"Trafficking of minor girls for commercial sexual exploitation in India" by K.G. Santhya, Shireen J. Jejeebhoy et al.

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Understanding factors that place minor girls at risk of being trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation (CSE) and the consequences of trafficking for their health and life-course trajectories is limited by the scattered evidence available on these issues. The role of various stakeholders in trafficking, namely, families, traffickers, and brothel owners, and the role of law enforcement agencies in preventing it are also poorly understood. Further, adequate data consolidating the responses of government and nongovernmental organizations to issues related to CSE of minor girls are lacking. There is a need, therefore, to consolidate this scattered body of evidence and to identify research and program gaps. This report presents a synthesis of available evidence on trafficking of girls for CSE in India. It sheds light on the magnitude of trafficking of minor girls for CSE, their perspectives and experiences, the factors that place them at risk, and the consequences; the perspectives and experiences of traffickers and brothel owners; and the extent to which laws, policies, and programs in India have helped to prevent trafficking of minor girls for CSE.




