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AFFORD is a five-year (2005–10) social marketing initiative financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Uganda. It supports the Uganda Ministry of Health’s strategic plan to promote positive health-care-seeking behavior and reduce the shortage of health products and services related to family planning and reproductive health; child health; malaria prevention and treatment; and HIV prevention, care, and treatment. AFFORD seeks to achieve the sustainable marketing of products and services that prevent transmission of HIV, malaria, and diarrheal diseases; to help couples plan their families; and to help people living with HIV enjoy improved quality of life. Target groups include families, young couples, caretakers of children under age five, pregnant women, and people living with HIV. AFFORD’s objectives are to increase accessibility and affordability of products and services, enhance knowledge and correct use of products and services to encourage and sustain healthy behaviors and lifestyles, and establish and build capacity of an indigenous health marketing organization and distribution system. This report details a mid-term evaluation to determine the initiative’s progress, identify course corrections for the remaining two years of programming, and inform future programming.
Recommended Citation
Rohozynsky, Oleksandr, Christie Billingsley, and Annette Bongiovanni. 2009. "The AFFORD Health Marketing Initiative in Uganda: Mid-term evaluation." New York: Population Council.
HIV/AIDS Evaluation, Assessment, and Formative Research
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