"Youth in India: Situation and needs 2006-2007, Maharashtra" by International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)

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The Youth in India: Situation and Needs Study (Youth Study) is the first-ever subnationally representative study conducted to identify key transitions experienced by married and unmarried youth in India. While today’s youth are healthier, more urbanized, and better educated than earlier generations, social and economic vulnerabilities persist. In the course of the transition to adulthood, young people face significant risks related to sexual and reproductive health, and many lack the knowledge and power to make informed sexual and reproductive choices. Several national policies and programs formulated since 2000 have underscored a commitment to addressing the multiple needs of this group in India. Effective implementation, however, has been handicapped by lack of evidence on young people’s situation and needs. The Youth Study, which collected information pertaining to key transitions experienced by youths, was conducted in six states of India: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, and Tamil Nadu. This report focuses on findings from the survey conducted in Maharashtra. During the survey, 8,649 young people were contacted, of which a total of 7,570 married and unmarried young women and men were successfully interviewed.






Youth in India: Situation and Needs Study
