"Technical assistance to the Uganda AIDS Commission for operationallisa" by Frederick Makumbi, Roy Mayega et al.

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The Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) has committed to rolling out and making operational a new National Performance Monitoring and Management Plan (PMMP) to monitor and evaluate the national response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The PMMP has at its core the collection and processing of 58 national indicators, 47 district output indicators, and 22 outcome indicators covering prevention, care, treatment, and social support. The rollout is challenging because at least seven organizations must collaborate at the national level, and appropriate staff at the district level need to be in place and trained in new procedures of data collection. In addition, these data are to be supplied to district planning organizations that may or may not be functioning and the cooperation of civil society organizations is necessary even though their participation is voluntary. The Population Council and Makerere University School of Public Health were funded by USAID/Uganda to assist the UAC in assessing these challenges and determining appropriate procedures for creating a successful rollout of the new PMMP system. This final report focuses on recommendations for successful completion of the rollout.






HIV/AIDS Evaluation, Assessment, and Formative Research
