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Breakthrough RESEARCH has conducted a study to monitor the family planning (FP) quality assurance branding campaign in Côte d’Ivoire called Confiance Totale. Implemented by Breakthrough ACTION, Confiance Totale (French for Complete Trust) aims to increase demand for and use of quality FP services in Francophone West Africa. The promotional campaign, developed in early 2020, theorizes that promotion of safe and effective FP within a supportive social context will lead to an increase in demand for FP services, following the theory that mass media influence not only individual FP skills and knowledge but also environmental supports, constraints, and ideational factors in the cognitive, social, and emotional domains. Confiance Totale addressed these determinants by providing guidance to couples to increase communication about FP and by addressing key concerns, encouraging audiences to have confidence in the safety and effectiveness of FP methods and the need for FP services to offer welcoming, competent providers.

The monitoring study, conducted by Breakthrough RESEARCH, sought to determine (1) the level of unprompted recall of the Confiance Totale campaign among target beneficiaries and (2) if recall of the campaign was associated with higher levels of perceptions of FP safety, FP-related social norms, self-efficacy, spousal communication about FP, intention to talk to a partner about FP, intention to seek FP information at a health facility, intention to use FP, and current use of FP methods.






Breakthrough RESEARCH
