"Factors influencing the acceptability of the Test, Treat and Refer pra" by Toyin O. Akomolafe, Sikiru Baruwa et al.

Factors influencing the acceptability of the Test, Treat and Refer practice for malaria among caregivers of under 5 children at community pharmacies and drug shops in Nigeria

Document Type

Data Set

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Malaria affects children under the age of five and pregnant women, leading to high morbidity and mortality rates. In sub-Saharan Africa, Patent and Proprietary Medicine Vendors (PPMVs) have been identified as key players in the provision of malaria treatment due to their accessibility and availability in communities, however, PPMVs do not usually tested before fever cases are treated as malaria or refer clients.

The dataset includes 150 caregivers of children under five years old who received malaria services from trained CPs and PPMVs on the IntegratE project in Kaduna and Lagos states, Nigeria. Data collection was conducted between May and July 2022 via quantitative telephone interviews after CPs and PPMVs informed their clients about the study and requested their permission to share their details, including phone numbers, with the IntegratE Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation (RME) team.

The purpose this study was to explore the factors influencing caregivers’ acceptance of the test, treatment and referral practices for malaria management provided by CPs and PPMVs in Kaduna and Lagos states, Nigeria.




