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[Arabic] Egyptian youth amazed the world in 2011 during the 18 days of the January 25 revolution, and again in 2013 during the June 30 revolution, however this has not had a significant impact on their political and social participation. This brief aims to shed light on young people’s participation in the aftermath of these revolutions, which embodied their hopes for greater empowerment and participation. The brief uses data from the second round of the Survey of Young People in Egypt conducted by the Population Council in 2013/2014 in collaboration with the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, and a number of other recent surveys. The brief includes policy recommendations for increasing civic and political participation among young people, such as: opening up new platforms for youth participation; enforcement of the constitution; activating the role of traditional media in increasing youth participation on different Egyptian issues; encouraging a more active role by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in the development of civic and political participation; and redesigning programs and activities of political parties and NGOs in order to better attract young people.






Survey of Young People in Egypt
