Dapivirine Vaginal Ring (PrEP Ring) | Special Series | Population Council


Articles (peer-reviewed)


Acceptability of a dapivirine levonorgestrel vaginal ring in two Phase 1 trials (MTN-030/IPM 041 and MTN-044/IPM 053/CCN019): Implications for multipurpose prevention technology development, Barbara Friedland, Holly Gundacker, Sharon Achilles, Beatrice A. Chen, Craig Hoesley, Barbra A. Richardson, Clifton W. Kelly, Jeanna Piper, Sherri Johnson, Brid Devlin, John Steytler, Kyle Kleinbeck, Bindi Dangi, Chantel Friend, Mei Song, Barbara Mensch, Ariane van der Straten, Cindy Jacobson, Craig W. Hendrix, Jill Brown, Diana Blithe, Sharon L. Hiller, and on behalf of the MTN-030/IPM 041 and MTN-044/IPM 053/CCN019 Protocol Teams for the Microbicide Trials Network and the Contraceptive Clinical Trials Network


Adherence, safety, and choice of the monthly dapivirine vaginal ring or oral emtricitabine plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among African adolescent girls and young women: A randomised, open-label, crossover trial, Gonasagrie Nair, Connie Celum, Daniel Szydlo, Elizabeth R. Brown, Carolyne Akello, Rita Nakalega, et al., and John Steytler


Baseline preferences for oral pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) or dapivirine intravaginal ring for HIV prevention among adolescent girls and young women in South Africa, Uganda and Zimbabwe (MTN-034/IPM-045 study), Kenneth Ngure, Barbara Friedland, Daniel W. Szydlo, Sarah Roberts, Morgan Garcia, Lisa Levy, Carolyne Akello, Krishnaveni Reddy, Thesla Palanee-Phillips, Pippa Macdonald, Bekezela Siziba, Lydia Soto-Torres, Sybil Hosek, Sharon L. Hillier, Gonasagrie Nair, Connie Celum, and Ariane van der Straten


Transport and permeation properties of dapivirine: Understanding potential drug-drug interactions, Ruohui Zheng, Guru R. Valicherla, Junmei Zhang, Jeremy Nuttall, Peter Silvera, Leslie J. Marshall, Philip E. Empey, and Lisa C. Rohan



Coming Full Circle: Microbicide Development at the Population Council, James Sailer, Barbara Friedland, Diantha Pillay, Christopher J. Elias, Sharon L. Hillier, and Georgina Caswell


PrEP Ring videos, Population Council

Fact Sheets


3-Month Dapivirine Vaginal Ring: A longer-acting dapivirine vaginal ring for HIV protection, IPM South Africa


Dapivirine Levonorgestrel Vaginal Ring: A multipurpose prevention ring for HIV and contraceptive protection, IPM South Africa


Dapivirine Vaginal Ring: A long-acting ring for women's HIV prevention, IPM South Africa


Pioneering HIV prevention options for women, IPM South Africa


Support for healthcare provider education—Overview, IPM South Africa



Global Healthcare Provider Training Package: Dapivirine Vaginal Ring (PrEP Ring), IPM South Africa



The PrEP Ring Quarterly—Edition 1, October 2024, IPM South Africa



Acceptability and feasibility study for the DVR in three cities in Indonesia (Bali, Makassar and Tegal), ThinkPlace and UNAIDS



Acceptability and feasibility study for the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring in Cambodia: A qualitative study on the Dapivirine Vaginal Ring for use amongst cisgender women at substantial HIV risk in Cambodia, Kingdom of Cambodia, National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD