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Between June and August 2020, a COVID-19 mobile-phone survey was completed in four locations across Kenya with 3,921 adolescents ages 10–19. A total of 1,022 interviews were completed in Nairobi, 602 in Kisumu, 1,063 in Kilifi, and 1,234 in Wajir. Households in each site were sampled from underlying cohort studies conducted by the Population Council. As noted in this brief, awareness of COVID-19 and adoption of preventive behaviors is high. Most adolescents have not had COVID-19 or know anyone who has, but all are being impacted by the mitigation policies (e.g., physical distancing measures and school closures). With phased school reopening having begun in October 2020, it will be critical to facilitate a return to the classroom, and to address widespread challenges including food insecurity and mental health. Identifying and supporting high-risk youth, particularly those who are working or experiencing household violence, will be critical, representing about 10 percent of the adolescents interviewed.
Recommended Citation
"Social, health, education and economic effects of COVID -19 on adolescent girls in Kenya: Results from adolescent surveys in Kilifi, Nairobi, Wajir, and Kisumu Counties, October 2020," COVID-19 Research & Evaluations brief. Nairobi: Population Council, 2020.
Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic