"Planning and implementing an essential package of sexual and reproduct" by Katherine Williams, Charlotte E. Warren et al.

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The second goal of the United Nations Population Fund’s (UNFPA’s) 2008–11 Strategic Plan is “Universal access to reproductive health by 2015 and universal access to comprehensive HIV prevention by 2010 for improved quality of life.” UNFPA identified a number of outcomes that will contribute to achieving this goal. Through an extensive search of the published literature and collation of unpublished literature on programmatic experiences with developing and implementing integrated packages of SRH services, the Population Council gathered a body of evidence from which this guidance for UNFPA staff and national counterparts has been developed. UNFPA identified two priority areas: integrating family planning into maternal and newborn care services, and integrating services for preventing and managing sexually transmitted infections/reproductive tract infections into primary health care services. This guidance document comprises three sections: the Introduction, the “How To” steps, and the evidence base supporting the recommendations and action-points proposed in each tool. This evidence-base includes key findings and summary recommendations from the literature review and a bibliography of the references included in the literature review.




