"Improving the quality of family planning and reproductive tract infect" by Md. Noorunnabi Talukder, Ubaidur Rob et al.

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Quality of care has been a neglected dimension of family planning (FP) services for a long time in Bangladesh. Furthermore, effective programs are yet to be implemented to address the imbalance in contraceptive method mix. As outlined in this report, efforts were made through an operations research project to improve the quality of FP and reproductive tract infection (RTI) services provided by NGO clinics in selected slums in Bangladesh. The capacity of these NGO clinics to offer high-quality services to slum neighborhoods was strengthened by training service providers, strengthening service delivery points, and improving counseling services to ensure client satisfaction. Service providers were trained to follow standard screening criteria and informed counseling so that clients can select an appropriate contraceptive method. They were also sensitized to counsel clients by using the “life cycle approach” with emphasis on long-term and permanent methods for women who have completed their family size. The aim of this study was to test a service delivery model for client-centered FP and RTI services to improve the reproductive health of couples living in urban slums.






Improving the Quality of Reproductive Health Services to Increase Demand
