"Training service providers on emergency contraception: Lessons learned" by M.E. Khan and Sharif M.I. Hossain

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The Bangladesh Directorate of Family Planning in collaboration with the Population Council, Pathfinder International, and John Snow, Inc. is conducting an operations research project to test the feasibility of introducing emergency contraceptive pills (ECP) in the national family planning (FP) program and to answer operational questions on implementing the use of ECP efficiently. In Bangladesh, 1.2 million births are unplanned and the number of menstrual regulation/abortions is increasing. ECP could be a good reproductive health intervention for women since it gives them a chance to avoid unwanted pregnancy. ECP does not induce abortion. In fact, it helps in reducing the number of abortions. In Bangladesh, emergency contraception is relatively new and there is general lack of knowledge even among doctors. Thus, training providers will be a critical element for the introduction of ECP. The present feasibility study, detailed in this research update, has been undertaken to answer operational questions that need to be addressed while introducing ECP in the national FP program. The study has been carried out in two districts, Tangail and Mymensingh.






Frontiers in Reproductive Health
