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The Kenya Gender and Education Roadmap is a series of four evidence briefs designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the gender and education landscape in Kenya. Drawing from a variety of key data sources, including the Population Council’s Evidence for Gender and Education Resource (EGER) Database, DHS and national-level datasets, and recent literature from East Africa the series provides data-driven insights into gender-related barriers to schooling, especially for girls. By combining needs assessments, current evidence, and practice-based research, the series sheds light on the alignments and gaps in Kenya’s efforts to achieve gender equity in education. This brief aims to provide an overview of the current state of gender and education needs in Kenya, by providing data-driven insights using the 2014 and 2022 Kenya Demographic and Health Surveys (KDHS), the 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census, and the 2018 Monitoring Learner Achievement report (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics and ICF 2014, 2022; Kenya National Bureau of Statistics 2019; Kenya National Examinations Council 2018).
Recommended Citation
López-Lalinde, Lina, Meredith Kozak, Eva Muluve, Ruth Nanjekho Wafubwa, and Erica Soler-Hampejsek. 2024. "The state of gender and education needs in Kenya: The missing step toward gender equity," Kenya Gender and Education Roadmap, Brief no. 1. EGER, Population Council.
The Evidence for Gender and Education Resource (EGER)
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