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From July 16–30, 2020, a COVID-19 knowledge, attitudes, and practices phone survey was completed with 1,322 adults in Wajir, Kenya. Households were part of the ongoing Adolescent Girls Initiative–Kenya cohort across 79 villages in Wajir, an underdeveloped area of Kenya. The pandemic and associated social distancing and lockdown measures have had a large economic, health, and social impact on respondents. Many are earning less income, and a substantial percentage are experiencing food insecurity. Relative to need, very few adults are receiving assistance. Among the recommendations in this brief are that public education campaigns focus on ensuring that people know that anyone can become infected with COVID-19 and spread it without showing symptoms, and ensuring that those who test positive receive needed food and medical care. Government and NGO assistance to adults in Wajir has been minimal despite large numbers forgoing meals and experiencing income loss. Assistance in the form of food, vouchers, or cash should be provided and targeted to those with greatest need. As school closures continue, the government must seek out additional avenues for children to access learning content.






Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic
