"Training manual on basic monitoring and evaluation of social and behav" by Praween Kumar Agrawal, Kumudha Aruldas et al.

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Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions are key for addressing social and cultural barriers and achieving goals laid out for health programs. Often these interventions are not evidence based and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is limited. Lack of trained and skilled human resources for M&E has been a limitation in general. A serious effort is needed to build the capacity of M&E personnel to monitor and evaluate performance of SBCC interventions in terms of reach and effectiveness among intended audiences. The Improving Healthy Behaviors Program of FHI360 aims to provide technical assistance to strengthen capacities to monitor and evaluate SBCC intervention for maternal health, family planning, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS of public program managers at national, state, and district levels. The Population Council will train a cadre of master trainers on M&E of SBCC activities at the national and state level who would further build capacity of human resources responsible for M&E of SBCC activities at the district level. This training manual has been prepared to address capacity building for M&E of SBCC interventions.




