Focus group discussions on Syrian refugees' access to reproductive health services in Lebanon

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Data collection included twelve Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). In each city (Bar Elias and Saad Nayel), we carried out: a) Two FGDs with 15–19-year-old married girls (one FGD with women living inside Informal Tented Settlements [ITS] and one FGD outside ITS). We included young girls to understand their demand for and access to RHS and modern contraception methods given the high risks of adolescent pregnancy. b) Two FGDs with 20–35-year-old married women inside and outside the ITS. C) Two FGDs with women who were above 35-year-old (inside and outside ITS) and who were often mothers or mothers-in-law of women or girls married before age 18. We wanted to include this group of women given their important role in the decision-making process regarding use of RHS and FP. FGDs guide covered the following: the current hardships experienced by refugees that emerged since the political, financial, and pandemic crises; the influence of the crises on refugees’ perception of ideal number of children and their demand for modern contraception; current access to RHS and use of modern contraception and women’s suggestions of strategies to improve their access to RHS given the current crises. Both guides were pretested in June 2020 before data collection.


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Humanitarian Task Force (HTF)
