Submissions from 2002
Formation et soutien pour les scientifiques démographiques des pays en développement: Rapport du groupe d'experts—Sommaire et recommandations, Jane Menken, Ann K. Blanc, and Cynthia B. Lloyd
Training and Support of Developing-Country Population Scientists: A Panel Report, Jane Menken, Ann K. Blanc, and Cynthia B. Lloyd
Training and support of developing-country population scientists: A panel report—Summary and recommendations, Jane Menken, Ann K. Blanc, and Cynthia B. Lloyd
Premarital sex in Vietnam: Is the current concern with adolescent reproductive health warranted?, Barbara Mensch, Wesley H. Clark, and Dang Nguyen Anh
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Burkina Faso 1999, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Burkina Faso 1998–1999, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Colombia 1995, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Comoros 1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Haiti 1994, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Kazakstan 1995, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Kyrgystan 1997, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Nepal 1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Nicaragua 1998, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Nigeria 1999, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Paraguay 1990, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Philippines 1998, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Rwanda 1992, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Tanzania 1999, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Turkey 1993, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Uzbekistan 1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Zambia 1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Zimbabwe 1999, Population Council
Living arrangements and socio-demographic conditions of older adults in Cambodia, Zachary Zimmer and Sovan Kiry Kim
Changes in functional limitations and survival among the elderly in Taiwan: 1993, 1996, and 1999, Zachary Zimmer, Linda G. Martin, and Ming-Cheng Chang
Submissions from 2001
Household size and composition in the developing world, John Bongaarts
Household size and composition in the developing world [Arabic], John Bongaarts
The end of the fertility transition in the developed world, John Bongaarts
Living arrangements of older adults in the developing world: An analysis of DHS household surveys, John Bongaarts and Zachary Zimmer
Living arrangements of older adults in the developing world: An analysis of DHS household surveys [Arabic], John Bongaarts and Zachary Zimmer
Obstacles to contraceptive use in Pakistan: A study in Punjab, John B. Casterline, Zeba Sathar, and Minhaj ul Haque
Ecological degradation, rural poverty, and migration in Ethiopia: A contextual analysis, Markos Ezra
Increasing coverage of reproductive health issues in the Indonesian print media, Wanda Firmansyah, Sahar Hegazi, Siti Rokhmawati Darwisyah, and Lila Amaliah
Poverty and public services in developing-country cities, Paul C. Hewett and Mark R. Montgomery
Influencing reproductive health policy and programs in the Philippines: Implementing an advocacy model for utilization of operations research, Saniata Masulit, Marilou P. Costello, and Sahar Hegazi
Immunization status and child survival in rural Ghana, Philomena Nyarko, Brian Wells Pence, and Cornelius Debpuur
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Bénin 1996, Population Council
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Cameroun 1998, Population Council
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Côte d’Ivoire 1994, Population Council
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Mali 1995–1996, Population Council
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Maroc 1992, Population Council
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Niger 1998, Population Council
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Republique Centrafricaine 1994–1995, Population Council
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Sênêgal 1992-1993 et 1997, Population Council
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Tchad 1996–1997, Population Council
Données sur les adolescents tirées de l’Enquête Démographique et de Santé—Tableaux Statistiques aux fins de la préparation de programmes: Togo 1998, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Bangladesh 1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Benin 1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Bolivia 1998, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Brazil 1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Burkina Faso 1993, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Cameroon 1998, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Central African Republic 1994–1995, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Chad 1996–1997, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Côte d'Ivoire 1994, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Egypt 1995, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Ghana 1998, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Guatemala 1995, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: India 1992–1993, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Indonesia 1997, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Jordan 1997, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Kenya 1998, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Madagascar 1997, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Malawi 1992, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Mali 1995–1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Morocco 1992, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Mozambique 1997, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Namibia 1992, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Niger 1998, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Nigeria 1990, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Pakistan 1990–1991, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Peru 1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Senegal 1992–1993 and 1997, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Tanzania 1996, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Togo 1998, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Uganda 1995, Population Council
Facts about adolescents from the Demographic and Health Survey—Statistical tables for program planning: Zimbabwe 1994, Population Council
Whose education counts? The impact of grown children's education on the physical functioning of their parents in Taiwan, Zachary Zimmer, Albert I. Hermalin, and Hui-Sheng Lin
Submissions from 2000
Spatial variation in contraceptive use in Bangladesh: Looking beyond the borders, Sajeda Amin, Alaka Malwade Basu, and Rob Stephenson
Some preconditions for fertility decline in Bengal: History, language identity, and an openness to innovations, Alaka Malwade Basu and Sajeda Amin
Future trends in contraception in the developing world: Prevalence and method mix, John Bongaarts and Elof D.B. Johansson
Unmet need for family planning in developing countries and implications for population policy, John B. Casterline and Steven W. Sinding
Unmet need for family planning in developing countries and implications for population policy [Arabic], John B. Casterline and Steven W. Sinding
Greater investments in children through women's empowerment: A key to demographic change in Pakistan?, Valerie L. Durrant and Zeba Sathar
Local level authorities and local action in Greater Khartoum, Sudan [Arabic], Gamal M. Hamid
Gender and generation in household labor supply in Jordan, Mary Kawar
Gender and generation in household labor supply in Jordan [Arabic], Mary Kawar
The female condom: Dynamics of use in urban Zimbabwe, Deanna Kerrigan, Steve Mobley, Naomi Rutenberg, Andrew A. Fisher, and Ellen Weiss
Socialization to gender roles and marriage among Egyptian adolescents, Barbara Mensch, Barbara L. Ibrahim, Susan M. Lee, and Omaima El-Gibaly
Schooling opportunities for girls as a stimulus for fertility change in rural Pakistan, Zeba Sathar, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Cem Mete, and Minhaj ul Haque
Submissions from 1999
The fertility impact of changes in the timing of childbearing in the developing world, John Bongaarts
Completing the demographic transition, John Bongaarts and Rodolfo A. Bulatao
Urban growth in developing countries: A review of projections and predictions, Martin Brockerhoff
The decline of female circumcision in Egypt: Evidence and interpretation, Omaima El-Gibaly, Barbara L. Ibrahim, Barbara Mensch, and Wesley H. Clark
The decline of female circumcision in Egypt: Evidence and interpretation [Arabic], Omaima El-Gibaly, Barbara L. Ibrahim, Barbara Mensch, and Wesley H. Clark
Fertility preferences and contraceptive change in developing countries, Bamikale J. Feyisetan and John B. Casterline
The spread of primary schooling in sub-Saharan Africa: Implications for fertility change, Cynthia B. Lloyd, Carol E. Kaufman, and Paul C. Hewett
Population weights in the international order, Geoffrey McNicoll
Mortality decline and the demographic response: Toward a new agenda, Mark R. Montgomery
The quantity-quality transition in Asia, Mark R. Montgomery, Mary Arends-Kuenning, and Cem Mete
Measuring living standards with proxy variables, Mark R. Montgomery, Michele Gragnolati, Kathleen A. Burke, and Edmundo Paredes