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Given the complexity of conceptualizing and measuring unintended pregnancy, STEP UP convened an expert group meeting in Accra, Ghana with the objectives of contributing to a clearer understanding and agreed-upon definition of unintended pregnancy; reviewing existing approaches to the conceptualization and measurement of unintended pregnancy; drawing from existing approaches to propose and draft indicators, metrics, data collection instruments, and analysis strategies for measuring and tracking unintended pregnancy through multiple data collection procedures; and identifying challenges and opportunities for communicating evidence on unintended pregnancy and informing policy, planning, and investment decisions. Following presentations and discussions on these issues, participants reviewed the many topics and challenges that were raised during the meeting, and identified three priority actions that would both move the field forward substantively and be feasible with the resources currently available through STEP UP and participants’ own organizations.
Recommended Citation
"Conceptualizing and measuring unintended pregnancy and birth: Moving the field forward," STEP UP Meeting Report. Accra: Population Council, 2015.
Strengthening Evidence for Programming on Unintended Pregnancy (STEP UP)
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