Initiative, managed by the International Planned Parenthood Federation in partnership with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the Population Council. Issue 6 of the series focuses on contraceptive use and fertility intentions among women living with HIV in Kenya and Swaziland. Key message: facilities and providers need to offer a wider choice of FP methods and improve information and access to long-term methods for women living with HIV who do not want more children.






Assessing the Benefits of Integrated HIV and Reproductive Health Services: The Integra Initiative
